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词汇 clash


Word family nounclasherclashingclash
clash1 /klæʃ/ ●●○ verb  
1 [intransitiveI]FIGHT if two armies, groups etc clash, they start fighting – used in news reports (发生)冲突〔用于新闻报道〕
 Troops clashed near the border.
clash with
 Police have clashed with demonstrators again today.
2 [intransitiveI] if two people or groups clash, they argue because they have very different beliefs and opinions – used in news reports 争论,争执〔用于新闻报道〕
clash with
 Democrats clashed with Republicans in a heated debate.
clash over/on
 The two men have clashed over the report’s conclusions.
3 [intransitiveI]SUIT/LOOK GOOD TOGETHER if two colours or designs clash, they look very bad together 〔颜色、花样〕不相配,不协调
clash with
 I can’t wear red – it clashes with my hair.
4 [intransitiveI]TIME/AT THE SAME TIME especially British EnglishBrE if two events clash, they happen at the same time in a way that is inconvenient 〔两件事情〕撞期,有时间冲突 SYN American English conflict
clash with
 The announcement has been delayed to avoid clashing with the prime minister’s speech.
5 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]SOUND if two pieces of metal clash, or if you clash them, they make a loud ringing sound (使)发出〔金属相碰的〕撞击声
 The cymbals clashed.
Examples from the Corpus
clash2 ●●○ noun [countableC]  
1 WARFIGHTa short fight between two armies or groups – used in news reports 冲突,打斗〔用于新闻报道〕
 armed clashes along the border
clash between/with
 violent clashes between police and demonstrators
2 ARGUEan argument between two people or groups because they have very different beliefs or opinions – used in news reports 争论,交锋〔用于新闻报道〕
clash between/with
 The plans put oil companies in a head-on clash with environmentalists.
personality/culture clash (=a situation in which two people or groups do not like each other) 个性/文化冲突
3 a sports match between two teams, players etc that is expected to be very exciting – used in sports reports 〔体育比赛两队、两名选手等之间精彩激烈的〕交锋,交手,对阵〔用于体育报道〕
 The heavyweight clash goes ahead in Las Vegas on 8 May.
这次重量级拳击对战将于 5 8 日在拉斯维加斯举行。
4 TIME/FREE TIMEa situation in which two events happen at the same time in a way that is inconvenient 〔时间上的〕冲突,撞期
 a scheduling clash on TV
5 SOUNDa loud sound made by two metal objects hitting each other 〔金属的〕碰撞声
 the clash of swords
6 SUIT/LOOK GOOD TOGETHERa combination of two colours, designs etc that look bad together 〔颜色、花样等的〕不相配,不协调
 a colour clash
a violent clash
Four people were killed during violent clashes with the army.
a fierce/bitter clash (=involving violence and strong feelings)
Fierce clashes swept across Bosnia and Croatia.
a serious clash
This was one of the most serious clashes since the two countries agreed to a ceasefire.
a minor clash
Minor clashes were reported to have taken place between police and students.
an armed clash (=involving the use of weapons)
The violence could soon become armed clashes and even a war.
an ethnic clash (=between people of different races)
20 people died in ethnic clashes before Christmas.
lead to a clash
The anti-war protests led to violent clashes between police and demonstrators.
a clash occurs
A number of clashes occurred throughout the south between these opposing groups.
a clash breaks out
Armed clashes broke out on Tuesday between the military and the rebels.
a clash takes place
Fierce clashes took place with local police.
be killed/injured in a clash
Eight people were killed in clashes between the army and police.
Examples from the Corpus
The ClashClash, Then  
na British punk band which started performing in 1976. Their albums include The Clash and London Calling. Their success continued even when punk was no longer fashionable.
Origin clash1
(1500-1600) From the sound of sharp blows




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