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词汇 copy


Word family nouncopiercopyismcopyistcopybookcopycatcopyholdcopyholdercopyleftcopyreadercopyreadingcopyrightcopywritercopywritingcopyverbcopyreadadjectivecopyrightable
Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishing
cop·y1 /ˈkɒpi $ ˈkɑːpi/ ●●● S1 W2 noun (plural copies)  
1 [countableC]COPY something that is made to be exactly like another thing 复制件;副本
copy of
 She forwarded them a copy of her British passport.
 This chair is a copy of an original design.
 Be sure to make copies of all the documents.
 back-up copies of your files
2 [countableC]TCN one of many books, magazines, records etc that are all exactly the same 〔书、杂志、唱片等的〕一份,一册,一张
copy of
 We have six copies of the movie to give away.
 a copy of the local newspaper
 The hardback costs £16.99 a copy.
 The record sold a million copies.
 Free copies are available on request.
3 [uncountableU]TCN technical something written in order to be printed in a newspaper, magazine, advertisement etc 〔写好后准备在报纸、杂志、广告等上刊印的〕原稿,稿件
 Now that I’ve seen the finished copy, I’m delighted.
4 good copy informalTCNNEWS interesting news 〔新闻报道的〕好材料,好题材
 The interviews made good copy and helped with the film’s publicity.
Examples from the Corpus
fair copy, hard copy, soft copy
be a copy of something
The rug is a copy of a fine Chinese carpet.
make a copy of something
Make a copy of the letter before you send it.
keep a copy of something (also retain a copy of something formal)
Did you keep a copy of the email?
send/receive a copy of something
Could you send me a copy of the agreement?
attach a copy of something (=in an email)
I’m attaching a copy of the schedule.
a good copy (=one that is very like the original)
The painting is a good copy of the original.
a close copy (=a good copy)
It is a close copy of a bronze figure found in Iceland.
a back-up copy (=made in case the original is lost)
Be sure you regularly make back-up copies of your data.
Examples from the Corpus
copy2 ●●● S2 verb (copied, copying, copies)  
1 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]COPY to deliberately make or produce something that is exactly like another thing 复制,复印;拷贝;抄写
 Could you copy this letter and send it out, please?
 To copy a file, press F3.
copy (something) from something
 a design copied from an 18th-century wallpaper
 The pupils just copy from textbooks and learn facts.
copy something into something
 He copied the number into his notebook (=wrote the same number there).
2 [transitiveT]IMITATE to deliberately do something that someone else has done or behave like someone else 模仿,仿效
 Children often copy what they see on television.
 I found myself copying him and his mannerisms.
3 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]COPY to cheat in an examination, schoolwork etc by looking at someone else’s work and writing the same thing as they have 抄袭
copy from
 Jeremy had copied from the girl next to him.
copy to deliberately make or produce something that is exactly like another thing 复制,仿制
You could copy the files onto a CD.
Many people have tried to copy his paintings.
photocopy to copy a piece of paper with writing or pictures on it, using a machine 复印
I’ll photocopy the letter and give it to you.
reproduce to print a copy of a picture or document, especially in a book or newspaper 〔尤在书或报纸中〕复制〔图片或文件〕
The image has been reproduced in many magazines and newspapers around the world.
forge to illegally copy something written or printed 伪造〔书面或印刷的东西〕
He forged my signature.
forged £10 notes
pirate to illegally copy and sell something such as a book, DVD, or computer program 盗版;非法翻印
The survey suggests that 27% of software in the UK has been pirated.
4copy something ↔ down phrasal verbphr v to write something down exactly as it was said or written 抄下,抄写
 I must have copied your number down wrong.
Examples from the Corpus
5copy somebody in phrasal verbphr v to send someone a copy of an email message you are sending to someone else 〔把发给别人的电子邮件〕抄送给〔某人〕
 Can you copy me in on the memo you’re sending to Chris?
Examples from the Corpus
6copy something ↔ out phrasal verbphr v COPYto write something again exactly as it is written in the document that you are looking at 抄写
 The monks copied their manuscripts out by hand.
Examples from the Corpus
7copy something ↔ up phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE to write something again in a better or neater form 抄写,誊写〔清楚〕 SYN write up
 It is important to copy up your notes soon after the lecture.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
copycop·y1 /ˈkɒpiˈkɑːpi/ noun (plural copies)
1[countableC] one of many documents, books, magazines, computer software packages etc that are all exactly the same
We are offering a free copy of Windows98 with all new PCs.
The book sold 24,000 copies in the first three months.
advance copy certified copy office copy proof copy
2[countableC] a letter, document etc that has been made to look exactly like another one, for example by being PHOTOCOPIED (=copied using a special machine called a photocopier)
Please send copies of all the relevant documents to me as soon as possible.
top copy
3[uncountableU] written material that is to be printed in a newspaper, magazine etc
Our closing date for copy for the next issue is February 14.
six pages of double-spaced copy
4[uncountableU]MARKETING the written part of an advertisement
“The business of fitness and good health is healthier than ever, ” or so says the advertising copy for the National Exhibition of Health & Leisure.
body copy knocking copy
5[countableC]COMPUTING a computer program, CD etc that has been made by putting information or music from another one onto a disk. It is illegal to sell copies made in this way
selling pirated copies of computer games
6[countableC]COMPUTING a file, DIRECTORY etc in which you have put all the same information as is in another one
Before you run this software, you should make a copy of your autoexec.bat file.
back-up copy hard copy
copycopy2 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp copied) [transitiveT]
1to make a copy of a letter, document etc
Could you copy these letters before you send them out?
copy something to somebody
The letter was copied to the managing director.
2LAWto deliberately use an idea, design etc that legally belongs to someone else
They have issued a patent infringement lawsuit accusing their rivals of copying their design for a range of ready meals.
3COMPUTINGto illegally make a copy of a computer program, CD, etc
a new way to protect software from being copied
illegal software copying
4COMPUTINGto make a file, DIRECTORY, program etc that is exactly the same as another one so that you can use it if something happens to the original one
The best way to save an email is to copy it to a file.
You can copy, delete, or tag files in a matter of seconds.
Origin copy1
(1300-1400) Old French copie, from Latin copia; → COPIOUS




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