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词汇 companion


Word family adjectivecompaniablecompanionablecompanionatecompanionedcompanionlessnouncompanionablenesscompanionhoodcompanionshipcompanioncompanionwayadverbcompanionably
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com·pan·ion /kəmˈpænjən/ ●●○ noun [countableC]  
1 WITHsomeone you spend a lot of time with, especially a friend 伴侣,同伴
 For ten years he had been her constant companion.
 His dog became his closest companion.
 a travelling companion
dinner/drinking companion 饭友/酒友
see thesaurus at friend
2 WITHone of a pair of things that go together or can be used together 成对物品中的一件
companion to
 This book is a companion to Professor Farrer’s first work.
companion volume/piece etc
 The ‘Encyclopedia of Gardening’ is a companion volume to the ‘Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers’.
3 TCNused in the titles of books about a particular subject 手册,指南〔用于书名〕
 ‘A Companion to Japanese Literature’
4. WITHsomeone, especially a woman, who is paid to live or travel with an older person 陪护〔指受雇陪老人一起生活或旅行的人,尤为女子〕
a constant/inseparable companion (=someone you spend most or all of the time with)
The two boys became constant companions.
a close companion
At school, we were close companions for several years.
a travelling companion British EnglishBrE, a traveling companion American EnglishAmE (=someone you travel somewhere with)
I knew that Dave would be a good travelling companion.
a dinner/dining companion (=someone you have dinner with)
We saw him in the restaurant with a very attractive dinner companion.
a female/male companion
Do you know who his female companion was?
a good/perfect/wonderful companion
For older people a pet cat can be a very good companion.
a drinking companion (=someone you go out with to drink alcohol)
George was out again with his drinking companions.
a lifelong companion (=someone who lives or spends time with someone throughout their life)
Lucinda was her best friend and lifelong companion.
a boon companion literary (=a very close friend)
Charles arrived at the house, together with his boon companion Herbert.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin companion
(1200-1300) Old French compagnon, from Late Latin companio, from Latin com- ( → COM-) + panis bread, food




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