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词汇 crown


Word family adjectivecrownedcrownlessnouncrownercrownetcrowningcrownletcrown colonycrowned headcrownworkcrown
Related topics: Jewellery, Officials, Hospital, Sport, Currencies
crown1 /kraʊn/ ●●○ W3 noun  
1 crown.jpg hat for king/queen 王冠 [countableC]
a) DCJa circle made of gold and decorated with jewels, worn by kings and queens on their heads 王冠,冕
b) PGOa circle, sometimes made of things such as leaves or flowers, worn by someone who has won a special honour 〔象征特殊荣誉的〕花冠
2 COUNTRY’S RULER 国君the Crown  (also the crown)
a) PGOthe position of being king or queen 王位
 The treaty of Troyes made Henry V heir to the crown of France.
n Questioning the authority of the Crown was considered an act of treason.
b) PGthe government of a country such as Britain that is officially led by a king or queen 王国政府
 He has retired from the service of the Crown.
Examples from the Corpus
3. tooth 牙齿 [countableC]MH an artificial top for a damaged tooth 人造齿冠
4 head [usually singular]TOP the top part of a hat or someone’s head 〔帽子或头的〕顶部
crown of
 auburn hair piled high on the crown of her head
 a hat with a high crown
5 hill [usually singular] the top of a hill or something shaped like a hill 山顶;顶部
crown of
 They drove to the crown of Zion hill and on into town.
 The masonry at the crown of the arch is paler than on either curve.
6 sports 体育 [usually singular]DS the position you have if you have won an important sports competition 冠军称号,冠军宝座,桂冠
 Can she retain her Wimbledon crown?
 He went on to win the world crown in 2001.
7 money [countableC]
a) PECthe standard unit of money in some European countries 克朗〔欧洲一些国家的货币单位〕
 Swedish crowns
b) PECan old British coin. Four crowns made a pound. 克朗〔英国旧时硬币,四克朗为一英镑〕
8. SIGN/SYMBOLpicture 图像 [countableC] a mark, sign, badge etc in the shape of a crown, used especially to show rank or quality 王冠状物〔标记、符号、徽章等,尤用于表示等级或质量〕
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Officials, Hospital
crown2 verb [transitiveT]  
1 PGOto place a crown on the head of a new king or queen as part of an official ceremony in which they become king or queen 加冕 coronation
 Louis was crowned at Reims in 814.
crown somebody (as) king/queen etc
 In 1896 Nicholas was crowned as Tsar.
2 to give someone a title for winning a competition 封冠
 She was crowned Wimbledon champion.
3 PERFECTto make something perfect or complete, by adding an achievement etc 〔通过增添成就等〕使圆满成功;完善
crown somebody with something
 a long career crowned with a peaceful retirement
4 be crowned with something literaryTOP having something on top 被覆以某物
 every hill is crowned with a walled village
Examples from the Corpus
5. MHto put a protective top on a damaged tooth 给〔受损牙齿〕镶假牙冠
6. informalHIT to hit someone on the head 打〔某人〕的头部
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
crowncrown /kraʊn/ noun
1the Crown the government of a country such as Britain that is officially led by a king or queen
The islands are possessions of the Crown.
2[countableC]FINANCE the English name for a unit of currency used in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden
The Swedish drug company had pre-tax profits of 545 million crowns.
Origin crown1
(1100-1200) Old French corone, from Latin corona circle of leaves put on someone's head, crown, from Greek korone
(1100-1200) Old French coroner, from Latin coronare, from corona; → CROWN1




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