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词汇 capital


Word family nouncapitalismcapitalistcapitalizationcapital assetscapital gainscapital gains taxcapital goodscapital levycapital punishmentcapitaladjectivecapitalisticcapital-intensiveverbcapitalizeadverbcapitally
Related topics: Government, Business basics, Letters & punctuation, Architecture, Business, Geography
cap·i·tal1 /ˈkæpətl/ ●●● S3 W1 noun  
1 city 城市CITY [countableC]PGTOWN an important city where the main government of a country, state etc is 首都;首府;省会
 Washington D.C., the capital of the United States
see thesaurus at city
2 FINANCIALmoney [singular, uncountableU]BBMONEY money or property, especially when it is used to start a business or to produce more wealth 资本,资金
 The government is eager to attract foreign capital.
venture capital, working capital
3. letter 字母LETTER [countableC]SLA a letter of the alphabet written in its large form, used for example at the beginning of someone’s name 大写字母 lower case, upper case
4 centre of activity 活动中心CENTRE OF ACTIVITY [countableC]BUSY PLACE a place that is a centre for an industry, business, or other activity 〔工商业或其他活动的〕中心
 Hollywood is the capital of the movie industry.
5. make capital from/out of something ADVANTAGEto use a situation or event to help you get an advantage 利用某事获利,从某事中捞取好处
6. building 建筑物 [countableC] technical the top part of a column (=a long stone post used in some buildings) 柱头,柱顶
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Letters & punctuation, Crime
capital2 ●●○ adjectiveadj  
1 SLAa capital letter is one that is written or printed in its large form 大写的 lower case, upper case
 capital ‘B’
2 relating to money that you use to start a business or to make more money 资本的,资金的
 capital investments
3. capital offence/crime SCLKILLan offence that is punished by death 死罪
Examples from the Corpus
4. trouble with a capital T, fast with a capital F etcfast with a capital F etc trouble with a capital T informal used with any word in order to emphasize that you are talking about an extreme type of something 麻烦透顶,快速之极等〔强调极端性〕
5. GOOD/EXCELLENT old-fashioned excellent 极好的
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
capitalcap·i·tal /ˈkæpətl/ noun [uncountableU]
1ECONOMICSmoney or property used to produce wealth
Countries around the world are hungry for capital and economic development.
see also return on capital
customer capital human capital intellectual capital social capital
2FINANCEmoney from shareholders and lenders that can be invested by a business in assets in order to produce profits
There is a shortage of capital for the purchase of new aircraft.
Since the stockmarket fall, companies have been prevented from raising capital by selling new stock.
The company desperately needs a fresh injection of capital.
The company has bought lots of land over the last few years, which ties up capital (=makes it unavailable for use) as it waits to develop it.
authorized capital circulating capital core capital debt capital equity capital fixed capital flight capital issued capital loan capital nominal capital operating capital ordinary capital paid-in capital preference capital risk capital share capital split capital Tier 1 capital Tier 2 capital uncalled capital unissued capital venture capital working capital
Origin capital1
1. (1600-1700) → CAPITAL2
2. (1600-1700) French Italian capitale, from Latin capitalis; → CAPITAL2
3. (1200-1300) Old North French capitel, from Late Latin capitellum, from Latin caput; → CAPITAL2
(1100-1200) Latin capitalis, from caput head




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