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词汇 cover


Word family noun cover coverage covering coverallcover chargecover girlcovering lettercover notecover pricecoverslipadjective undercover covereduncovered coverableverb coveruncover adverb undercover
Related topics: Insurance, Sport, Music
cov·er1 /ˈkʌvə $ -ər/ ●●● S1 W1 verb [transitiveT]  
1 hide/protect 隐藏/保护 (also cover up)COVER to put something over or be over something in order to hide, close, or protect it 遮盖,遮蔽
 Cover the pot and bake for an hour.
 She wore a low-cut dress, partly covered by a thin shawl.
cover something with something
 Dan covered his face with his hands.
4  See picture of 见图 LID
2 layer if something covers a surface, it forms a layer over it 盖,覆盖
 Grey mould covered the walls.
 Much of the country is covered by snow.
cover something with/in something
 The bulletin board was covered with messages.
 The eruption of the volcano covered states as far away as Montana in a fine layer of ash.
3 DEAL WITH/INCLUDEinclude 包括 to include or deal with a particular subject or group of things 包括,包含,涉及
 a course covering business law
 Are there any areas you feel are not covered adequately in the book?
 ‘Exercise’ is a word which covers a vast range of activities.
 We need more time to cover so much ground (=include so many things).
 pollutants that are not covered by the Kyoto agreement
4 distance 距离TRAVEL to travel a particular distance 走完〔一段路程〕
 They were hoping to cover 40 miles yesterday.
 A leopard can cover a lot of ground very quickly.
5 area 面积COVER to spread over an area 范围为,占地
 The city covers 25 square miles.
6 news 新闻TCREPORT to report the details of an event for a newspaper or a television or radio programme 报道
 I’d just returned from covering the Cambodian war.
7 moneyENOUGH if a sum of money covers the cost of something, it is enough to pay for it 足以支付,够付
 The award should be enough to cover her tuition fees.
 Airlines are raising fares to cover the rising costs of fuel.
8 insurance 保险BFI if your insurance covers you or your possessions, it promises to pay you money if you have an accident, something is stolen etc 保险,承保
 Most policies cover accidental damage to pipes.
 The treatment wasn’t covered by her health care insurance.
cover somebody against/for something
 Are we covered for theft?
cover somebody to do something
 He thought he was covered to drive the vehicle.
9 guns 枪炮
a) PROTECTSHOOTto protect someone by being ready to shoot anyone who attacks them 掩护
 I’ll make for the door – cover me, will you?
b) SHOOTto aim a gun at a person or a place where people might be, in order to prevent them from moving or escaping 用枪瞄准〔使人无法移动或逃走〕
 He stepped into the doorway and swung the gun up to cover the corridor.
10. sport 体育DS to stay close to a member of the opposing team or a part of the field in order to prevent your opponents from gaining points 〔比赛〕盯防,防守
11 music 音乐 to perform or record a song that was originally recorded by another artist 翻唱,翻录〔他人原创的歌曲〕
 They’ve covered several hits from the 1980s.
12 cover (all) the bases INCLUDEto make sure you can deal with any situation or problem so that nothing bad happens 准备好应付各种情况;面面俱到
 Parents are already stressed trying to cover the bases at home and at work.
Examples from the Corpus
13 cover yourself (against something)  (also cover your back, cover your butt/ass American English) to do things in a way that will prevent people from blaming or criticizing you 采取行动保护自己〔免受责备或批评〕
 Doctors are concerned to cover themselves against charges of negligence.
 He copied Stella in on the email just to cover his back.
Examples from the Corpus
14 cover your tracks to try to hide something you have done so that other people do not find out 掩盖自己的行径
 He started to destroy documents to cover his tracks.
Examples from the Corpus
15cover for somebody phrasal verbphr v 
a) WORKERto do the work that someone else usually does, because they are not there 代替〔某人工作〕
 Who’s covering for you while you’re away?
b) PROTECTto prevent someone from getting into trouble by lying for them, especially about where they are or what they are doing 说谎,替找借口
Examples from the Corpus
16cover something ↔ over phrasal verbphr v to put something on top of something else so that it is completely hidden (完全)盖住,遮住
 The female lays a single egg and covers it over.
Examples from the Corpus
17cover up phrasal verbphr v 
a) cover something ↔ upCOVER to put something over something else so that it cannot be seen 遮盖某物,覆盖某物
 Her legs were so swollen she had to cover them up.
b) cover something ↔ upHIDE/NOT SHOW to prevent people from discovering mistakes or unpleasant facts 掩饰某事,隐瞒某事〔指错误或不愉快的事〕 whitewash
 The affair was covered up and never reached the papers.
 Mum’s worried, but she covers it up by joking.
c) cover up for somebodySECRET to protect someone by hiding unpleasant facts about them 为某人掩盖错误;包庇某人
 They covered up for Kirk by refusing to answer any questions.
d) HIDE/NOT SHOWto put clothes, blankets etc over yourself in order to protect or hide your body, or to keep yourself warm 穿上衣服;盖上毯子
 Cover up, or stay out of the sun.
cover yourself up
 Hastily, she covered herself up with the towel.
Examples from the Corpus
cover (also cover up) to put something over, on, or around something else, to hide it, protect it, or improve its appearance
Cover the dough, and leave it to rise.
She wears a lot of make-up to cover her spots.
put something over something to put a cloth, blanket etc loosely over the top of something in order to cover it
They gave him a blanket to put over his legs.
wrap (also wrap up) to put paper, plastic, cloth etc tightly around something in order to protect, decorate, or post it
I haven’t wrapped her birthday present yet.
envelop literary to surround something completely so that it is difficult to see – used especially about darkness, smoke, and clouds
At sunset, darkness enveloped the town.
be shrouded in mist/darkness/smoke etc literary to be covered and hidden in mist, smoke etc
The mountains were shrouded in mist.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Insurance, Crime, Music
cover2 ●●● S1 W2 noun  
1 protection 保护 [countableC]COVER something that is put on top of something else to protect it 覆盖物,遮盖物 lid
 a blue duvet cover
 a plastic cover
 A dust cover (=to keep dirt etc off) hung over the painting.
2 books [countableC]READ the outer front or back part of a magazine, book etc 封面;封底
 His photo’s on the cover of ‘Newsweek’ again.
front/back cover
 an advertisement on the back cover
 I read the magazine from cover to cover (=all of it).
cover photo/shot/picture (=picture on the front cover) 封面照
 The cover shot was of three guys in army kit.
3 BEDthe covers [plural]DF the sheets etc that you put over yourself when you are in bed 被子
 The covers had slipped off in the night.
Examples from the Corpus
4 shelter 遮蔽物 [uncountableU]PROTECT shelter or protection from bad weather or attack 躲避处;掩蔽处;掩蔽工事
run/dive for cover
 He was shot in the head as he ran for cover.
 We were forced to take cover in a barn.
 Three soldiers broke cover (=left the place where they were hiding).
5 insurance 保险 [uncountableU] British EnglishBrEBFI the protection insurance gives you, so that it pays you money if you are injured, something is stolen etc 保险 SYN American English coverage
 medical cover
cover against/for
 cover against fire and theft
6 war 战争 [uncountableU] military protection and support given to aircraft, ships etc that are likely to be attacked 〔军事上的〕掩护,保护
 fighters used as cover for ground troops
7 plants 植物 [uncountableU] trees and plants that grow in large numbers on a piece of land 〔土地的〕覆被,自然植被
 Once the forest cover is felled, rains wash away the soil.
 With its spreading stems, ivy makes good ground cover.
8 weather 天气 [uncountableU] clouds, snow etc that partly hide the sky or the ground 〔云、雪等的〕遮盖,覆盖
cloud/snow/fog etc cover
 Cloud cover in the morning should clear later.
9 work 工作 [uncountableU] an arrangement in which people do a job or provide a service, especially because the people who normally do it are not there 代替,替补〔尤因为通常做此工作的人不在〕 backup
 It’s your responsibility to arrange adequate cover for holiday periods.
 night-time ambulance cover
10 music 音乐 [countableC] (also cover version) a new recording of a song, piece of music etc that was originally recorded by a different artist 〔他人原创歌曲、音乐等的〕翻唱版本,翻录版
 She’s opted to do a cover version for her first single.
11 secret 秘密 [countableC usually singular]SCC behaviour or activities that seem normal or honest but are being used to hide something bad or illegal 〔为坏事或违法的事做的〕掩盖,掩护
cover for
 The gang used the shop as a cover for drug deals.
 All that toughness is just a cover for his inability to show affection.
12 under cover 
a) pretending to be someone else in order to do something secretly 〔冒充别人〕伪装着,隐匿地,暗地里
 She was working under cover to get information on drug gangs.
b) under a roof or other structure 在〔屋顶等结构的〕遮蔽下
 The aircraft is displayed under cover in the USAF Gallery.
Examples from the Corpus
13 under (the) cover of darkness/night literaryHIDE/MAKE IT HARD TO FIND OR SEE hidden by the darkness of night 在夜幕的掩护下
 They escaped under cover of darkness.
Examples from the Corpus
14 under plain cover/under separate cover TCMif a letter etc is sent under plain cover or under separate cover, it is sent in a plain envelope or a separate envelope 放在普通信封里/在另函内
 The bill will be sent to you later under separate cover.
the front/back cover
The price of the book is on the back cover.
a hard/soft cover
I never buy books in hard cover – they’re much more expensive.
a book/magazine cover
There was a blonde girl on the magazine cover.
cover + NOUN
a cover story (=the main story on the front of a newspaper or magazine)
Last month’s cover story was entitled ‘Your Child’s Brain’.
a cover photo/shot (=picture on the front cover)
The picture became the July 4th cover shot.
a cover design
the cover design of the Christmas issue
a cover girl (=an attractive girl whose photo is on the front cover)
She had always liked the idea of being a cover girl.
read something from cover to cover (=read a book, magazine etc very thoroughly)
He read it from cover to cover in less than three hours.
cover something that is put on or over something else to protect it, for example a piece of metal, plastic, or glass
a manhole cover
the cover that goes over the barbecue
covering a layer of something, or a sheet of something, that covers something else
There was light covering of snow on the ground.
The hard shell acts as a protective covering.
the cloth coverings on the altar
lid a cover for a container such as a pan or a box
the lid of the box
a saucepan lid
top/cap the thing that you put on top of a bottle, tube, or pen, in order to prevent the liquid or other things inside from coming out
I can’t find the cap for the pen.
Put the top back on the milk!
the cap that goes on the toothpaste
cork the top part that you put on top of a bottle of wine
Can you take off the cork for me?
wrapping (also wrap especially American EnglishAmE) a sheet of paper, plastic etc that is put around something in order to cover or protect it
John tore the wrapping off his presents.
The lamp was still in its wrapping.
wrapper a piece of paper or plastic that is put around something you buy, especially a small object
Put the candy wrappers in your pocket.
He took the drinking straw out of its wrapper.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
covercov·er1 /ˈkʌvə-ər/ noun [uncountableU]
1INSURANCEinsurance against losing something or suffering damage, injury etc
The policies provide cover for death of the policyholder.
You have to pay an extra premium to have insurance cover on your personal possessions.
continental cover
2 (also insurance cover)INSURANCE the value that someone or something is insured for
insurance cover of up to £5000 per item for loss or damage
3British EnglishBrEFINANCEBANKING something valuable, for example property or an insurance policy, that you promise to give to a bank or someone who has lent you money if you fail to pay the money backSYN COLLATERAL, SECURITY
interest cover
4BANKING the amount of notes and coins kept by a bank to meet the needs of its customers
see also dividend cover
covercover2 verb [transitiveT]
1INSURANCEwhen an insurance policy covers someone or something, the insurance company will pay out money if the person dies or is injured, or if something is damaged, stolen etc
You are not covered by your medical insurance if an accident happens abroad.
cover somebody against something
Our optional Payment Protector plan covers you against loss of income in the event of sickness, accident or compulsory redundancy.
2if an amount of money covers something, it is enough to pay for it
It took a massive $1.68 billion pretax charge to cover losses from bad loans.
3BANKINGFINANCEif an institution covers a loan, it makes sure that it has something valuable, for example property or an insurance policy, that it can keep if the loan is not repaid
Many of these banks’ loans no longer have collateral that covers the amount of the loan.
4FINANCE to obtain and pay for a currency, bonds, shares etc that are needed to make a sale that has been agreed, for example in a FUTURES CONTRACT
The price of zinc for immediate delivery rose sharply because Chinese zinc producers that had sold short had to cover their positions.
Origin cover1
(1200-1300) Old French covrir, from Latin cooperire, from co- ( → CO-) + operire to close, cover





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