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词汇 cycle


Word family noun cycle cyclercyclicalitycyclicismcyclicitycyclingcyclistcycloidcycloidiancyclosiscycle lanecyclepathadjective cyclic cyclical cycloidaladverb cyclically
Related topics: Chronology, Bicycles, carts, horses, Motor vehicles, Daily life, Technology, Arts
cy·cle1 /ˈsaɪkəl/ ●●○ S3 W3 AWL noun [countableC]  
1 TMCORDER/SEQUENCEa number of related events that happen again and again in the same order 循环(周期) cyclic
 a woman’s menstrual cycle
cycle of
 the cycle of the seasons
 Sometimes the only way to break the cycle of violence in the home is for the wife to leave.
life cycle, → vicious cycle at vicious circle
2 TTBTTC especially British EnglishBrE a bicycle or motorcycle 自行车;摩托车
 cycle routes
3 DTthe period of time needed for a machine to finish a process 〔机器的〕工作循环,运转周期
 This washing machine has a 50-minute cycle.
4. Aa group of songs, poems etc that are all about a particular important event 〔有关某重大事件的〕组歌,组诗
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 1: a number of related events that happen again and again in the same order
something’s life cycle (=the stages of life that happen in order)
Dragonflies develop wings in the last stage of their life cycle.
an annual/monthly/weekly cycle (=the related events that repeat themselves every year, month etc)
the annual cycle of planting and harvesting crops
a business/economic/election etc cycle (=related events in business, the economy etc that repeat themselves over a certain period)
the presidential election cycle
the lunar/solar cycle (=relating to the moon or the sun)
the 28-day lunar cycle
a natural cycle
the natural cycle of birth and death
the menstrual cycle (=relating to the blood that women lose each month)
Illness can disrupt your menstrual cycle.
go/pass through a cycle
Advanced economies seem to go through a regular cycle.
break a cycle (=stop a bad cycle happening)
If people can get jobs, they can break the cycle of poverty and debt.
complete a cycle
The birds were able to complete their breeding cycle as farmers delayed cutting the hedges.
a cycle of poverty/activity/birth and death etc
the cycle of violence between the two countries
be trapped in a cycle
The country is trapped in a cycle of poverty and under-development.
a stage/phase of a cycle
the recovery phase of the economic cycle
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: a bicycle or motorcycle
cycle + NOUN
a cycle lane (=part of a road that only cycles can use)
Cars are not allowed in the cycle lanes.
a cycle path/track (=path for cycles in a park, wood etc, or beside a road)
The forest is full of beautiful cycle paths.
a cycle route (=way of getting somewhere on a cycle)
I bought a map of all the cycle routes in the area.
a cycle ride (=trip on a bicycle for pleasure)
We went for a 20 km cycle ride.
a cycle race
the annual cycle race around France
a cycle helmet (=hat to protect your head)
He wasn’t wearing a cycle helmet.
cycle hire (=hiring a cycle to use)
Cycle hire is available in the town centre.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Bicycles, carts, horses
cycle2 ●●○ AWL verb  
1 TTB[intransitiveI] especially British EnglishBrE to travel by bicycle 骑自行车 SYN American English bike
cycle to/down/home etc
 Do you cycle to work?
2 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] American EnglishAmE to go through a series of related events again and again, or to make something do this (使)循环
 The water is cycled through the machine and reused.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
cyclecy·cle /ˈsaɪkəl/ noun [countableC]
a series of events that happen in an order that regularly repeats itself
Approved Training Practices are monitored by the Association on a five-year cycle.
billing cycle business cycle job cycle trade cycle see also Kondratiev cycle
Origin cycle1
(1300-1400) French Late Latin cyclus, from Greek kyklos circle, wheel, cycle




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