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词汇 catch


Word family adjectivecatchablecatchycatch-allCatch-22catchweightnouncatchercatchinesscatchingcatchmentcatchflycatchment areacatchpennycatchphrasecatchweedcatchwordverbcatch
Related topics: Cricket, Baseball
catch1 /kætʃ/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp caught /kɔːt $ kɒːt/)  
1 catch.jpg take and hold 接住HOLD
a) [intransitiveI, transitiveT]HOLD to get hold of and stop an object such as a ball that is moving through the air 接住〔在空中移动的物体〕 throw
 Stephen leapt up and caught the ball in one hand.
 ‘Pass me that pen, would you?’ ‘Here you are. Catch!’
 The kids were throwing and catching a Frisbee down on the beach.
b) [transitiveT]HOLD to suddenly take hold of someone or something with your hand 突然抓住
 He caught her elbow to steady her.
 Miss Perry caught hold of my sleeve and pulled me back.
2 STOP/TRAP somebodyfind/stop SB 抓住某人 [transitiveT]
a) CATCHto stop someone after you have been chasing them and not let them get away 抓住,捉住
 ‘You can’t catch me!’ she yelled, running away.
b) CATCHto find a criminal or enemy and stop them from escaping 捕获,逮住,抓住〔罪犯或敌人〕 SYN capture
 State police have launched a massive operation to catch the murderer.
 If you go back to the city, you’re bound to get caught.
3 see SB doing STH 看到某人在做某事FIND somebody DOING somethingCATCH [transitiveT] to see someone doing something that they did not want you to know they were doing 撞见,发现,当场抓住〔某人正在干不想让你知道的事〕
catch somebody doing something
 I caught him reading my private letters.
 Gemma turned around and caught the stranger looking at her intently.
catch somebody in the act (of doing something) (=catch someone while they are doing something illegal) 当场抓住某人(在做非法之事)
 The gang was caught in the act of unloading the cigarettes.
 He was caught red-handed (=as he was doing something wrong) taking money from the cash register.
catch somebody at it
 We knew he’d been cheating, but we’d never caught him at it before.
4 illness 疾病 [transitiveT]GET to get an infectious disease 患上〔传染病〕,感染上
 Anton caught malaria in Mali, and nearly died.
 Many young people are still ignorant about how HIV is caught.
catch something from/off somebody/something
 Typhoid and cholera are often caught from contaminated water supplies.
 I caught chicken pox off my friend at school.
catch your death (of cold) British EnglishBrE spoken (=get a very bad cold) 得重感冒
 Don’t stand out in the rain. You’ll catch your death.
5 catch somebody by surprise, catch somebody off guard, catch somebody napping/unawarescatch somebody off guard, catch somebody napping/unawares catch somebody by surprise  (also catch somebody on the hop British EnglishBrE)EXPECT to do something or to happen when someone is not expecting it or prepared for it 使某人吃惊,使某人措手不及
 Her question caught him off guard.
Examples from the Corpus
6 catch somebody with their pants/trousers down to discover that someone is doing something that they should not be doing or has not done something that they should have done 〔出其不意地做某事〕使某人猝不及防,令某人突陷窘境
 He’s not the first politician to be caught with his pants down, and he won’t be the last.
7 animal/fish 动物/鱼类 [transitiveT]CATCH to trap an animal or fish by using a trap, net, or hook, or by hunting it 〔用陷阱、网、钩等〕捕捉
 Did you catch any fish?
 Early settlers caught rabbits and squirrels and even rats in order to survive.
8 catch a train/plane/bus ON TIMEto get on a train, plane etc in order to travel on it, or to be in time to get on a train, plane etc before it leaves 赶上火车/飞机/公共汽车
 I caught the 7.15 train to London.
 There’s a train in now. If you run, you’ll just catch it.
 I have to hurry – I have a bus to catch.
Examples from the Corpus
9 not miss SB/STH 未错过某人/某物BE IN TIME [transitiveT]TCM to not be too late to do something, see something, talk to someone etc 及时赶上 OPP miss
 I managed to catch her just as she was leaving.
 I just caught the last few minutes of the documentary.
 Tumours like these can be treated quite easily if they’re caught early enough.
catch the post British EnglishBrE (=post letters in time for them to be collected that day) 赶上邮局的收信时间
10 get stuck 被卡住 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]NOT MOVING if your hand, finger, clothing etc catches or is caught in something, it gets stuck in it accidentally (被)夹住;(被)卡住;(被)钩住
 His overalls caught in the engine.
 Her microphone was forever getting caught on her clothes.
11 catch somebody’s attention/interest/imagination etc NOTICEto make you notice something and feel interested in it 引起某人的注意/兴趣/想象等
 Lucie whistled sharply to catch the other girl’s attention.
 This is a story that will catch the imagination of every child.
12 not catch something HEAR spoken to not hear or understand what someone says 没听到某事,没听清某事;没听懂某事
 I’m afraid I didn’t catch your name.
13 hear 听到 [transitiveT] to manage to hear a sound 听到,听见
 I caught the muffled thud of a car door slamming in the street.
see thesaurus at hear
14 catch you later spoken used to say goodbye 再见
 ‘I’ll give you a call in a couple of days.’ ‘Okay. Catch you later.’
Examples from the Corpus
15 do/see STH/看见某事 [transitiveT] spoken especially American EnglishAmE to go somewhere in order to do or see something 去做〔某事〕;去看〔某物〕
 We could catch a movie (=go to a movie).
 M Records caught his act and signed him immediately.
16 catch a ride American EnglishAmE spoken to go somewhere in someone else’s car 搭便车
 I caught a ride as far as Columbus.
Examples from the Corpus
17 you won’t catch me doing something  (also you won’t catch me somewhere) spokenNEVER used to say that you would never do something 别指望我会做某事,我不可能做某事
 I love dancing but you won’t catch me being the first on the dance floor!
Examples from the Corpus
18 catch it PUNISH informal to be punished by someone such as a parent or teacher because you have done something wrong 受罚,挨骂
 You’ll catch it if Dad finds out.
Examples from the Corpus
19 catch a glimpse of somebody/something to see someone or something for a very short time 看一眼某人/某物
 Fans waited for hours at the airport to catch a glimpse of their idol.
Examples from the Corpus
20 catch sight of somebody/something to suddenly see someone or something that you have been looking for or have been hoping to see 忽然看到〔一直在寻找或希望看到的〕某人/某物
 I caught sight of her in the crowd.
Examples from the Corpus
21 describe well 成功描述 [transitiveT]DESCRIBE to show or describe the character or quality of something well in a picture, piece of writing etc 〔图画、文章等〕成功地展现[描述] SYN capture
 a novel that catches the mood of post-war Britain
22 BURNburn 燃烧
a) catch fireBURN if something catches fire, it starts to burn accidentally 着火
 Two farm workers died when a barn caught fire.
b) [intransitiveI]BURN if a fire catches, it starts to burn 点着,开始燃烧
 For some reason the charcoal wasn’t catching.
23 catch somebody’s eye 
a) to attract someone’s attention and make them look at something 吸引某人的注意
 Out on the freeway, a billboard caught his eye.
b) to look at someone at the same moment that they are looking at you 遇到某人的目光
 Every time she caught his eye, she would glance away embarrassed.
Examples from the Corpus
24 catch yourself doing something REALIZEto suddenly realize you are doing something 突然意识到自己在做某事
 Standing there listening to the song, he caught himself smiling from ear to ear.
Examples from the Corpus
25 hit 击打 [transitiveT]HIT to hit someone in or on a particular part of their body 击中,打到
 The punch caught him right in the face.
26 be/get caught in/without etc something DIFFICULTto be in a situation that you cannot easily get out of or in which you do not have something you need 处于困境/缺少某物等
 We got caught in a rainstorm on the way here.
 Here’s a useful tip if you’re caught without a mirror.
Examples from the Corpus
27 catch your breath 
a) PAUSEto pause for a moment after a lot of physical effort in order to breathe normally again 歇口气,缓口气
 Hang on a minute – let me catch my breath!
b) BREATHEto stop breathing for a moment because something has surprised, frightened, or shocked you 〔因惊讶、恐惧或震惊而〕屏住呼吸
c) to take some time to stop and think about what you will do next after having been very busy or active 〔忙碌之后〕停歇思考一下
 It was an enforced absence from work, but at least it gave me a little time to catch my breath before the final push.
Examples from the Corpus
28 container 容器 [transitiveT]KEEP/STORE if a container catches liquid, it is in a position where the liquid falls into it 接住,盛住〔液体〕
 Place the baking sheet under the muffin pan to catch the drips.
29 shine 照射 [transitiveT]SHINY if the light catches something or if something catches the light, the light shines on it 照在;受的照射
 The sunlight caught her hair and turned it to gold.
30 catch the sun informalMI if you catch the sun, your skin becomes red and sometimes sore because of the effects of sunlight 皮肤被晒红[]
 You’ve caught the sun on the back of your neck.
Examples from the Corpus
31 wind [transitiveT] if something catches the wind or the wind catches something, it blows on it 截住〔风〕,受〔风〕
 Gary swung the sail round to catch the light wind.
32 sport 体育运动SPORT
a) [transitiveT]DSC to end a player’s innings in cricket by catching the ball that is hit off their bat before it touches the ground 〔板球未着地前〕接住球使〔击球手〕出局
b) [intransitiveI]DSB to be the catcher in a game of baseball 〔棒球比赛中〕当接球手
catch to stop someone who is trying to escape, especially by running after them and then holding them 逮住,抓住〔试图逃跑的人〕
He raced after her, but he couldn’t catch her.
The police caught the bank robbers after a car chase through the city.
arrest if the police arrest someone, they take him or her to a police station because they think that person has done something illegal 逮捕,拘捕
Wayne was arrested for dangerous driving.
The police arrested him and charged him with murder.
apprehend formal if the police apprehend someone they think has done something illegal, they catch him or her 拘捕,拘押
The two men were later apprehended after they robbed another store.
The killers were never apprehended.
nAll of the kidnappers were apprehended and convicted.
capture to catch an enemy or a criminal in order to keep them as a prisoner 俘虏〔敌人〕;捕获〔罪犯〕
The French king was captured by the English at the Battle of Poitiers in 1356.
The gunmen were finally captured after a shoot-out with the police.
take somebody prisoner to catch someone, especially in a war, in order to keep them as a prisoner 〔尤指在战争中〕俘虏〔某人〕
350 soldiers were killed and another 300 taken prisoner.
nEllison was taken prisoner by the Germans during the retreat to Dunkirk.
trap to make someone go to a place from which they cannot escape, especially by using your skill and intelligence 〔尤指用巧计〕把逼进,迫使进入
Police trapped the man inside a bar on the city’s southside.
corner to force someone into a place from which they cannot escape 困住,把逼入困境
He was cornered outside the school by three gang members.
33catch at something phrasal verbphr v HOLDto try to take hold of something 试图抓住
 She caught at his arm, ‘Hang on. I’m coming with you.’
Examples from the Corpus
34catch on phrasal verbphr v 
a) POPULARto become popular and fashionable 流行
 The idea of glasses being a fashion item has been slow to catch on.
b) UNDERSTANDto begin to understand or realize something (开始)明白,意识到
 It was a long time before the police caught on to what he was really doing.
Examples from the Corpus
35catch somebody out phrasal verbphr v 
a) MISTAKEto make someone make a mistake, especially deliberately and in order to prove that they are lying 识破〔错误〕,故意使〔某人〕犯错〔尤为证明某人撒谎〕
 The interviewer may try to catch you out.
b) READYif something unexpected catches you out, it puts you in a difficult situation because you were not expecting it or not fully prepared for it 使遭遇意外
 Even the best whitewater rafters get caught out by the fierce rapids here.
Examples from the Corpus
36catch up phrasal verbphr v 
a) IMPROVEto improve and reach the same standard as other people in your class, group etc 赶上〔同班、同组等其他人的水平〕
 If you miss a lot of classes, it’s very difficult to catch up.
 At the moment our technology is more advanced, but other countries are catching up with us.
b) CATCHto come from behind and reach someone in front of you by going faster 追上,赶上〔前面的人〕
 Drive faster – they’re catching up with us.
catch somebody up British EnglishBrE
 You go on ahead. I’ll catch you up in a minute.
c) NOWto do what needs to be done because you have not been able to do it until now 赶做,补做
 I have some work to catch up on.
 I need to catch up on some sleep (=after a period without enough sleep).
d) to spend time finding out what has been happening while you have been away or during the time you have not seen someone 打听〔不在时所发生的事情〕;别后叙谈
 When I got home I phoned Jo to catch up on all the gossip.
 I’ll leave you two alone – I’m sure you’ve got a lot of catching up to do.
e) be/get caught up in somethingTAKE PART/BE INVOLVED to be or get involved in something, especially something bad 卷入某事,陷入某事〔尤指坏事〕
 I didn’t want to get caught up in endless petty arguments.
Examples from the Corpus
37catch up with somebody phrasal verbphr v 
a) CATCHto finally find someone who has been doing something illegal and punish them 〔终于〕抓住并惩罚〔某人〕
 It took six years for the law to catch up with them.
b) AVOIDif something bad from the past catches up with you, you cannot avoid dealing with it any longer 〔过去的坏事〕缠身,找上门来算账
 At the end of the movie his murky past catches up with him.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Daily life, Games
catch2 ●●○ noun  
1 [countableC]HOLD an act of catching a ball that has been thrown or hit 接球(动作)
 Hey! Nice catch!
2 [countableC usually singular] informalPROBLEM a hidden problem or difficulty 陷阱,隐患,圈套,诡计
 This deal looks too good to be true – there must be a catch somewhere.
the catch is (that)
 The catch is that you can’t enter the competition unless you’ve spent $100 in the store.
3. [countableC]D a hook or something similar for fastening a door or lid and keeping it shut 锁钩;挂钩,吊扣
4. [countableC]TA a quantity of fish that has been caught at one time 〔一次的〕捕鱼量
5 [uncountableU]DG a simple game in which two or more people throw a ball to each other 接球游戏
 Let’s go outside and play catch.
6 a catch in your voice/throat a short pause that you make when you are speaking, because you feel upset or are beginning to cry 声音/喉咙哽咽,哽塞
 There was a catch in Anne’s voice and she seemed close to tears.
Examples from the Corpus
7. a (good) catch MARRYWANTsomeone who is a good person to have a relationship with or to marry because they are rich, attractive etc – often used humorously 理想的对象,理想的配偶〔指富有、漂亮的对象,常为幽默用法〕
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
catchcatch /kætʃ/ verb (past tensepst and past participlepp caught /kɔːtkɒːt/) [transitiveT]
1be caught in something to be in a situation that is difficult to escape from
The government is caught in the middle of the dispute.
The yen was caught in a downward spiral.
2catch somebody by surprise/off guard etc British EnglishBrE to happen when you are not expecting it or not ready to deal with it
The sharp turn in share prices caught many investors by surprise.
Many oil companies were caught flatfooted when oil prices fell sharply with the start of the Gulf War.
3catch a cold British EnglishBrE informal if a business catches a cold, it begins to have financial problems
With the economic downturn, the recruitment industry will catch a cold.
catch on
Origin catch1
(1100-1200) Old North French cachier to hunt, from Vulgar Latin captiare, from Latin captare to try to catch, from capere to take





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