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词汇 currency


Word family nouncurrencycurrentnesscurrent accountcurrent affairsadverbcurrentlyadjectivecurrent
Related topics: Currencies
cur·ren·cy /ˈkʌrənsi $ ˈkɜːr-/ ●●○ W3 AWL noun (plural currencies)  
1 PEC[countableC, uncountableU] the system or type of money that a country uses 货币,通货
 The bank can supply you with foreign currency.
5 There are moves towards a single currency in Europe.
n The euro is the single currency for 12 of the European Union’s 15 member states.
 The local currency is the Swiss franc.
hard currencysee thesaurus at money
2 [uncountableU]USE something the state of being accepted or used by a lot of people 流传,通行;被接受,传播
 The argument has received wide currency.
 Marxism began to gain currency.
 The idea was common currency in European political life.
foreign currency (=the type of money that other countries use)
You can buy foreign currency at the post office.
the local/national currency (=the type of money that a particular country uses)
The local currency of Zambia is the 'kwacha'.
a single currency (=one currency for the countries in Europe)
Britain does not use the single currency.
a hard/strong currency (=currency from a country with a strong economy)
They accept American dollars and other hard currencies.
weak (=from a country with a weak economy)
The fund was set up to support weak currencies.
stable (=not likely to rise or fall suddenly)
The government want to maintain a stable currency.
change/convert currency (=change money from one currency to another)
There’s usually a charge for converting currencies.
devalue the currency (=reduce the value of a country’s money in relation to other currencies)
The Finance Minister was forced to devalue the currency.
a currency rises/falls (=it goes up or down in relation to other currencies)
The currency fell from 144 to the dollar twelve months ago to 812.
currency + NOUN
currency exchange (=the process of changing from one country’s currency to another)
Banks make good profits on currency exchange.
the currency markets (=the financial markets where currencies are bought and sold)
the dollar’s recent rise on the currency markets
currency movements/fluctuations (=changes in the values of currencies)
Global trends such as oil prices influence currency movements.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
currencycur·ren·cy /ˈkʌrənsiˈkɜːr-/ (written abbreviation cur) noun (plural currencies)FINANCE
1[countableC, uncountableU] the system or type of money used in a particular country
The local currency is the rupee.
The dollar was lower against European currencies.
see also basket of currencies
blocked currency convertible currency decimal currency domestic currency fixed currency floating currency foreign currency hard currency non-convertible currency paper currency pegged currency reserve currency single currency soft currency
2[uncountableU]ECONOMICS in the US, banknotes and coins, especially when considered as part of the MONEY SUPPLY (=the amount of money in an economy at a particular time)
The money supply, essentially the sum of all currency and bank deposits, barely grew in the fourth quarter.
Origin currency
(1600-1700) Medieval Latin currentia flowing, from Latin currere; → CURRENT1




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