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词汇 debt


Word family adjectivedebtednoundebteedebtordebt
debt /det/ ●●● S3 W2 noun  
1 [countableC]OWE a sum of money that a person or organization owes 债务,欠款
debt of
 She had debts of over £100,000.
 He had enough money to pay off his outstanding debts.
 students who run up huge debts
2 [uncountableU]OWE when you owe money to someone 欠债,负债 OPP credit
in debt (to somebody)
 Nearly half the students said they were in debt.
 The band will be in debt to the record company for years.
£200/$1,000 etc in debt
 A rash business decision left him $600 in debt.
get/run/fall etc into debt
 The club sank deeper into debt.
be heavily/deeply in debt (=owe a lot of money) 负债累累
3 EFFECT/INFLUENCE[countableC usually singular] the degree to which you have learned from or been influenced by someone or something else 影响;教益
debt to
 Braque acknowledged his debt to Impressionist painting.
4 debt of gratitude/thanks THANKthe fact of being grateful to someone who has helped you 恩情,人情债
 I owe a debt of gratitude to my tutors.
Examples from the Corpus
have debts 欠债
Fortunately, I have no debts.
run up debts (also amass debts formal) (=borrow more and more money) 积欠债务
At that time he was drinking a lot and running up debts.
pay off a debt (=pay the money back) 还债
The first thing I'm going to do is pay off my debts.
repay/settle a debt formal (=pay the money back) 【正式】还债
He was hoping he would soon have enough money to settle his debts.
clear your debts (=repay all of them) 还清债务
It took him three years to clear his bank debts.
service a debt (=pay the interest on a debt, but not pay it back) 支付债务利息
By then, she was borrowing more money just to service her debts.
write off/cancel a debt (=say officially that it does not have to be paid) 勾销债务
The bank finally agreed to write off the debt.
be burdened with/saddled with debts (=have big debts) 债台高筑
Many poor countries are saddled with huge debts.
reduce a debt 减少债务
nThe programme aims to reduce the debt of the world's poorest countries.
big/large 大额的
The debts got bigger and bigger.
huge (=very big) 巨额的
Young people often leave university with huge debts.
unpaid/outstanding (=not yet paid) 未偿付的
The average outstanding debt on credit cards in Britain is now over £3,000.
heavy debts (=big debts) 高额债务
The company wanted to reduce its heavy debts.
a bad debt (=one that is unlikely to be paid back) 坏账
Companies lose millions of pounds each year from having to write off bad debts.
a bank debt (=one that you owe to a bank) 银行债务
nThe company closed with bank debts of about £350 million.
the national debt (=the total amount that is owed by the government of a country) 国债
nTheir national debt is the third largest in the world.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
debtdebt /det/ noun
1[countableC] money that one person, organization, country etc owes to another
The country will not receive further funds after it failed to repay debts of $16 million.
The importer will have to settle his debt in the exporter’s currency.
Once we have cleared the debt (=paid it), we could buy a car with another loan.
2[uncountableU] the state of owing money
Families in debt on their fuel bills are already choosing between heating and eating.
People with children are much more likely to get into debt than people without children.
He was so heavily in debt that he had to sell off his house and car.
3[uncountableU]FINANCECOMMERCE capital borrowed by a business or government organization on which it pays interest
We need to sell assets to reduce our debt.
This company has enormous cash flow and it should have no problem servicing its debt (=making interest payments on its debt).
If you possibly can, use the cash to pay down debt (=reduce the amount of debt owed).
We should now be able to get cheaper loans, retire our costliest debt (=repay loans) and improve our capital structure.
The IMF has failed to find money to help write off debts (=to no longer expect or demand repayment) of the poorest countries.
see also acknowledgement of debt
bad debt bank debt book debt consumer debt corporate debt doubtful debt external debt fixed-rate debt floating debt foreign debt investment-grade debt judgement debt junior debt long-term debt medium-term debt mezzanine debt national debt public debt secured debt senior debt short-term debt sovereign debt subordinated debt Third World debt trade debt unsecured debt
Origin debt
(1200-1300) Old French dette, from Latin debitum, from debere to owe




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