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词汇 cold


Word family nouncoldiecoldnesscoldbloodcold creamcold cutscold framecold frontcold fusioncoldhousecold snapcold sorecold storagecold turkeycold waradjectivecoldishcold-bloodedcold-heartedcoldadverbcoldly
Related topics: Games
cold1 /kəʊld $ koʊld/ ●●● S1 W1 adjectiveadj (comparativecomp colder, superlativesupl coldest)  
1 OBJECTS/SURFACES/LIQUIDS/ROOMS ETCCOLDobjects/surfaces/liquids/rooms 物体/表面/液体/房间 something that is cold has a low temperature 冷的,寒冷的 ,冰凉的 OPP hot coldness
 She splashed her face with cold water.
 a blast of cold air
 We slept on the cold ground.
 The house felt cold and empty.
ice/stone/freezing cold (=very cold) 非常冷,冰冷
 The radiator is stone cold; isn’t the heating working?
go/get cold (=become cold) 变冷
 My tea’s gone cold.
 Come and eat or your dinner will get cold!
2 WEATHERCOLDweather 天气 when there is cold weather, the temperature of the air is very low 冷的,寒冷的 OPP hot coldness
 It was so cold this morning I had to scrape the ice off my windshield.
 The day was bitterly cold.
 The hut sheltered her from the cold wind.
cold winter/evening/January etc
 the coldest winter on record
cold out/outside
 It was raining and freezing cold outside.
 The weather gets colder around the middle of October.
10 月中旬时天气开始转冷。
turn/grow cold (=become cold or colder, especially suddenly) 〔尤指突然〕变冷
 The nights grew colder.
3 be/feel/look/get cold COLDif you are cold, your body is at a low temperature 很冷/感到冷/看起来冷/变冷
 Could you turn up the heater, I’m cold.
 I feel so cold!
 My feet are as cold as ice (=very cold).
Examples from the Corpus
4 FOOD EATEN COLDEATfood 食物 cold food is cooked but not eaten hot 冷的,凉的
 a plate of cold meats
 a cold buffet
 Serve the potatoes cold.
5 LACKING FEELINGEMOTIONALlacking feeling 缺乏情感 unfriendly or lacking normal human feelings such as sympathy, pity, humour etc 冷漠的,冷酷的 OPP warm coldly, coldness
 Martin was really cold towards me at the party.
 His voice was as cold as ice.
 She gave him a cold stare.
 a cold calculated murder
see thesaurus at unfriendly
6 get/have cold feet informalBRAVE# to suddenly feel that you are not brave enough to do something you planned to do 临阵退缩,胆怯
 The plan failed after sponsors got cold feet.
Examples from the Corpus
7. give somebody the cold shoulder informalIGNORE to deliberately ignore someone or be unfriendly to them, especially because they have upset or offended you 故意冷落某人,冷待某人
Examples from the Corpus
8 LIGHT/COLOURCOLOUR/COLORlight/colour 光线/颜色 a cold colour or light reminds you of things that are cold 给人冷感的,冷的 OPP warm coldness
 the cold light of a fluorescent tube
9 in the cold light of day in the morning, when you can think clearly or see something clearly 在头脑清醒时的早晨;在天光大亮的早上
 The house seemed less threatening in the cold light of day.
Examples from the Corpus
10. cold (hard) cash MONEY American EnglishAmE money in the form of paper money and coins rather than cheques or credit cards 现款,现金
Examples from the Corpus
11 leave somebody cold INTERESTEDto not feel interested in or affected by something in any way 无法引起某人的兴趣;未打动某人
 Opera left him cold.
Examples from the Corpus
12. take/need a cold shower SEX/HAVE SEX WITHused humorously to say that someone is sexually excited and the cold water will stop them feeling that way 需要冲个冷水澡〔幽默用法,指某人有性冲动〕
Examples from the Corpus
13 somebody’s trail/scent is cold TRAIL/SCENTLONG TIMEused to say that you cannot find someone because it has been too long since they passed or lived in a particular place 某人已经踪迹全无
 I tracked the boy as far as the factory, but there his trail went cold.
Examples from the Corpus
14 GAMEDGin games 在游戏中 [not before noun] used in children’s games, to say that someone is far away from the hidden object or answer they are trying to find 〔儿童游戏中〕远离隐藏物的;离猜中差得远的
 You’re getting colder!
15 cold facts facts without anything added to make them more pleasant or interesting 客观的事实
 Statistics can be merely cold facts.
Examples from the Corpus
16. cold steel literaryWEAPON a weapon such as a knife or sword 冷兵器,利器〔如刀、剑等〕
Examples from the Corpus
in cold blood at blood1(3), → cold fish at fish1(8), → blow hot and cold at blow1(21), → cold comfort at comfort1(7), → pour cold water over/on at pour(6), → a cold sweat at sweat2(3)
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: when there is cold weather, the temperature of the air is very low 冷的,寒冷的
ncold + NOUN
cold weather
More cold weather is expected later this week.
a cold night/day
It was a cold night with a starlit sky.
a cold winter
A cold winter will increase oil consumption.
a cold wind
A cold wind was blowing from the north.
a cold spell (=a period of cold weather, especially a short one)
We’re currently going through a bit of a cold spell.
a cold snap (=a short period of very cold weather)
There had been a sudden cold snap just after Christmas.
freezing/icy cold
Take your gloves – it’s freezing cold out there.
bitterly cold (=very cold)
The winter of 1921 was bitterly cold.
unusually/exceptionally cold
a period of unusually cold weather
quite/pretty cold
It’s going to be quite cold today.
cold out/outside
It’s too cold out – I’m staying at home.
nbecome cold (also get cold informal)
In my country, it never really gets cold.
turn/grow cold (=become cold, especially suddenly) 〔尤指突然〕变冷
nThe birds fly south before the weather turns cold.
cold used especially when you feel uncomfortable 冷的,冰凉的 冷的〔尤指感到不舒服〕
I’m cold – can I borrow a sweater?
cool a little cold, especially in a way that feels comfortable 凉爽的,凉快的
The air-conditioning keeps everyone cool.
freezing (cold) spoken very cold and very uncomfortable 极冷的
You look absolutely freezing!
shivery cold and unable to stop shivering, especially because you are ill 冷得发抖的,哆嗦的〔尤因生病〕
I felt shivery and had a headache.
weather 天气
cold used especially when you feel uncomfortable 冷的,冰凉的 冷的,寒冷的〔尤指感到不舒服〕
It gets very cold here in the winter.
cool a little cold, often in a way that feels comfortable 凉爽的,凉快的
It’s very hot in the day, but cooler at night.
a nice cool breeze
chilly a little cold, but not very cold, in a way that feels rather uncomfortable 微冷的,有寒意的
a chilly autumn day
It’s a bit chilly.
freezing (cold) spoken very cold and very uncomfortable 极冷的
It’s freezing outside.
bitterly cold very cold and very uncomfortable 非常寒冷的
It can be bitterly cold in the mountains.
icy (cold) very cold, especially when the temperature is below zero 冰冷的〔尤指温度在零度以下〕
The wind was icy cold.
crisp cold, dry, and clear, in a way that seems pleasant 清新凉爽的
I love these crisp autumn mornings.
frosty in frosty weather, the ground is covered in a frozen white powder 霜冻的
It was a bright frosty morning.
arctic extremely cold and unpleasant, with snow and ice 极冷的,天寒地冻的
He would not survive for long in the arctic conditions.
arctic weather
room 房间
cold used especially when you feel uncomfortable 冷的,冰凉的 冷的,寒冷的〔尤指感到不舒服〕
It’s cold in here.
cool a little cold, especially in a way that feels comfortable 凉爽的,凉快的
Let’s go inside where it’s cool.
freezing (cold) spoken very cold 极冷的
I had to sleep in a freezing cold room.
draughty British EnglishBrE, drafty American EnglishAmE /ˈdrɑːfti $ ˈdræfti/ with cold air blowing in from outside, in a way that feels uncomfortable 通风的,有过堂风的
Old houses can be very draughty.
food, liquid, or something you touch 食物、液体或触摸的物品
cold 冷的,冰凉的
The water’s too cold for swimming.
a cold stone floor
cool a little cold, especially in a way that seems pleasant 凉的,凉爽的
a nice cool drink
cool white sheets
freezing (cold) very cold 冰冷的
His friends pulled him from the freezing water.
chilled food and drinks that are chilled have been deliberately made cold 冷却的,冰镇的
a bottle of chilled champagne
frozen kept at a temperature which is below zero 冷冻的,冷藏的
frozen peas
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Illness & disability
cold2 ●●● S2 W3 noun  
1 [countableC]MIILLNESS/DISEASE a common illness that makes it difficult to breathe through your nose and often makes your throat hurt 感冒,伤风
 I’ve got a bad cold.
 Keep your feet dry so you don’t catch a cold.
common cold
2 [uncountableU] (also the cold)COLD a low temperature or cold weather 冷,寒冷
 I was shivering with cold.
 Don’t go out in the cold without your coat!
you’ll catch your death of cold British EnglishBrE (=used to warn someone that they may become very ill if they do not keep themselves warm in cold weather) 你会得重感冒的
3. come in from the cold ACCEPTto become accepted or recognized, especially by a powerful group of people 被〔团体〕承认[接纳]
Examples from the Corpus
4 leave somebody out in the cold informalIGNORE to not include someone in an activity 冷落某人,排斥某人
 He chose to favour us one at a time and the others were left out in the cold.
Examples from the Corpus
have (got) a cold 得了感冒
She’s staying at home today because she’s got a cold.
be getting a cold (=be starting to have a cold) 要感冒了
I think I might be getting a cold.
catch a cold (=start to have one) 患感冒
I caught a cold and had to miss the match.
come down with a cold (also go down with a cold British EnglishBrE) informal (=catch one) 得了感冒
nA lot of people go down with colds at this time of year.
be suffering from a cold formal (=have one) 患上感冒
nHe was suffering from a cold and not his usual energetic self.
nsuffer from colds formal (=have colds)
Some people suffer from more colds than others.
a bad cold 重感冒
If you have a bad cold, just stay in bed.
a nasty cold (also a heavy cold British EnglishBrE) (=a bad one) 重感冒
He sounded as if he had a heavy cold.
a streaming cold British EnglishBrE (=in which a lot of liquid comes from your nose) 感冒流鼻涕
nYou shouldn’t go to work if you’ve got a streaming cold.
a slight cold 轻微的感冒
nIt’s only a slight cold – I’ll be fine tomorrow.
a chest cold (=affecting your chest) 影响胸部的感冒
nHe’s coughing all the time with a bad chest cold.
a head cold (=affecting your nose and head) 影响头部的感冒
nA bad head cold can sometimes feel like flu.
nthe common cold formal
There are hundreds of viruses that cause the common cold.
Examples from the Corpus
cold3 adverbadv  
1 American EnglishAmESUDDENLY suddenly and completely 突然地,贸然地;完全地,彻底地
 Paul stopped cold. ‘What was that noise?’
2 out cold UNCONSCIOUS informal unconscious 不省人事
 He drank until he was out cold.
 You were knocked out cold (=hit on the head so that you became unconscious).
Examples from the Corpus
3 READYwithout preparation 无准备地
 I can’t just get up there and make a speech cold!
Examples from the Corpus
Origin cold1
Old English ceald, cald

→COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1cold2 noun →COLLOCATIONS1cold3 adverbadv




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