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词汇 constitution


Word family nounconstituencyconstitutionconstitutionalismconstitutionalistconstitutionalityconstitutoradjectiveconstituentconstitutionalconstitutiveverbconstitutionalizeconstituteadverbconstitutionallyconstitutively
Related topics: Government, Law, Medicine
con·sti·tu·tion /ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃən $ ˌkɑːnstɪˈtuː-/ ●●○ AWL noun [countableC]  
1 (also Constitution)PGSCL a set of basic laws and principles that a country or organization is governed by 宪法;章程,法规
 The right to speak freely is written into the Constitution of the United States.
2 MHEALTHYyour health and your body’s ability to fight illness 体质
(have) a strong/good/weak etc constitution
 She’s got a strong constitution – she’ll recover in no time.
3 formalCONSIST OF/BE MADE OF the parts or structure of something 组成;结构
constitution of
 What’s the chemical constitution of the dye?
the American/Russian etc constitution
the 1993 Russian constitution
a written constitution
A written constitution forms the fundamental law of the nation.
an unwritten constitution (=a constitution that is not formally written down as a separate document)
Britain's unwritten constitution allows for flexibility when circumstances change.
a draft constitution (=one that is not yet in its final form)
By 1908 China had a draft constitution.
a state constitution
There was an amendment to Arizona’s state constitution.
a federal constitution (=relating to a central government, not a state)
Canada was granted a federal constitution in 1867.
a democratic constitution
Andorra voted in favour of a new democratic constitution.
draw up/draft a constitution (=write one)
The American constitution was drafted in 1787.
adopt/approve a constitution (=agree one and start to use it)
In 1984, the South African government adopted a new constitution.
amend/change the constitution (=make changes to it)
Congress amended the constitution more than 300 times during 1992.
violate the constitution (=do something that is against it)
Such discrimination violates the constitution.
suspend the constitution (=stop it from continuing, usually for a short time)
The army suspended the constitution and formed a military government.
a constitution requires something
The U.S. Constitution requires that a census be done every ten years.
a constitution provides for something (=it says something must be done)
Singapore's constitution provides for an elected president as head of state.
a constitution allows something
The Constitution allows police to seize property used in a crime.
a constitution forbids/prohibits something
Colombia's constitution forbids extradition.
a constitution guarantees something (=says it must happen or exist)
Hungary's constitution guarantees freedom of religion.
an amendment to the constitution (=a change)
the First Amendment to the American Constitution
the principles of the constitution (=the ideas and aims that it is based on)
the guiding legal principles of the constitution
a clause/provision in the constitution (=a rule or condition in it)
The provision in the European constitution that limited women's roles in the military was found to be discriminatory.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
constitutioncon·sti·tu·tion /ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃənˌkɑːnstɪˈtuː-/ noun [countableC]
1LAWthe system of basic laws and principles that a DEMOCRATIC country is governed by, which cannot easily be changed by the political party in power
The First Amendment of the American Constitution guarantees freedom of speech.
2COMMERCEthe system of rules and principles that an organization must follow
the article giving general managerial powers to company directors which is found in the constitution of most companies
3the way that something is formed, especially the people or parts that make it up
This change would fundamentally alter the constitution of the company.




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