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词汇 pick
pick somebody/something Pick a number from one to twenty. 从一至二十中挑选一个数。 She picked the best cake for herself. 她为自己挑了一块最好的蛋糕。 He picked his words carefully. 他用词细心谨慎。 Have I picked a bad time to talk to you? 我是不是挑了个不恰当的时间跟你谈话? pick somebody/something to do something He has been picked to play in this week's game. 他已入选参加本周的比赛。 to pick grapes摘葡萄 flowers freshly picked from the garden刚从花园采的鲜花 to go blackberry picking去采黑莓 pick something + adv./prep. She picked bits of fluff from his sweater. 她摘掉他毛衣上的绒毛。 He picked the nuts off the top of the cake. 他把蛋糕上面的果仁拿掉。 pick something to pick your nose (= put your finger inside your nose to remove dried mucus)抠鼻子 to pick your teeth (= use a small sharp piece of wood to remove pieces of food from your teeth)剔牙 pick something + adj. The dogs picked the bones clean (= ate all the meat from the bones). 狗把骨头啃得干干净净。 You have to take any job you can get—you can't pick and choose. 你只能有什么工作就干什么,不能挑三拣四了。 He had drunk too much and was ready to pick a fight with anyone who crossed his path. It was easy to pick holes in his arguments. 找他论据中的漏洞很容易。 The burglars must have picked the lock on the back door. The back pocket on a pair of jeans is the easiest one to pick. The company picked up the tab for his hotel room. 公司为他付旅馆费。 The government will continue to pick up college fees for some students. 政府将继续替一些学生缴纳学费。 You cannot live your children's lives for them; you can only be there to pick up the pieces when things go wrong. 你不能替孩子过活,只能在出现问题时帮忙解决。 The train began to pick up speed. 火车开始加速。 She picked her way delicately over the rough ground. 她小心翼翼地在高低不平的地面上行走。
You choose—I can’t decide. 你来选吧,我拿不定主意。 He was selected for the team.他已入选进队了。 a randomly selected sample of 23 schools随机抽选的 23 所学校 She picked the best cake for herself. 她为自己挑了一块最好的蛋糕。 We’re still trying to decide on a venue. 我们仍在设法选定一个活动地点。 After graduating she opted for a career in music. 毕业后她选择了从事音乐工作。 After a lot of thought, I opted against buying a motorbike.经过反复考虑,我决定不买摩托车。 I think I’ll go for the fruit salad. 我想要水果色拉。 Have you been picked for the team? He picked the pan up carefully by the handle. He was picked out as the best player. I hurriedly picked up the receiver. I idly picked up a magazine and flicked through it. Names were picked at random out of a hat. Rather gingerly, George picked up the tiny bundle. She gently picked up a plate and examined it. She stooped down to pick up a stone. She stooped to pick the book up off the floor. They picked Jane as the captain. freshly picked strawberries He has been picked to play in this week’s game. 他已入选参加本周的比赛。 The common was a great place to go blackberry picking. They picked some flowers and arranged them into a beautiful bouquet. to pick grapes/​strawberries/​cotton Take your pick (= choose). 自己选吧。 The winner gets first pick of the prizes. 获胜者可先挑奖品。 She was his pick for best actress. 她是他认为最好的女演员。 We're reviewing the pick of this month's new books. 我们正在做本月的精品新书评介。 I think we got the pick of the bunch (= the best in the group). 我认为我们得到了其中的极品。 picks and shovels镐与平锹
She’s the obvious choice for the job. 她是这个职位当然的人选。 Which one’s your favourite? 你最喜欢哪一个? Tastes and preferences vary from individual to individual.人的爱好和选择各不相同。 A selection of reader’s comments are published below.下面选登了部分读者评论。 She was his pick for best actress. 她是他认为最好的女演员。 She had her pick of the single men. Which do you want? Take your pick. Red or green? Take your pick. She had her pick of the young single men at the party.




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