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词汇 conduct


Word family nounconductanceconductibilityconductionconductivityconductorconductorshipconductusadjectiveconductibleconductiveadverbconductivelyverbconduct
Related topics: Music, Physics
con·duct1 /kənˈdʌkt/ ●●○ W2 AWL verb  
1 carry out 进行 [transitiveT]DO to carry out a particular activity or process, especially in order to get information or prove facts 〔尤指为获取信息或证实某事时〕进行;实施;执行
conduct a survey/investigation/review etc
 We are conducting a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food.
conduct an experiment/a test
 Is it really necessary to conduct experiments on animals?
conduct a campaign
 They conducted a campaign of bombings and assassinations.
conduct an interview
 The interview was conducted in English.
 The memorial service was conducted by the Rev. David Prior.
 It was the first time that I had conducted business in Brazil.
In everyday English, people usually say do or carry out rather than conduct: 在日常英语中,人们一般说docarry out,而不说conduct
They’re doing a survey of opinions about organic food.
2 music 音乐 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]APM to stand in front of a group of musicians or singers and direct their playing or singing 指挥 conductor
conduct an orchestra/choir
 The orchestra is conducted by John Williams.
 Who will be conducting?
3 BEHAVE 表现conduct yourself formalBEHAVE to behave in a particular way, especially in a situation where people judge you by the way you behave 表现,为人
 The players conducted themselves impeccably, both on and off the field.
Examples from the Corpus
4 electricity/heat/ [transitiveT]HPTAKE/BRING if something conducts electricity or heat, it allows electricity or heat to travel along or through it 传导 conductor
 Aluminium, being a metal, readily conducts heat.
5 show SB STH 给某人看某物 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] formalSHOW/LET somebody SEE something to take or lead someone somewhere 带领,引导
conduct somebody to something
 On arrival, I was conducted to the commandant’s office.
conducted tour (of something) (=a tour of a building, city, or area with someone who tells you about that place) 有导游陪同的参观旅行
 a conducted tour of Berlin
conduct research
He’s conducting educational research at the University of Washington.
conduct a survey
They conducted a survey of students’ careers one year after graduation.
conduct a study/review
Scientists conducted a study of the area affected by the nuclear disaster.
conduct an investigation/inquiry
Experts conducted an investigation into the causes of the crash.
conduct an interview
Here are a few guidelines on how to conduct an interview.
conduct a campaign
The party was criticized for the way it had conducted its election campaign.
conduct a test/experiment
Investigators will be conducting tests to determine how the man died.
conduct a search
The Spanish authorities conducted a nationwide search for the girl.
conduct (a) business
The company had been conducting a lot of business in Latin America.
Examples from the Corpus
con·duct2 /ˈkɒndʌkt $ ˈkɑːn-/ ●●○ AWL noun [uncountableU] formal  
1 BEHAVEthe way someone behaves, especially in public, in their job etc 〔尤指在公共场合、工作岗位上等的〕行为,举止 SYN behaviour
 The Senator’s conduct is being investigated by the Ethics Committee.
 an inquiry into the conduct of the police
ethical/professional etc conduct
 the Law Society’s Code of Professional Conduct
improper/violent/offensive etc conduct 不恰当的/暴力的/无礼的等行为
 his arrest for disorderly conduct (=noisy violent behaviour)
see thesaurus at behaviour
2 conduct of something formal DOthe way in which an activity is organized and carried out 某活动的组织安排[执行方式]
 complaints about the conduct of the elections
 Disclosure of information would compromise the proper conduct of the investigation.
professional conduct
There are strict rules that regulate lawyers’ professional conduct.
sexual conduct
The politician’s sexual conduct had caused scandal.
violent conduct
Their goalkeeper was sent off the field for violent conduct.
disorderly conduct (=behaving in a noisy or violent way in public)
Her husband was arrested for drunkenness and disorderly conduct.
criminal conduct
In some cases of bullying, pupils may be guilty of criminal conduct.
proper/improper conduct (=correct/incorrect behaviour according to the normal rules or standards)
There was no evidence of improper conduct on the part of the police.
personal conduct
You are expected to maintain a high standard of personal conduct at work.
unsportsmanlike conduct (=behaviour that is not acceptable in a fair competition)
He swore at the referee, and was penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct.
human conduct
Societies have certain rules for normal human conduct.
a code of conduct (=a set of rules stating how you must behave)
All professions have a code of conduct.
rules/standards of conduct
In war, there are established rules of conduct.
a course of conduct (=a set of actions)
The court said that when Harris had embarked on this course of conduct, he knew that it would put lives at risk.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
conductcon·duct1 /kənˈdʌkt/ verb [transitiveT]
1to manage or organize something
In future, Mr O'Reilly will conduct his business within the rules and regulations.
The Special Fund may, in his name, finalise contractual issues.
2to carry out an activity or process in order to obtain information or prove facts
The European Parliament had asked its legal affairs committee to conduct an investigation into the case.
3conduct yourself formal to behave in a particular way, especially in a situation where other people judge your behaviour
Members of staff should conduct themselves in an appropriate manner when dealing with customers.
conductcon·duct2 /ˈkɒndʌktˈkɑːn-/ noun [uncountableU]
1the way in which a person behaves
It was claimed that the company had engaged in anti-competitive conduct.
code of conduct
2the way in which something is managed or organized
There has been a huge change in the conduct of monetary policy.
rules governing the conduct of shareholder meetings
Origin conduct1
(1400-1500) Latin conductus, past participle of conducere; CONDUCE




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