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词汇 rap
There was a sharp rap on the door. 有人在重重地急促敲门。 a rap song/artist说唱歌曲/艺术家 a police rap sheet (= a record of the crimes somebody has committed)判刑记录 He denounced the criticisms as ‘just one bum rap after another.’ 他谴责这样的批评 “只不过是一次又一次的横加指斥”。 Wolves get a bad rap, says a woman who owns three. “狼的名声不好,这是不公正的。” 一个养着三只狼的女人说。 We got a rap over the knuckles for being late. 我们因为迟到而受到严厉训斥。 She was rapped over the knuckles by her boss for criticizing the company in the press. She was prepared to take the rap for the shoplifting, though it had been her sister's idea. 尽管在商店偷东西是她妹妹的主意,可她甘愿为此受罚。
a rap on the knuckles one of the biggest artists on the rap scene He denounced the criticisms as ‘just one bum rap after another’. 他谴责这样的批评 “只不过是一次又一次的横加指斥”。 Wolves get a bad rap, says a woman who owns three. “狼的名声不好,这是不公正的。” 一个养着三只狼的女人说。 (+ adv./prep.) She rapped angrily on the door. 她怒气冲冲地敲着门。 He rapped on the window with his stick. rap something (+ adv./prep.) He rapped the table with his pen. 他用钢笔敲了敲桌子。 He walked through the store, rapping out orders to his staff. 他在商店里一边走一边对他的员工大声发号施令。 Some of the teachers were rapped for poor performance. 一些老师因为表现差劲而受到严厉批评。 The company was rapped over the knuckles for broadcasting the interview.




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