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词汇 cloud


Word family nouncloudagecloudinesscloudingcloudletcloudscapecloudberrycloudburstcloudadjectivecloudedcloudlesscloudyadverbcloudilycloudlessly
Related topics: Nature
cloud1 /klaʊd/ ●●● S3 W3 noun  
1 clouds.jpg in the sky 在天空中 [countableC, uncountableU]DN a white or grey mass in the sky that forms from very small drops of water
heavy/thick/dense etc clouds
 Dark clouds floated across the moon.
 Heavy clouds had gathered over the summit of Mont Blanc.
low/high cloud
 Visibility was bad due to low cloud.
storm cloud, thundercloud
2 in the air 在空中AMOUNT [countableC] a mass of dust, smoke etc in the air, or a large number of insects flying together 〔一团灰尘、烟雾或大批飞行的昆虫等的〕云状物
cloud of dust/smoke/gas etc
 A cloud of steam rose into the air.
 clouds of mosquitoes buzzing around us
3 problem 问题WORRIED [countableC] something that makes you feel afraid, worried, unhappy etc 阴影,阴云〔指令人恐惧、担忧、不快等的事物〕
cloud of
 the cloud of economic recession
cloud on the horizon (=something that might spoil a happy situation) 令人担忧的事
 The only cloud on the horizon was her mother’s illness.
 Fears of renewed terrorist attacks cast a cloud over the event (=spoilt the happy situation).
 He returned to New York under a cloud of gloom and despair.
4 under a cloud (of suspicion) informalSUSPECT if someone is under a cloud, people have a bad opinion of them because they think they have done something wrong 遭嫌弃,受怀疑
 He left the company under a cloud of suspicion.
Examples from the Corpus
5. be on cloud nine informalHAPPY to be very happy about something 非常兴奋,非常高兴
Examples from the Corpus
6. every cloud has a silver lining HOPEused to say that there is something good even in a situation that seems very sad or difficult 黑暗中总有一线光明
7. be/live in cloud-cuckoo-land British EnglishBrECRAZY to think that a situation is much better than it really is, in a way that is slightly stupid 生活在幻想世界
n8 the cloud technical the Internet used as something that provides software or space for storing information, rather than having it on your own computer
 They offer a variety of services in the cloud.
have your head in the clouds at head1(24)
a black/grey cloud
Black clouds usually mean rain.
a dark cloud (=a black or grey cloud)
A dark cloud covered the sun.
a white cloud
There was a bright blue sky with a few white clouds.
heavy/thick cloud (also dense cloud formal)
By midday, heavy clouds had spread across the sky.
low/high cloud
The weather was overcast, with heavy low clouds.
storm clouds
Dark storm clouds were moving in from the Atlantic.
rain clouds
The sky had been full of rain clouds for days.
a bank/mass of cloud (=a large block of cloud)
A heavy bank of cloud was creeping across the sky.
a layer of cloud
The moon was shining through a thin layer of cloud.
wisps of cloud (=long thin pieces)
The plane flew through occasional wisps of cloud.
a band of cloud (=a long narrow area)
Long narrow bands of cloud stretched across the valley.
a blanket of cloud (=a thick layer)
In the morning, a blanket of cloud still covered the country.
a veil of cloud (=a thin layer)
A thin veil of cloud hid the moon.
clouds gather/form
The sky had darkened and clouds had gathered.
clouds cover something
For days thick cloud had covered the whole sky.
clouds clear/lift (=disappear)
At last the rain had stopped and the clouds had cleared.
clouds part (=move away from each other)
Suddenly the clouds that covered the moon parted.
clouds move/roll
A narrow band of cloud has been moving across the country.
clouds drift/float (=move slowly)
A few clouds drifted across the top of the mountains.
clouds race/scud (=move quickly)
A wind was blowing and soft clouds were scudding across the sky.
clouds hang
Heavy grey clouds hung low in the sky.
cloud + NOUN
cloud cover
The cloud cover should disappear by the afternoon.
cloud formation (=the shape in which cloud forms)
There are many different types of cloud formation.
cloud noun [countableC, uncountableU] a white or grey mass in the sky that forms from very small drops of water
The storm was still a way off but black clouds were gathering.
Thick cloud obscured the top of the hill.
fog noun [countableC, uncountableU] very thick cloud near the ground which is difficult to see through
The cars crashed into each other in thick fog.
The fog had lifted (=disappeared)slightly.
mist noun [countableC, uncountableU] light cloud near the ground that makes it difficult for you to see very far. Mist is usually not as thick as fog. You often get mist near areas of water or mountains
The morning mist was lifting and the sun was coming up.
A grey mist hung over the water.
The hills were shrouded in mist (=surrounded by mist).
haze noun [singular, uncountableU] smoke, dust, or mist in the air which is difficult to see through
He saw the horses coming towards him through a haze of dust.
The road shimmered in the heat haze.
A pale blue haze hung over the far-off mountains.
smog noun [countableC, uncountableU] dirty air that looks like a mixture of smoke and fog, caused by smoke from cars and factories in cities
The city is covered in smog for much of the year.
A smog warning was issued for parts of Southern Oregon.
thundercloud noun [countableC] a large dark cloud that you see before or during a storm
He watched the thunderclouds roll across the valley.
vapour trail British EnglishBrE, vapor trail American EnglishAmE noun [countableC] the white line that is left in the sky by a plane
High overhead, a jet left its vapour trail across the blue sky.
Examples from the Corpus
cloud2 verb  
1 THOUGHTS/MEMORIES[transitiveT]CONFUSED to make someone less able to think clearly or make sensible decisions 搞糊涂
cloud somebody’s judgment/mind/vision etc
 Don’t let your personal feelings cloud your judgement.
 Fear had clouded his vision.
2 FACE[intransitiveI, transitiveT] (also cloud over)SAD/UNHAPPY if someone’s face or eyes cloud, or if something clouds them, they start to look angry, sad, or worried (使)显得阴沉;(使)忧郁
 Ann’s eyes clouded with the pain.
 Then suspicion clouded his face.
3 SPOIL something[transitiveT]SPOIL to make something less pleasant or more difficult than it should have been 使蒙上阴影,使不开心;使难做
 Her happiness was clouded by having to leave her son behind.
Cloud is usually passive in this meaning.
4 cloud the issue/picture etc CLEAR/EASY TO UNDERSTANDto make a subject or problem more difficult to understand or deal with, especially by introducing unnecessary ideas 〔尤指用无关信息〕使问题复杂化
 Uninformed judgments only cloud the issue.
Examples from the Corpus
5 GLASS[intransitiveI, transitiveT] (also cloud up)SEE if glass or a liquid clouds, or if something clouds it, it becomes less clear and more difficult to see through (使)〔玻璃〕变模糊;(使)〔液体〕变浑浊
 windows clouded up with steam
 The water clouded and I could no longer see the river bed.
6 COVER WITH CLOUD[transitiveT]COVER to cover something with clouds 〔云雾〕笼罩,遮盖
 Thick mist clouded the mountain tops.
7cloud over phrasal verbphr v 
a) DN (also cloud up American EnglishAmE)DARK if the sky clouds over, it becomes dark and full of black clouds 〔天空〕阴云密布,乌云翻滚
b) ANGRYSAD/UNHAPPYif someone’s face or eyes cloud over, they start to look angry or sad 〔脸上或眼睛〕露出愠怒[悲伤]的神色
 His face clouded over in disappointment.
Examples from the Corpus
cloud3n adjectiveadj [only before noun]  
n1using or related to cloud computing
 cloud storage of data
Origin cloud1
Old English clud rock, hill; because some clouds look like rocks




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