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词汇 close


Word family noun closeness boroughadjective close verb close adverb close closely
noun close closure closing adjective closed closing verb close
Related topics: Stocks & shares
close1 /kləʊz $ kloʊz/ ●●● S1 W1 verb   clothes
1 shut [intransitiveI, transitiveT]SHUT/CLOSE to shut something in order to cover an opening, or to become shut in this way 关,闭合 SYN shut OPP open closed
 Would you mind if I closed the window?
 She closed the curtains.
 Let me do the car door – it won’t close properly.
 Beth closed her eyes and tried to sleep.
 She heard the door close behind her.
2 move parts together 把各部分合起来 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] to move the parts of something together so that there is no longer a space between them 合上,合拢
 Anne closed her book and stood up.
3 shut for period of time 关闭一段时间 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] (also close up)SHUT/CLOSE if a shop or building closes, or you close it, it stops being open to the public for a period of time 〔暂时性〕关闭,歇业 OPP open SYN British English shut closed
 The shops close at six.
 Harry usually closes the store completely when he goes on vacation.
4 NO LONGER EXISTstop operating 停止运作 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] (also close down)SHUT/CLOSE if a company, shop etc closes, or you close it, it stops operating permanently 〔永久性地〕关闭,倒闭,停业 SYN shut down, → closed
 We have reluctantly decided to close the factory.
 The shop closed down some time last year.
5 end 结束 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]FINISH/COME TO AN END to end or to make something end, especially in a particular way 〔尤指以某种方式〕结束,终止
close something with/by etc
 I will now close the meeting by asking you to join me in a final toast.
close with
 The movie closes with an emotional reunion in Prague.
closing remarks (=something you say at the end of a speech) 结束语
 In her closing remarks, the judge urged the jury to consider the facts only.
6 close an account BFBto stop having and using a bank account or other financial account 注销账户
 My husband closed all my credit card accounts without even asking me.
7 FINANCIAL/ECONOMICin money markets 货币市场上 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]BFS to be worth a particular amount of money at the end of a day’s trading (=the buying and selling of shares) on the stock exchange 价格收盘
close at
 The dollar closed at 64p against the pound.
close up/down
 Their shares closed 27p up (=worth 27p more).
8. close a deal/sale/contract etc ARRANGE A MEETING, EVENT ETCto successfully agree a business deal, sale etc 做成生意/买卖/达成合约等
Examples from the Corpus
9 offer finishes 优惠截止 [intransitiveI]FINISH/COME TO AN END to finish on a particular date 结束,截止 SYN end
 Our special offer closes on June 3.
10 make distance/difference smaller 缩短距离/缩小差异 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]NEAR to make the distance or difference between two things smaller 拉近,减少(分歧)
 an attempt to close the gap between the rich and poor
close on
 The other car was closing on us fast.
11 make STH unavailable 使某物不能用 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]REDUCE to make taking part in an activity or using an opportunity no longer possible 堵住;封闭;关闭 closed
 Bidding for the painting will close on Friday.
 The country has now closed its borders to all foreign nationals (=will not let foreigners in).
 The legislation aims to close a lot of legal loopholes.
12 be closed DISCUSSif a subject is closed, you are no longer willing to discuss it 不再谈论
 It was a regrettable incident but I now consider the matter closed.
Examples from the Corpus
13 close your doors (to somebody) to stop operating permanently (对某人)〔永久性地〕关闭,停业
 In 1977 the Skyfame Aircraft Museum closed its doors to the public for the last time.
Examples from the Corpus
14 close your mind to/against something to refuse to think about something 拒绝考虑某事
 She wanted to close her mind to the outside world.
Examples from the Corpus
15 hold STH 抓握某物 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep, transitiveT]HOLD if someone’s hands, arms etc close around something, or are closed around something, they hold it firmly 抓握;抱紧
close (something) around/round/over etc something
 Her left hand closed over his arm.
 She closed her hand tightly around her bag.
16 wound 伤口 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] (also close up)CUREHEALTHY if a wound closes, or if someone closes it, the edges grow together again or are sewn together (使)合拢,(使)愈合
 The surgeon closed the incision neatly.
17 close ranks 
a) SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLANif people close ranks, they join together to protect each other, especially because their group, organization etc is being criticized 〔尤指受到批评时〕团结在一起
b) NEARif soldiers close ranks, they stand closer together 〔士兵〕列队靠拢,排成密集队形
Examples from the Corpus
18 close the book on something STOP DOING somethingto stop working on something, especially a police operation, because it is not making any progress 〔尤指警方因没有进展而〕停止做某事
 Detectives had closed the book on the Hornsey Murders case three years previously.
Examples from the Corpus
closing date, closing time, → close/shut the door on something at door1(9), → close your eyes to something at eye1(16)
Close belongs to a group of verbs where the same noun can be the subject of the verb or its object.
You can say:
She closed the door.
In this sentence, ‘the door’ is the object of close.
You can say:
The door closed.
In this sentence, ‘the door’ is the subject of close.
close to stop being open, or to make something stop being open. You use close and shut especially about your eyes, your mouth, a door, a window, or a container 关闭,闭合〔closeshut尤用于指闭合眼睛或嘴巴,或指关闭门窗或容器〕
Can I close the window?
Her eyes slowly closed.
He closed the door gently, so as not to wake the children.
shut to close something. Shut sometimes has a feeling of doing something quickly and firmly, whereas close sounds more careful 关闭,闭合〔shut有时含有又快又干脆的意味,而close则听上去有更加小心的意味〕
He shut the door with a loud bang.
Shut your eyes and go to sleep.
slam to close a door or lid quickly and noisily, especially because you are angry 〔尤因生气〕砰地关上〔门或盖子〕
She left the room, slamming the door behind her.
draw the curtains to close curtains by pulling them across a window 关上[拉上]窗帘
The curtains were still drawn at ten o'clock in the morning.
put the lid on something to close a container by putting a lid onto it 给某物盖上盖子
Did you put the lid on the cookie jar?
seal to close something so that no air or water can get in or out 密封
In this experiment, the chamber must be completely sealed.
19close down phrasal verbphr v 
a) close something ↔ downSHUT/CLOSE if a company, shop etc closes down or is closed down, it stops operating permanently 关闭〔公司、商店等〕,停业
 Paramount closed down its London office in 1968.
b) British EnglishBrEAMT to stop broadcasting radio or television programmes at the end of the day 〔电台或电视台在一天的播送后〕结束播送节目
 BBC 2 closes down at 12.45 tonight.
Examples from the Corpus
20close in phrasal verbphr v 
a) NEARto move closer to someone or something, especially in order to attack them 包围,合拢;靠近〔尤为了攻击〕
 The snake closed in for the kill.
on/around/upon etc
 enemy soldiers closing in on them from all sides
b) BECOMEif the night, bad weather etc closes in, it becomes darker or gets worse 〔天〕变黑;〔天气〕变坏
 The sun had set and dusk was closing in.
c) DNif the days close in, they become shorter because it is autumn 〔白天〕变短
Examples from the Corpus
21close something ↔ off phrasal verbphr v SEPARATEto separate a road, room etc from the area around it so that people cannot go there or use it 隔离,封锁
 The roads into the docks were closed off by iron gates.
Examples from the Corpus
22close on somebody/something phrasal verbphr v 
a) to get nearer to someone or something that is moving in front or ahead of you 追上,赶上
 The patrol car was rapidly closing on us.
b) American EnglishAmE to successfully arrange a loan, especially in order to buy a house 得到〔贷款,尤指购房贷款〕
23close something ↔ out phrasal verbphr v American EnglishAmE 
a) to finish in a particular way 结束,终止
 The bond market closed out the week on a strong note.
b) CHEAPif a store closes out a type of goods, they sell all of them cheaply 〔商店以低价〕清仓出售,抛售存货
 We’re closing out this line of swimwear.
Examples from the Corpus
24close up phrasal verbphr v 
a) close something ↔ upSHUT/CLOSE if a shop or building closes up or is closed up, it stops being open to the public for a period of time 〔商店暂时〕停业,歇业;〔建筑物〕关闭;封闭
 The resorts are all closed up for the season.
b) close up shop to stop doing something for a period of time or permanently 关门,歇业;停止〔活动等〕
 When it rains, there is no alternative but to close up shop.
c) NEARif a group of people close up, they move closer together 〔一群人〕靠近,靠拢
d) CURE close something ↔ upHEALTHY if a wound closes up or if someone closes it up, the edges grow together again or are sewn together 〔伤口〕合拢,愈合
 The scar is closing up nicely – it’ll soon be time to take the stitches out.
e) to become narrower or to shut 变窄;关闭,合上
 The flowers close up at night.
 Occasionally the channel widened then closed up tight again.
f) EMOTIONALto refuse to talk to someone about something 守口如瓶
 The moment I said I was a police officer, everyone would close up like a clam.
Examples from the Corpus
25close with somebody/something phrasal verbphr v 
a) AGREEto agree a business deal with someone 同意;与达成协议
 It was such a good offer that I closed with him on the spot.
b) FIGHT literary to move towards someone in order to fight with them 开始战斗,逼近
Examples from the Corpus
close2 /kləʊs $ kloʊs/ ●●● S1 W1 adjectiveadj (comparativecomp closer, superlativesupl closest)  
1 near 靠近的NEAR not far from someone or something 接近的,靠近的 SYN near
 If you need to buy bread or milk, the closest shop is about a mile away.
close to
 Susan sat on a chair close to the window.
 I don’t mind where we go on vacation as long as it’s close to a beach.
 His eyes were small and close together.
 There are several accounts of dolphins living in close proximity to humans (=close to humans).
 The victim had been shot at close range (=from very close).
2 near in time 时间上靠近的SOON near to something in time 〔时间上〕接近的
close to
 It was close to 1:15 a.m.
close together
 Our birthdays are quite close together.
3 likely to happen 可能发生的PROBABLY seeming very likely to happen or very likely to do something soon 可能的,接近的
close to doing something
 The two countries are close to signing a peace agreement.
 We’re close to clinching the deal.
close to death/tears/despair etc
 The old dog could barely whimper and seemed close to death.
 The prosecution’s main witness was close to tears as she described the assault.
4 LIKE somebody OR somethinglike/love 喜欢/喜爱 if two people are close, they like or love each other very much 亲近的,亲密的
 My brother and I are very close.
close to
 I felt closer to Rob that evening than ever before.
 Fiona and I have always been close friends.
5 similar 类似的LIKE/SIMILAR very similar to each other 接近的,类似的
close to
 When I saw Henry with another woman I felt something close to jealousy.
 Fitt was the closest thing to a socialist in the party.
 Their newest model bears a close resemblance to (=is very similar to) that of their rival competitor.
see thesaurus at similar
6 CAREFULcareful 小心的 [usually before noun] looking at, thinking about, or watching something very carefully 仔细的,小心的 closely
take/have/get a close look (at something) 仔细看一看(某物)
 She lifted up Jenny’s silver medallion to take a closer look.
keep a close watch/eye on (=watch someone or something very carefully) 细心地留意
 Don’t worry, I’ll keep a close eye on the kids.
 You could have improved your answers by closer attention to detail.
7 number/amount/LIKE/SIMILAR if a number or amount is close to another number or amount, it is not much higher or lower than it 〔数量上〕接近的
 We don’t know the exact figures, but about 10,000 might be a close approximation (=close to the actual figure).
close to
 Inflation is close to 7 percent.
8 competition/election etc 比赛/选举等ALMOST finishing or being played, fought etc with both sides almost equal 几乎平手的,势均力敌的,难分高下的
 It was a close game that could have gone either way.
a close second/third etc (=very nearly first, second etc) 跟得很紧的第二名/第三名等
 The result is too close to call (=so close that it is impossible to know who will win).
9 close relation/relative FAMILYa member of your family such as your brother, sister, parent etc 近亲,家人 OPP distant
 The wedding was attended by close family only.
Examples from the Corpus
10 very nearly bad 险些坏事ALMOST used when you have only just managed to avoid something bad, dangerous, or embarrassing happening 危险的,差一点的
 ‘Phew, that was close, ’ Frank said as he swerved to avoid the cyclist.
a close call/thing/shave (=a situation in which something dangerous, embarrassing etc almost happens) 勉强脱险,死里逃生,躲过一劫
 United had a close shave when Liverpool almost scored.
11 almost 几乎 very nearly getting, finding, or achieving something 几乎要的,差不多要
close to
 At this point, the investigators were closer to the truth than they realized.
12 keep in close contact/touch FRIENDLYif two people keep in close contact, they see, talk to, or write to each other often 保持密切联系
 Text messaging enables people to keep in close contact at all times.
Examples from the Corpus
13 work/talk together 一起工作/交谈FRIENDLY relating to a situation in which people work well with each other or talk to each other often 密切的,紧密的
 He retained very close links with France throughout his life.
 What we need now is closer cooperation between the club and supporters.
14 with little space 空间很小的KEEP somebody IN A PLACE with little or no space around something or between things 密集的,空间很小的
 The horses are always eager for exercise after the close confinement of the stables.
 The shoe is a close fit (=there is no space around the foot).
 I find it difficult to read such close print (=with letters printed so close together).
15 close/you’re close/that’s close spokenALMOST used to tell someone that they have almost guessed or answered something correctly 很接近,几乎猜对了
 ‘I reckon he must be about 38.’ ‘Close – he was 40 last week.’
16. close to the bone if something someone says is close to the bone, it makes you feel uncomfortable or offends you, especially because it is about something you do not want to admit is true 〔某人说的话〕触到痛处的,令人不快的
17 close, but no cigarbut no cigar close ALMOST spoken used when something someone does or says is almost correct or successful 只差一点就对了;只差一点就成功了
 It was close, but no cigar for the Dodgers as they lost to the Reds 4–3.
18 too close for comfort NERVOUSif something that happens is too close for comfort, it is near enough to make you feel nervous or afraid 近得让人不安的
 From somewhere too close for comfort came the sound of machine-gun fire.
Examples from the Corpus
19 close to home 
a) EMBARRASSEDif a remark or criticism is close to home, it makes you feel uncomfortable because it is likely to be true 〔说话或批评〕因击中要害而令人尴尬的
 His comments struck unpleasantly close to home.
b) PERSONALLY/YOURSELFif something unpleasant happens close to home, you are directly affected by it 〔令人不愉快的事〕发生在自己身边的,直接影响到自身的
 It’s one thing seeing riots on TV, but when they happen so close to home it’s a different matter.
Examples from the Corpus
20 at close quarters if something happens or is done at close quarters, it happens inside a small space or is done from a short distance away 〔所发生的事〕近在咫尺,近距离地
 The troops had been fighting at close quarters.
Examples from the Corpus
21 weather 天气AIR British EnglishBrE uncomfortably warm because there seems to be no air 闷热的
 The weather that night was hot and close, with a hint of thunder in the distance.
22 unwilling to talk about STH 不愿讨论某事的 [not before noun]SECRET unwilling to tell people about something 遮掩的,守口如瓶的 SYN secretive
close about
 You’re very close about your work, aren’t you?
23 unwilling to spend money 不愿花钱的 [not before noun]GENEROUS not generous 吝啬的,小气的
close with
 You won’t get a penny out of Jack – he’s very close with his money.
24. a close shave DCBwhen the hair on someone’s face is cut very close to the skin 胡子刮得很干净
Examples from the Corpus
25 close work CAREFULwork that involves looking at or handling things in a very skilful, detailed, and careful way 精细的工作,细活
 After years of close work, she could hardly see a thing if it was over a yard away.
Examples from the Corpus
26. close vowel SL technical a close vowel is pronounced with only a small space between the tongue and the top of the mouth 闭元音
closeness noun [uncountableU]
 She had never had the physical or emotional closeness that she needed.
play your cards close to your chest at card1(14)
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 6: looking at, thinking about, or watching something very carefully
take/get a close look
She moved forward to take a close look at the painting.
keep a close eye/watch on somebody/something (=watch someone or something carefully)
They have to keep a close eye on their finances.
a close examination
A closer examination of the facts soon solved the mystery.
a close study
Their research involved a close study of two communities.
close attention
You will lose weight if you combine exercise with close attention to your diet.
close scrutiny (=careful and thorough examination of someone or something)
The investigation included close scrutiny of the images on CCTV.
close inspection (=looking at someone or something in detail)
Closer inspection revealed that the rocks were from an earlier period.
close supervision (=constantly making sure that someone does things in the correct way)
Initially there will be close supervision of the trainee.
Examples from the Corpus
close3 /kləʊs $ kloʊs/ ●●● S2 W2 adverbadv  
1 FINISH/COME TO AN ENDnot far away 不远,接近地 SYN near
 Come a little closer, so you can see better.
 Her father lives quite close by.
 They were sitting close together on the couch.
 A variety of good restaurants are close at hand (=very near).
 James heard footsteps close behind him.
 Ronnie sped off, with his brother’s car following close behind.
stay/keep close
 We must all stay close.
hold/draw somebody close (=hold someone against your body) 把某人搂紧/拉近
 He drew her close to him.
see thesaurus at near
2 close up/up close/close to NEARfrom only a short distance away 在近处,很近地
 Now that I could see him close up, I saw that he was very attractive.
3 close on something/close to something spokenAPPROXIMATELY used to talk about a number, amount etc that is almost exact, but not completely 接近某一数目[数量等]
 a voyage of close on 2,000 miles
Examples from the Corpus
4 come close (to doing something) ALMOST
a) to almost do something 差点(做某事)
 I tell you, I was so mad I came close to hitting her.
 She came so close to the finals she must have been bitterly disappointed to go out now.
b) to be almost as good as someone or something else 差不多,几乎一样〔好〕
 It’s not as good as his last movie, but it comes pretty close.
Examples from the Corpus
5 a close run thing British EnglishBrE a situation in which the people competing with each other are almost equal, so neither of them is more likely to win than the other 势均力敌,难分胜负
 The upcoming election looks likely to be a close run thing.
Examples from the Corpus
6 close on the heels of something very soon after something else 紧随某事之后
come/follow close on the heels of something
 Yet another scandal followed close on the heels of the senator’s resignation.
Examples from the Corpus
7 NEARnear to the surface of something 接近表面地,短到齐根地
 An electric razor doesn’t really shave as close as a blade.
8 run somebody close British EnglishBrEJUST/A MOMENT AGO to be almost as successful, skilful etc as someone else 和某人差不多一样成功[熟练等]
 Last season United ran them close both at home and away.
sail close to the wind at sail1(6)
Examples from the Corpus
close4 /kləʊz $ kloʊz/ ●○○ noun   clothes
1[singular] formalEND the end of an activity or of a period of time 〔活动或一段时间的〕结束,末尾
 At the close of trade, the Dow Jones index was 1.92 points down.
 The monsoon season was drawing to a close (=ending).
 The event came to a close (=finished) with a disco.
 Finally the meeting was brought to a close (=ended).
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Roads
close5 /kləʊs $ kloʊs/ noun British EnglishBrE  
1 [singular]TTR used in street names for a road that has only one way in or out 死巷,死胡同〔用于街道名称〕
 Take a left turn into Brown’s Close.
2. [countableC usually singular] the area and buildings surrounding a cathedral 〔大教堂的〕周围地区
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
closeclose1 /kləʊzkloʊz/ verb
1[intransitiveI, transitiveT]COMMERCE (also close down) if a company, shop etc closes or someone closes it, it stops operating permanently
We have reluctantly decided to close the factory.
Banks are closing down branches by the hundred.
2[intransitiveI, transitiveT]COMMERCE if a shop or building closes or someone closes it, it stops being open to the public for a period of time
The shops close at 6.
3[intransitiveI]FINANCE if a share or currency closes at a particular value, it is worth that amount at the end of the day’s trading on a particular market
Amazon shares closed down at $29.56 on the NASDAQ.
The pound closed up slightly at $1.90130.
4[intransitiveI]MARKETING to finish on a particular date
Special offer closes June 3.
5COMMERCE close a deal/sale to reach the point in a deal or sale where everyone involved agrees to it
The objective of the negotiation phase is to close the deal.
He had to lower his price in order to close the sale.
6BANKING close an account to stop having a particular account with a bank
Mr Samuels agreed to close the account and transfer the money to a company account.
7ACCOUNTING close the books to calculate the financial results at the end of a particular accounting period
On Friday the company closed the books on its fiscal first quarter.
8FINANCE close (out) a position if an investor or dealer on a financial market closes a position, they buy or sell the stocks, shares, currencies etc that they have agreed to buy or sell, even if this means that they lose money
If a dealer buys a futures contract and its price declines, he buys another at a lower price rather than closing out his position.
close something → out
closeclose2 noun [singular]FINANCE
the end of the day’s activity, for example on the stockmarket or in a bank
At the close, the Dow Jones Industrial Average had climbed 17.49.
The dividend was payable to shareholders on the Register of Members at close of business on 7th May.
Origin close1
(1200-1300) Old French clos, past participle of clore to close, from Latin claudere
(1200-1300) Old French clos, from Latin clausus, past participle of claudere; → CLOSE1

n GRAMMAR1 →THESAURUS1 →PHRASAL VERBS1close2 adjectiveadj

close3 adverbadvclose4 nounclose5 noun




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