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词汇 closet


clos·et1 /ˈklɒzɪt $ ˈklɑː-, ˈklɒː-/ ●●● S3 noun [countableC]  
1 especially American EnglishAmEDHF a cupboard built into the wall of a room from the floor to the ceiling 壁橱 wardrobe
 a closet full of beautiful clothes
2 come out of the closet 
a) ADMITto tell people that you are homosexual after hiding the fact 公开自己的同性恋身份 SYN come out
b) ADMITto admit something or to start to discuss something that was kept secret before 公开承认秘密;公开以前保密的事
Examples from the Corpus
3. be in the closet American EnglishAmE informal to not tell people that you are homosexual 隐瞒自己的同性恋身份
Examples from the Corpus
water closet, → a skeleton in the closet at skeleton(5)
Examples from the Corpus
closet2 adjectiveadj  
closet homosexual/alcoholic etc SECRETsomeone who is a homosexual etc but who does not want to admit it 不愿公开承认的同性恋/酗酒者等
 a closet communist
Examples from the Corpus
closet3 verb [transitiveT]  
ALONEto shut someone in a room away from other people in order to discuss something private, to be alone etc 引进密室会谈;把关在小房间里
be closeted with somebody
 All morning he’d been closeted with various officials.
closet yourself
 Don’t let her closet herself away in her room.
Closet is usually either passive or reflexive (=followed by myself/herself etc).
Examples from the Corpus
Origin closet1
(1300-1400) Old French clos enclosed place, from Latin clausum, from clausus; → CLOSE2




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