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词汇 cause


Word family adjectivecausalcausationalcausativecauselessnouncausalitycausationcausationismcausationistcauselessnesscausercauseadverbcausallycausativelycauselessly
cause1 /kɔːz $ kɒːz/ ●●● S1 W1 verb [transitiveT]  
CAUSEto make something happen, especially something bad 导致,引起,使发生
 Heavy traffic is causing delays on the freeway.
 The fire caused £15,000 worth of damage.
cause something for somebody
 The oil spill is causing problems for coastal fisheries.
cause concern/uncertainty/embarrassment etc
 The policy changes have caused great uncertainty for the workforce.
 I’m sorry if I caused any confusion.
cause somebody trouble/problems etc
 You’ve caused us all a lot of unnecessary worry.
 Sorry, I didn’t mean to cause offence (=offend you).
cause somebody/something to do something
 What caused you to change your mind?
5Do not say ‘cause that someone does something’. Say cause someone to do something.
不要说cause that someone does something’. 而要说 cause someone to do something.
In everyday English, people usually use the expression make somebody do something rather than cause somebody to do something:
What made you change your mind?
nGRAMMAR: Comparison
Someone or something causes something:
Investigators are trying to find out what caused the accident.
Something causes a person or thing to do something:
The warmer temperatures caused the ice caps to melt.
The injury caused him to lose the game.
Don’t say: cause that someone does something
Someone or something makes another person or thing do something:
The warmer temperatures made the ice caps melt.
The injury made him lose the game.
Don’t say: make someone/something to do something
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 1 : to make something happen, especially something bad 导致,引起,使发生
cause a problem
The heavy rain has been causing serious problems on the roads.
cause trouble
I decided not to complain because I didn’t want to cause trouble.
cause damage
A fire had broken out and caused severe damage to the roof.
cause (a) disease
Scientists are trying to find out what causes the disease.
cause injury
Rugby is one of the sports that are most likely to cause injury.
cause pain
The infection can cause severe pain.
cause death
The famine caused the death of up to 400,000 people.
cause (a) delay
Bad weather caused delays at many airports.
cause an accident
75% of accidents are caused by speeding.
cause chaos/disruption
Floods caused chaos across much of the country.
cause concern/alarm
Environmental issues are causing widespread concern.
cause confusion
Teachers say the reforms will cause confusion in schools.
cause offence/embarrassment (=offend/embarrass someone)
How can I refuse the invitation without causing offence?
cause to make something happen, especially something bad 导致,造成〔尤指坏事〕
Bad weather has caused a lot of problems on the roads.
The fault caused the whole computer system to shut down.
make somebody/something do something to cause someone to do something, or cause something to happen. Make is less formal than cause, and is the usual word to use in everyday English 促使某人做某事/某事发生〔make不如cause正式,是日常英语的常用单词〕
What made you decide to become a teacher?
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry.
Gravity is the force which makes the planets move round the Sun.
be responsible for something if someone or something is responsible for something bad, they caused it to happen 是造成某事的原因〔指坏事〕
The excessive heat was responsible for their deaths.
A small militant group was responsible for the bombing.
bring about something to make something happen – used especially about changes or improvements 引起某事,带来某事〔尤指变化或进步〕
The Internet has brought about enormous changes in society.
It’s important that we do everything we can to bring about peace.
result in something if an action or event results in something, it makes that thing happen 导致某事,造成某事
The fire resulted in the deaths of two children.
The decision is likely to result in a large number of job losses.
lead to something to cause something to happen eventually after a period of time 引起某事,导致某事
The information led to several arrests.
A poor diet in childhood can lead to health problems later in life.
trigger if one event triggers another, it suddenly makes the second event happen 引发,触发
The incident triggered a wave of violence.
An earthquake off Java’s southern coast triggered a tsunami.
precipitate formal to make a very serious event happen very suddenly, which will affect a lot of people 使突然发生,引发〔严重的事件〕
The withdrawal of foreign investment would precipitate an economic crisis.
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand precipitated World War I.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Law
cause2 ●●● S2 W1 noun  
1 WHAT CAUSES something[countableC]CAUSE a person, event, or thing that makes something happen 原因,起因 effect
cause of
 Breast cancer is the leading cause of death for American women in their 40s.
 It’s our job to establish the cause of the fire.
5Do not say ‘the cause for something’. Say the cause of something.
不要说cause that someone does something’. 而要说 cause someone to do something.
2 GOOD REASON[uncountableU]REASON a fact that makes it right or reasonable for you to feel or behave in a particular way 理由,缘由 SYN reason
cause for
 There is no cause for alarm.
 The patient’s condition is giving cause for concern.
 The present political climate gives little cause for optimism.
have (good) cause to do something
 His father has good cause to be proud of him.
with/without good cause
 Many people are worried about the economy, and with good cause.
3 something YOU SUPPORT[countableC] an aim, belief, or organization that a group of people support or fight for 事业,理想,目标
 My father fought for the Nationalist cause.
cause of
 her lifelong devotion to the cause of women’s rights
 He has championed the cause of independence (=he has supported it publicly).
 You can get fit, and at the same time raise money for a worthy cause.
 Please give generously – it’s all in a good cause (=done in order to help people).
4 have/make common cause (with/against somebody) formalUNITE to join with other people or groups in order to oppose an enemy (和某人)携手合作;(和某人)协力对敌
 U.S. officials expect other Western governments to make common cause with them over the arrests.
5. LAW[countableC] lawSCL a case that is brought to a court of law 诉讼案件
lost cause at lost2(12)
nGRAMMAR: Comparison
You say the cause of something:
What was the cause of the problem?
Don’t say: the cause for the problem
You say there is cause for concern/alarm/complaint etc:
The doctor said there was cause for concern.
Don’t say: There was a cause for concern.
You say the reason for something:
What do you think was the reason for their success?
Don’t say: the reason of their success
You talk about the reason why something happens:
Can you tell me the reason why you did this?
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 1: a person, event, or thing that makes something happen 原因,起因
a common cause of something 某事的常见原因
Alcohol is the most common cause of road accidents.
the main/primary cause of something 某事的主要原因
Smoking is the main cause of lung disease.
a major/leading cause of something 某事的重要原因
In this country, debt is a major cause of homelessness.
nDrug abuse is the leading cause of crime and violence.
a direct/indirect cause 直接/间接原因
Government policies are the direct cause of the problems facing the economy.
the root cause (=the most basic cause) 根本原因
People often deal with the symptoms rather than the root cause of a problem.
the fundamental/underlying cause (=the root cause) 根本原因
nThe underlying cause of insomnia is often anxiety.
the probable/likely cause 可能的原因
nThe probable cause of the fire was faulty wiring.
discover/find the cause 找出原因
An investigation has failed to discover the cause of the epidemic.
determine/establish/identify the cause (=discover definitely what it is) 确定原因
nA team of experts is at the scene of the accident, trying to determine the cause.
investigate the cause 调查原因
nPolice are still investigating the cause of the fire.
the cause of death 死因
A snake bite was the cause of death.
die of/from natural causes (=die of illness, old age etc, not because of an accident or crime) 自然死亡
nHe died from natural causes, believed to be a heart attack.
cause and effect (=the idea that one thing directly causes another) 因果关系
nWhat happened was simply a question of cause and effect.
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 3: an aim, belief, or organization that a group of people support or fight for 事业,理想,目标
a good cause (=one that is worth supporting, for example a charity)
The money we are raising is for a good cause.
a worthy/deserving cause (=a good cause)
The Red Cross is a very worthy cause.
a just cause (=an aim that is fair and right)
The rebels believed that they were fighting for a just cause.
a noble cause (=an aim that is morally good)
He died for a noble cause.
the Nationalist/Republican etc cause (=their aims and organization)
The election results were a serious blow to the Nationalist cause.
support a cause
Giving money is only one way of supporting a good cause.
fight for a cause (=take action to achieve an aim)
Young people often want to fight for a cause.
champion a cause (=publicly support an aim)
He has championed the cause of renewable energy since the 1980s.
advance/further/promote a cause (=help to achieve an aim)
He did much to advance the cause of freedom.
be committed to a cause (=believe in an aim very strongly)
We are committed to the cause of racial justice.
be sympathetic to a cause (=understand an aim, and possibly support it)
They hope the new president will be sympathetic to their cause.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin cause1
(1200-1300) Old French Latin causa




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