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词汇 collect


Word family noun collection collector collective collectable collectible collectivism collectivization collectaneacollectednesscollectingcollectivitycollectoratecollective bargainingcollective farmcollective nouncollector's itemadjective collected collective collectable collectible collectivist collectivisticverb collect collectivize adverb collectively collectedly
col·lect1 /kəˈlekt/ ●●● S1 W2 verb  
1 BRING TOGETHERbring together 集合到一起 [transitiveT]COLLECT to get things of the same type from different places and bring them together 收集,采集;使集中 collection, collector
 After 25 years of collecting recipes, she has compiled them into a cookbook.
 The company collects information about consumer trends.
 We’ve been out collecting signatures for our petition.
2 keep objects 保存物品KEEP OBJECTS [transitiveT]COLLECT to get and keep objects of the same type, because you think they are attractive or interesting 收藏 collection, collector
 Arlene collects teddy bears.
3 rent/debts/taxes 租金/债务/MONEY [transitiveT] to get money that you are owed 收,收取 collector
collect tax/rent/a debt
 The landlady came around once a month to collect the rent.
4 money to help people 捐款 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] to ask people to give you money or goods for an organization that helps people 募捐,募集
collect for
 I’m collecting for Children in Need.
5 increase in amount 增加数量INCREASE IN AMOUNT [intransitiveI, transitiveT] if something collects in a place, or you collect it there, it gradually increases in amount 聚集,积聚
 Rain collected in pools on the road.
 solar panels for collecting energy from the sun
 I didn’t know what to do with it, so it just sat there collecting dust.
6 win STH 赢取某物 [transitiveT] to receive something because you have won a race, game etc 赢得,获得
 Redgrave collected his fifth Olympic gold medal in Sydney.
7 collect yourself/collect your thoughts CALMto make an effort to remain calm and think clearly and carefully about something 使自己镇静/集中思想
 I got there early so I had a few minutes to collect my thoughts before the meeting began.
8 take SB/STH from a place 从某处带走某人/某物TAKE somebody/something FROM A PLACETAKE/BRING [transitiveT] especially British EnglishBrE to come to a particular place in order to take someone or something away 接走;领取 SYN American English pick up
 Martin’s gone to collect the children from school.
 I’ve got to go and collect the book I ordered from the library.
9 crowd 人群CROWD [intransitiveI]MEET formal to come together gradually to form a group of people 聚集,聚拢 SYN gather
 A crowd was beginning to collect around the scene of the accident.
10collect something ↔ up phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE to pick up several things, and put them together 〔把东西〕收拾好,收起来 SYN gather up
 Can you collect up all the dirty plates and cups?
Examples from the Corpus
collect to get things of the same type from different places and bring them together 收集,采集
She collects stamps (=as a hobby).
They have collected 650 signatures for their petition.
gather to collect information from different places, or to collect crops, flowers, wood etc, especially from the ground 搜集〔信息〕;收割〔庄稼〕;采集〔花、木材等〕
Computers make it easier to gather information.
The men gathered firewood.
assemble formal to collect something such as information in an organized way 〔有系统地〕收集〔信息〕
When all the evidence is assembled, we will write our report.
build up to gradually collect more things of the same type over time 〔逐渐〕收集
He has built up one of the country’s finest collections of art.
accumulate to gradually get more and more of something such as money, possessions, or knowledge, over time. Accumulate is more formal than build up 积累〔财富或知识;accumulatebuild up正式〕
He is driven by the desire to accumulate wealth.
amass to collect a large amount of something such as money, information, or knowledge, over time 〔在一段时间内〕积累,积聚〔钱财、信息或知识〕
Carnegie amassed a fortune in the steel industry.
run up a bill/debt/loss informal to allow a debt to increase quickly, especially by spending too much 积欠账单/拖欠债务/累计亏损
He ran up huge gambling debts.
Examples from the Corpus
collect2 adverbadv somebody collect American EnglishAmETCT if you telephone someone collect, the person who receives the call pays for it 打受话人付费电话 collect call SYN British English reverse the charges
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Christianity
col·lect3 /ˈkɒlɪkt, -lekt $ ˈkɑː-/ noun [countableC]  
1.RRCa short prayer in some Christian services 〔某些基督教仪式中的〕短祷文
From Longman Business Dictionary
collectcol·lect1 /kəˈlekt/ verb [transitiveT]
1BANKING collect cheques to arrange for cheques to be paid
The district banks provide a variety of services for commercial banks, including collecting and clearing cheques.
2COMMERCETAX collect debts/taxes to obtain payment of debts or taxes
The company wasn’t aggressive about collecting debts.
Russia’s public finances must be brought into order by collecting more taxes and cutting spending.
collectcollect2 adverbadv
call/phone somebody collect American EnglishAmE when you telephone someone collect, the person receiving the call pays for it
Calling the US is very expensive from here - better to call collect.
Origin collect1
(1500-1600) Latin past participle of colligere, from com- ( → COM-) + legere to gather
(1200-1300) Old French collecte, from Medieval Latin collecta (prayer for) a gathering, from Latin colligere; → COLLECT1




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