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词汇 conscience


Word family adjectiveconsciencelessconscientconscientiousconscionableadverbconscientiouslyconscionablynounconscientiousnessconscientizationconscionablenessconscientious objectorconscienceverbconscientize
con·science /ˈkɒnʃəns $ ˈkɑːn-/ ●●○ noun [countableC, uncountableU]  
1 MINDGOOD/MORALthe part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is morally right or wrong 良知,良心
a guilty/troubled conscience 愧疚的内心/不安的良心
 It was his guilty conscience that made him offer to help.
 Well, at least I can face them all with a clear conscience (=the knowledge that you have done nothing wrong).
prisoner of conscience (=someone in prison because of their beliefs) 政治犯,思想犯
 I can’t tell you what to do – it’s a matter of conscience (=something you must make a moral judgement about).
 a crisis of conscience among medical staff (=a situation in which it is very difficult to decide what is the right thing to do)
Do not confuse with consciousness (=the condition of being awake and aware of things).
不要和 consciousness (神志清醒;意识)相混淆。
2 a guilty feeling that you have about something bad you have done 良心的责备,内疚,愧疚
twinge/pang of conscience
 Ian felt a pang of conscience at having misjudged her.
have no conscience (about something) (=not feel guilty about something) (对某事)不内疚
 They’ve no conscience at all about cheating.
3 on your conscience GUILTY/FEEL GUILTYif you have something on your conscience, it makes you feel guilty 内疚,受到良心的谴责
 He didn’t want somebody’s death on his conscience.
 Could you live with that on your conscience?
Examples from the Corpus
4 not in (all/good) conscience formalBAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONS if you cannot in all conscience do something, you cannot do it because you think it is wrong 凭良心不能做某些事情〔因认为它是错的〕
 I couldn’t in all conscience tell him that his job was safe.
Examples from the Corpus
a clear conscience (=the knowledge that you have done nothing wrong)
I was able to answer his questions with a clear conscience.
a guilty/troubled conscience (=the knowledge that you have done something wrong)
His guilty conscience kept him awake at night.
a social conscience (=a moral sense of how society should be or how you can help it)
The writer’s strong social conscience is obvious in all his novels.
a moral conscience (=an idea of what is right and wrong)
At what age do children develop a moral conscience?
the public conscience (=people’s idea of what is right or wrong)
This scandal shocked the public conscience.
the individual conscience
Decisions like this are a matter for the individual conscience.
the human conscience
The human conscience is a product of civilization.
have a clear/guilty etc conscience
Does he have a guilty conscience about his role in the crime?
wrestle/struggle with your conscience (=struggle to decide whether it is right or wrong do something)
She wrestled with her conscience for weeks before deciding not to leave him.
prick somebody’s conscience (=make someone feel guilty)
Some of the things he’d done still pricked his conscience.
be a matter of conscience (=something that you must make a moral judgment about)
Whether you vote or not is a matter of conscience.
a crisis of conscience (=a situation in which it is very difficult to decide what is the right thing to do)
He had a crisis of conscience about whether to take on the legal case.
the voice of conscience (=something in your mind that tells you what is right and wrong)
Other leaders urged him to listen to the voice of conscience and hold free elections.
a prisoner of conscience (=someone who is in prison because they have followed their beliefs about what is right or morally good to do)
Vaclav Havel was a prisoner of conscience who later became president of Czechoslovakia.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin conscience
(1200-1300) Old French Latin conscientia, from conscire to be conscious (of being guilty), from com- ( → COM-) + scire to know




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