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词汇 click


Word family nounclickerclickingclickstreamclick-throughclick
Related topics: Computers
click1 /klɪk/ ●●● S3 verb  
1 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]SOUND to make a short hard sound, or make something produce this sound (使)发出咔嗒声
 The door clicked shut behind me.
 Mother clicked her tongue (=made a short sound to show disapproval) and sighed.
 Edmund clicked his fingers (=made a short sound to get someone’s attention) for John to follow him.
 Vogel clicked his heels (=hit the heels of his shoes together) and bowed.
 Twist the lever and the gears click into place.
2 click.jpg [intransitiveI, transitiveT] to press a button on a computer mouse to choose something from the screen that you want the computer to do, or to press a button on a remote control 点击(鼠标);按动(遥控器)
 Choose the image you want by clicking twice.
click on
 Children can click on a sentence to hear it read aloud.
4  See picture of 见图 click
3 [intransitiveI] informalUNDERSTAND to suddenly understand or realize something 突然明白,恍然大悟
 It’s hard work, but one day it will just click.
 I thought, ‘What is he doing?’ and then suddenly it all clicked into place (=I understood how all the events related to each other).
4 [intransitiveI] informalLIKE somebody OR something if two people click, they like, understand, and agree with each other 〔两个人〕情投意合,合得来
 They clicked straight away.
5 [intransitiveI] informal to happen in a good or successful way, especially because people are working together well 〔尤因配合默契〕进行顺利
 If everything clicks, we should have a good season.
click + NOUN
click your fingers (=make a short sound with your fingers to get someone's attention)
She clicks her fingers and he comes running.
click your tongue (=make a short sound with your tongue to show disapproval)
She clicked her tongue in annoyance.
click your heels (=hit the heels of your shoes together, as a soldier does)
He clicked his heels and saluted.
click into place/position
Make sure the lid clicks firmly into place.
click open/shut (=open with a short hard sound)
I heard the gate at the front of the house click open.
Examples from the Corpus
click2 ●●○ noun [countableC]  
1 a short hard sound 咔嗒声
 The door closed with a click.
2 the click of a mouse used to show how quickly something can be done on a computer 点击一下鼠标
 Your photos can be viewed with the click of a mouse.
Examples from the Corpus
hear a click
She heard a click, and then the line went dead.
make/produce a click
He made a click of disapproval.
go click
Soon there were photographers all around him going click, click, click.
shut/close with a click
The front door shut with a click.
a sharp click (=loud and quick)
There was a sharp click, and the panel opened like a tiny door.
a loud click
I heard the loud click of heels on the stone floor.
a faint/soft click (=not loud)
There was only a faint click from the gun's trigger mechanism.
a metallic click (=like something made of metal)
She strapped herself in with a metallic click of the belt.
a little click
The neon sign made little clicks as it changed colour.
a series/succession of clicks (=several clicks one after another)
A series of loud clicks came from the car's engine.
the click of a latch/door/lock etc
The click of the latch told me Michele was back.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
clickclick1 /klɪk/ verb [intransitiveI, transitiveT]
COMPUTINGto press a button on a computer mouse in order to choose something from the screen that you want the computer to do
Choose the image you want by clicking twice.
click on
Click on the link to go to that webpage.
clickclick2 noun [countableC]
COMPUTINGthe action of pressing a button on a computer mouse
You can check your bank account at the click of a mouse.
Origin click2
(1500-1600) From the sound




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