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词汇 clock


Word family nounclockerclockmakerclock speedclockworkclockadverbclockwiseadjectiveclocked
Related topics: Chronology
ldoce_048_dclock1 /klɒk $ klɑːk/ ●●● S2 W3 noun [countableC]  
1 TMCan instrument that shows what time it is, in a room or outside on a building (时)钟
 I heard the clock strike six (=make six loud sounds).
 The station clock was ten minutes slow (=showed a time ten minutes earlier than the real time).
by the hall/kitchen/church etc clock (=according to a particular clock) 以门厅/厨房/教堂等的时钟显示的时间为准
 What time is it by the kitchen clock?
watch the clock at watch1(8)5  See picture of clock-radio 收音机闹钟, grandfather clock 落地大摆钟, alarm clock 闹钟 ...4  See picture of 见图 clock
2 around the clock  (also round the clock British EnglishBrE)CONTINUE/NOT STOP all day and all night without stopping 昼夜,夜以继日地,日夜不停地
 Kim has been working round the clock to finish it in time.
Examples from the Corpus
3 put/turn the clock back 
a) (also set the clock back American EnglishAmE) to go back to the way things were done in the past instead of doing things in a modern way – used to show disapproval 倒退,开倒车〔含贬义〕
 The new employment bill will put the clock back 50 years.
b) to return to a good situation that you experienced in the past or to make someone remember such a situation 让时光倒流,回到从前
 The kids are all grown up now and you can’t put the clock back.
Examples from the Corpus
4. put the clock(s) back/forward British EnglishBrETMC to change the time shown on the clock to one hour earlier or later, when the time officially changes 〔根据官方的时间调整〕把时间拨慢/拨快(一小时)
Examples from the Corpus
5 the clocks go back/forward British EnglishBrE the time changes officially to one hour earlier or later 〔根据官方的时间调整〕时间拨慢/拨快(一小时)
 The clocks go back in October.
Examples from the Corpus
6 against the clock 
a) HURRYif you work against the clock, you work as quickly as you can because you do not have much time 抢时间,争分夺秒
 Everyone is racing against the clock to get things ready in time.
b) HURRYif you run, swim etc against the clock, you run or swim a particular distance while your speed is measured 〔在跑步、游泳等需要计时的活动中〕尽可能快地,拼命地
Examples from the Corpus
7. twenty-four hour clock TMCa system for measuring time in which the hours of the day and night have numbers from 0 to 23 24小时制,24小时计时方法
8. start/stop the clock TMCto start or stop measuring how much time is left in a game or sport that has a time limit 〔在比赛中〕开始/停止计时
Examples from the Corpus
9 the clock is ticking used to say that there is not much time left to do something 时间在一分一秒地过去,所剩时间不多
 The clock is ticking for those who have not yet filled in their tax form.
10 the clock 
a) TTCTMan instrument in a vehicle that measures how far it has travelled 〔汽车上的〕行车里程计
on the clock
 a car with 43,000 miles on the clock
b) TTCTMan instrument in a vehicle that measures the speed at which it is travelling 车速表,车速计
Examples from the Corpus
11. run out the clock/kill the clock American EnglishAmEDS if a team runs out the clock at the end of a game, it tries to keep the ball for the rest of the game so that its opponents cannot get any points 〔在比赛末段持球〕消耗时间不让对方得分
biological clock, body clock, dandelion clock, time clock
look/glance at the clock 看钟
She looked at the clock. It was eight thirty.
the clock says eight/nine etc (=shows a particular time) 钟上显示8/9点等
The clock said five so I went back to sleep.
a clock strikes eight/nine etc (=makes eight/nine etc sounds according to the hour) 钟敲了八下/九下等
In the distance I heard a church clock strike eleven.
a clock ticks (=makes regular quiet sounds that show it is working) 钟声嘀嗒
There was no sound in the room apart from a clock ticking.
a clock is fast/slow (=shows a later or earlier time than the real time) 钟是快的/慢的
There’s no need to hurry – that clock’s fast.
a clock stops (=stops working) 钟停了
nMy clock had stopped at 6 am so the alarm didn’t work.
an alarm clock goes off (=rings at a particular time) 闹钟响了
nWhat time do you want the alarm clock to go off tomorrow?
set a clock (=make it say the right time) 把钟调准
nDon’t forget to set your clocks to summer time.
wind (up) a clock (=turn a key to keep it working) 给钟上发条
nIt was one of those old clocks that you have to wind up.
the hands of/on a clock (=the long thin pieces that point at the numbers) 钟的指针
The hands on the clock said ten past two.
the face of a clock/the clock face (=the front part that you look at) 钟面
nI couldn’t see the clock face from where I was sitting.
the kitchen/sitting-room etc clock 厨房/客厅等的钟
Harry glanced at the kitchen clock and saw that he was late.
an alarm clock (=that makes a noise to wake you up) 闹钟
nHe forgot to set his alarm clock.
a wall clock (=that hangs on a wall) 壁钟,挂钟
nA loud ticking came from the wall clock.
a grandfather clock (=an old-style tall clock that stands on the floor) 落地大摆钟
nWhere did you get that beautiful grandfather clock?
a digital clock (=that shows the time as numbers that keep changing) 数字钟
nA digital clock at the finish line shows runners their times.
a travel/travelling clock (=a small one for taking on journeys) 旅行钟
a cuckoo clock (=a clock with a wooden bird inside that comes out every hour and makes a sound) 杜鹃自鸣钟
na church clock (=one on the outside of a church tower)
a carriage clock British EnglishBrE (=a clock inside a glass case with a handle on top) 便携式时钟
COMMON ERRORSDon’t say ‘the clock shows five o’clock’. Say the clock says five o’clock.
不要说the clock shows five o’clock’. 而要说 the clock says five o’clock.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Measurement
clock2 verb [transitiveT]  
1 MEASUREto cover a distance in a particular time, or to reach a particular speed in a race 速度行驶;达到〔某速度〕
 Karen won in the 300 metres, clocking 42.9 seconds.
 the first steam engine to clock 100 miles an hour
2 TMto measure or record the time or speed that someone or something is travelling at [记录]…的速度;为计时
clock somebody at/doing something
 The police clocked him doing between 100 and 110 miles per hour.
3 British EnglishBrE informal to notice someone or something, or to look at them carefully 注意到,仔细看
 Did you clock the bloke by the door?
4 British EnglishBrE to reduce the number of miles or kilometres shown on the instrument in a car that says how far it has gone, in order to sell the car for more money 〔为了使汽车卖高价而〕改小〔汽车〕的里程数
 He knew the car had been clocked, but he couldn’t prove it.
5clock in/on phrasal verbphr v especially British EnglishBrE WORK/DO WORKto record on a special card the time you arrive at or begin work 〔用专门的卡片〕记录上班时间,打卡上班 SYN American English punch in
 I clock on at 8:30.
6clock off phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE 
a) informal to leave work at the end of the day 下班
 What time do you clock off?
b) to record on a special card the time you stop or leave work 〔用专门的卡片〕记录下班时间,打卡下班
 By 6 p.m. most workers have clocked off.
7.clock out phrasal verbphr v especially British EnglishBrE WORK/DO WORKto record on a special card the time you stop or leave work 〔用专门的卡片〕记录下班时间,打卡下班 SYN American English punch out
8clock up something phrasal verbphr v REACHto reach or achieve a particular number or amount 达到〔某一数量〕
 The Dodgers have clocked up six wins in a row.
 I clocked up 90,000 miles in my Ford.
 Councillor Scott has clocked up more than 25 years on the borough council.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
clockclock /klɒkklɑːk/ verb
clock in
clock off
clock up something
Origin clock1
(1300-1400) Middle Dutch clocke bell, clock, from Medieval Latin clocca bell, from a Celtic language




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