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词汇 cow


Word family adjectivecowishcowednouncowbanecowbellcowberrycowbirdcowboycowcatchercowfeedercowfishcowgirlcowgrasscowhandcowheelcowherbcowherdcowhidecowhousecowlickcowmancowpatcowpeacowpokecowpoxcowpunchercowshedcowtreecow
Related topics: Animals
cow1 /kaʊ/ ●●● S2 noun [countableC]  
1. cow.jpg HBAa large female animal that is kept on farms and used to produce milk or meat 母牛,奶牛 bull
2 HBAa male or female animal of this type bull
 a herd of cows
3. HBAthe female of some large animals, such as the elephant or the whale 大型雌性动物〔如象、鲸等〕 bull
4. UNPLEASANT British EnglishBrE spoken not polite an offensive word for a woman who you think is stupid or unpleasant 蠢女人;泼妇
5. have a cow SURPRISED informal to be very angry or surprised about something 非常生气;非常吃惊
Examples from the Corpus
6. till the cows come home informalLONG TIME for a very long time, or for ever 长时间地;无限期地;永远
Examples from the Corpus
cash cow, mad cow disease, sacred cow
types of cow
dairy cows (=kept for their milk)
He keeps a herd of dairy cows.
beef cows (=kept for their meat)
They are a well-known breed of beef cow.
milk a cow (=get the milk from a cow)
Once a day, the cows are brought in to be milked.
a cow moos (=makes a long low sound)
I could hear cows mooing in the barn.
a cow grazes (=eats the grass)
Cows were grazing peacefully in the meadows.
a cow calves (=produces a calf, a young cow)
At this time of year the cows are calving.
a herd of cows (=a group that are together somewhere)
We had to wait while a farmer brought a herd of cows across the bridge.
Examples from the Corpus
cow2 verb [transitiveT]  
THREATENto frighten someone in order to make them do something 恐吓,威胁
be cowed into something
 The protesters had been cowed into submission by the police.
Cow is usually passive.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin cow1
Old English cu
(1500-1600) Probably from a Scandinavian language




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