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词汇 Christmas


Word family adjectiveChristmassynounChristmas cakeChristmas cardChristmas puddingChristmas stockingChristmasChristmas tree
Related topics: Chronology
Christ·mas /ˈkrɪsməs/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countableC, uncountableU]  
TMCthe period of time around December 25th, the day when Christians celebrate the birth of Christ 圣诞节(期间)
at Christmas
 We’ll see you at Christmas.
over Christmas
 I’ll be in Scotland over Christmas.
 Are you going home for Christmas?
 a Christmas present
 the Christmas holidays
 Merry Christmas and a happy New Year everyone!
Happy/Merry Christmas! (=something you say to people at Christmas)
I just called in to say ‘Happy Christmas’.
a good/nice Christmas
Did you have a good Christmas?
a family Christmas
We always have a family Christmas at home.
a traditional Christmas
Mum likes to have a traditional Christmas for all the family.
a white Christmas (=with snow on the ground)
We haven’t had a white Christmas in England for years.
have/spend Christmas
No one wants to spend Christmas alone.
celebrate Christmas
How does your family usually celebrate Christmas?
give somebody something for Christmas
What can I give Dad for Christmas?
get something for Christmas
I got a new watch for Christmas.
wish somebody a happy Christmas (=say that you hope someone enjoys Christmas)
They wished us a happy Christmas and left.
Christmas + NOUN
Christmas dinner/lunch (=a special meal on Christmas Day)
All the family come to our house for Christmas dinner.
a Christmas card
She sends me a Christmas card every year.
a Christmas present
The children couldn’t wait to open their Christmas presents.
a Christmas tree (=a decorated tree that people have in their homes at Christmas)
Put the gifts under the Christmas tree.
a Christmas party (=a party held around Christmas)
What are you wearing for the Christmas party?
a Christmas carol (=a Christian song sung at Christmas)
Children go from door to door singing Christmas carols.
Christmas decorations (=things to decorate a house, shop, or town at Christmas)
When do you put your Christmas decorations up?
Christmas lights (=lights in the streets at Christmas, or on the Christmas tree)
We went to see the Christmas lights in New York.
Christmas shopping (=for presents for people)
Have you done your Christmas shopping yet?
the Christmas season/period (=the days around and including Christmas Day)
Most stores need extra staff during the Christmas season.
the Christmas holiday (=the time that people are not working during the Christmas period)
We weren’t at school because it was the Christmas holiday.
nGRAMMAR: Patterns with Christmas
at Christmas
You use at Christmas when saying that something happens during the Christmas holiday period:
I’ll see you at Christmas.
Don’t say: I’ll see you on Christmas.
You can also say at Christmas time:
At Christmas time, the whole family gets together.
on Christmas Day
You say on Christmas Day when saying that something happens on December 25th:
I have to work on Christmas Day.
Don’t say: I have to work at Christmas Day.
for Christmas
You get a present for Christmas:
He gave me a new watch for Christmas.
Don’t say: He gave me a new watch on Christmas.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin Christmas
Old English Cristes mæsse 'Christ's → MASS15'




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