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词汇 charge


Word family adjectivechargeablechargedchargefulchargelessnounchargeablenesschargercharge accountcharge cardcharge nursechargesheetadverbchargeablyverbcharge
Related topics: Law, Electrical, Electricity
charge1 /tʃɑːdʒ $ tʃɑːrdʒ/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  
1 price 价格 [countableC, uncountableU]COST the amount of money you have to pay for goods or services 费用,价钱
charge of
 an admission charge of $5
charge for
 There is a charge for the use of the swimming pool.
 Guided tours are provided at no charge.
 Your order will be sent free of charge (=with no cost).
see thesaurus at cost
2 control 控制 [uncountableU]IN CHARGE OF the position of having control or responsibility for a group of people or an activity 主管,负责
in charge (of something)
 He asked to speak to the person in charge.
 the officer in charge of the investigation
 Stern put Travis in charge of (=gave him control of) the research team.
 Owens came in and took charge of (=took control of) the situation.
 A commander in each county was to have charge of the local militia.
3 SB/STH you look after 照看的某人/某物
a) be in/under somebody’s chargeLOOK AFTER somebody if someone or something is in your charge, you are responsible for looking after them 由某人照料[照顾]
 teachers that do their best for the children in their charge
 The files were left in your charge.
b) [countableC] formalLOOK AFTER somebody someone that you are responsible for looking after 负责照顾的人
 Sarah bought some chocolate for her three young charges.
4 crime 罪行 [countableC]SCLACCUSE an official statement by the police that someone may be guilty of a crime 指控,控告
charge against
 He was found guilty of all six charges against him.
charge of
 Higgins is facing a charge of armed robbery.
on a charge (of something)
 The following morning, he was arrested on a charge of burglary.
5 blame 责备 [countableC]ACCUSE a written or spoken statement blaming someone for doing something bad or illegal 〔书面或口头的〕指责,批评,责备 SYN allegation
charge that
 the charge that tobacco companies target young people with their ads
charge of
 a charge of racial discrimination against the company
deny/counter a charge (=say that a charge is untrue) 否认/反驳指责
 Wallace denied charges that he had lied to investigators.
lay/leave yourself open to a charge of something (=be likely to be blamed for something) 可能遭到某事的非议[指责]
 The speech laid him open to charges of political bias.
6. attack 进攻 [countableC]ATTACK an attack in which soldiers or animals move towards someone or something very quickly 〔士兵、动物等〕猛冲,猛攻;冲锋
7 EFFORT 努力lead the charge to make a strong effort to do something 拼命做〔某事〕
 It was small businesses that led the charge against health care changes.
Examples from the Corpus
8 electricityTEE [uncountableU] electricity that is put into a piece of electrical equipment such as a battery 电荷,电量
on charge (=taking in a charge of electricity) 在充电的
 Leave the battery on charge all night.
9. explosive 爆炸物 [countableC]EXPLODE an explosive put into something such as a bomb or gun 〔装进炸弹或枪炮内的〕炸药
10 strength of feelings 感情的力量 [singular]STRONG FEELING OR BELIEF the power of strong feelings 〔情感上的〕冲击力,感染力
 Cases of child abuse have a strong emotional charge.
11 get a charge out of something American EnglishAmE spokenEXCITED to be excited by something and enjoy it very much 从某事得到快乐[刺激,兴奋]
 I got a real charge out of seeing my niece take her first steps.
Examples from the Corpus
12 an order to do STH 命令,指示,吩咐 [countableC] formalTELL/ORDER somebody TO DO something an order to do something 做某事的命令
charge to do something
 The old servant fulfilled his master’s charge to care for the children.
reverse the charges at reverse1(6)
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 1: the amount of money you have to pay for goods or services 费用,价钱
a small charge 少量的收费
For a small charge guests can use the hotel sauna.
an extra/additional charge 额外/附加费用
Breakfast may be served in your bedroom at no extra charge.
free of charge (=with no cost) 免费
Delivery is free of charge.
somebody’s charges are high/low (=you have to pay a lot/a little) 某人收费高/
His charges are too high.
a fixed charge 固定收费
nThere’s a fixed charge for having a dental check.
a nominal charge (=a very small amount of money) 象征性的收费
nYou can use the tennis courts for a nominal charge.
a minimum charge (=an amount that is the least you can pay) 最低收费
nThere’s a minimum charge of £10 per person in the Terrace restaurant.
a service charge (=for service in a hotel, restaurant etc) 服务费
nThe restaurant’s prices include a 10% service charge.
an admission charge (=for being allowed to enter a place) 入场费
nThere is no admission charge.
a call-out charge British EnglishBrE (=that you must pay a workman to come to your home) 上门(服务)费
nThe electrician said there is a £40 call-out charge.
na cancellation charge
If you change your flight booking, you may have to pay a cancellation charge.
na delivery charge
How much is the store’s delivery charge?
bank charges (=fees charged by a bank for some services) 银行手续费
nYou will have to pay bank charges if your account is overdrawn.
pay a charge 支付费用
There will be a small charge to pay.
make a charge (=ask you to pay a charge) 收取费用
We make no charge for this service.
incur a charge formal (=result in you paying a charge) 产生费用
All cancellations incur a charge.
introduce/impose a charge 实行收费
nThe government introduced a charge for water.
waive a charge (=allow you not to pay it) 免除收费
nI’ve asked the bank to waive the charge this time.
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 4: an official statement by the police that someone may be guilty of a crime 指控,控告
a murder/burglary/drugs etc charge 谋杀罪/入室盗窃罪/毒品罪等
He appeared in court on fraud charges.
nRobins was in jail awaiting trial on drugs charges.
criminal charges 刑事指控
The investigation resulted in criminal charges against three police officers.
a serious charge 严重指控
Drinking and driving is a very serious charge.
a felony charge American EnglishAmE (=for a serious crime) 重罪指控
nHe pleaded not guilty to a felony charge of cocaine possession.
press/bring charges (=make someone be brought to court for a crime) 起诉
Sometimes the victim of an assault does not want to press charges.
face charges (=have been charged with a crime) 面临指控
A farmer is facing charges of cruelty and neglect.
deny/admit a charge 否认/承认指控
All three men denied the charge of manslaughter.
plead guilty to a charge (=say formally in court that you are guilty) 认罪
nThe youth pleaded guilty to a charge of arson.
drop the charges (=decide not to go on with a court case) 撤诉
nThe prosecution dropped the charges in 2005.
dismiss the charges (=say that a court case should not continue) 驳回起诉
nIf there is insufficient evidence, the court will dismiss the charges.
be released without charge 无罪释放
nShe had been arrested twice and released without charge.
be convicted of/on a charge (=be judged to be guilty) 被判有罪
McCorley was convicted on a charge of assault.
be acquitted of/on a charge (=be judged to be not guilty) 被判无罪
nBoth men were acquitted of all charges.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Law, Electrical, Weapons
charge2 ●●● S1 W2 verb  
1 money
a) [intransitiveI, transitiveT]COST to ask someone for a particular amount of money for something you are selling (向)收费;开价
 The hotel charges $125 a night.
charge somebody £10/$50 etc (for something)
 The restaurant charged us £40 for the wine.
charge something at something
 Calls will be charged at 44p per minute.
charge for
 We won’t charge for delivery if you pay now.
charge rent/a fee/interest etc
 The gallery charges an entrance fee.
b) charge something to somebody’s account/room etcBFB to record the cost of something on someone’s account, so that they can pay for it later 把某物记在某人的账上/房费里等
 Wilson charged the drinks to his room.
 Use a courier and charge it to the department.
c) [transitiveT] American EnglishAmEPAY FOR to pay for something with a credit card 用信用卡支付
charge something on something
 I charged the shoes on Visa.
 ‘How would you like to pay?’ ‘I’ll charge it.’
2 crime 罪行 [transitiveT]SCLACCUSE to state officially that someone may be guilty of a crime 控告,指控
charge somebody with something
 Gibbons has been charged with murder.
see thesaurus at accuse
3 blame SB 指责某人 [transitiveT] formalBLAME to say publicly that you think someone has done something wrong 〔公开〕指责,责备
charge that
 Demonstrators have charged that the police used excessive force against them.
4 run [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] to deliberately run or walk somewhere quickly 冲,猛冲
charge around/through/out etc
 The boys charged noisily into the water.
see thesaurus at run
5 attack 攻击 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]ATTACK to deliberately rush quickly towards someone or something in order to attack them 进攻,冲锋;冲向
 Then, with a final effort, our men charged the enemy for the last time.
charge at/towards/into
 The bear charged towards her at full speed.
6 electricity [intransitiveI, transitiveT] (also charge up)TEE if a battery charges, or if you charge it, it takes in and stores electricity (使)充电
 The shaver can be charged up.
7 order SB 命令某人 [transitiveT] formalTELL/ORDER somebody TO DO something to order someone to do something or make them responsible for it 吩咐,命令
charge somebody with doing something
 The commission is charged with investigating war crimes.
8. gun 枪炮 [transitiveT]PMW old use to load a gun 给〔枪炮〕装弹
9. glass 杯子 [transitiveT] British EnglishBrE formalDRINK to fill a glass 斟满〔杯子〕 charged
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
chargecharge1 /tʃɑːdʒtʃɑːrdʒ/ noun
1[countableC, uncountableU]COMMERCE an amount of money paid for services or goods
Vodafone is cutting its call charges by 15%.
You can search the database free of charge.
charge for
Politicians are opposing higher charges for electricity.
capital charge carrying charge cover charge handling charge management charge sales charge service charge surrender charge termination charge
2[countableC usually plural]BANKINGFINANCE money charged by a bank for services such as paying cheques, sending out bank statements etc
concern at the level of bank charges charged by some of the High Street banks
finance charge
3 (also legal charge) [countableC]LAWFINANCE a legal right to an asset belonging to another person if a particular event happens, for example if they do not repay a loan with which they bought the asset
Fund the purchase of the house by a loan, with the lender holding a charge on the property as security.
fixed charge floating charge
4[countableC]ACCOUNTINGFINANCE a cost, especially one that is not paid regularly
The company’s net loss for the period will also include a restructuring charge of $12 million.
Denver said it will take a charge (=pay a cost) of about $590 million for the write-off of certain assets.
5be in charge (of) to be the person who manages a group of people, an organization, or an activity
Under the new plan, each board member will be in charge of one product area.
He was put in charge of GM’s worldwide truck operations.
6take charge (of) to take control of a group of people, an organization, or an activity
After a brief power struggle, she took charge of the family firm.
7[countableC]LAW an official statement saying that someone has done something against the law
He was arrested on charges of bribery.
charge against
The charges against him are expected to cover fraud, forgery and fraudulent bankruptcy.
chargecharge2 verb
1[intransitiveI, transitiveT]COMMERCE to ask someone to pay a particular amount of money for something
She was charged $995 for a belt that really only cost $195.
The prices that producers charged for food fell by 0.8% in July.
2charge something to somebody’s accountCOMMERCE to record the cost of something on someone’s account so they can pay for it later
Charge the room to the company’s account.
3FINANCE [transitiveT] to pay for something with a CREDIT CARD
I charged the shoes on my Visa card.
4[transitiveT]LAW to state officially that someone has done something against the law
He was charged with theft.
charge something → off
Origin charge2
(1100-1200) Old French chargier, from Late Latin carricare, from Latin carrus; → CAR




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