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词汇 brand


Word family adjectivebrandedbranderedbrand-newnounbranderbrandlingbrand namebrand
brand1 /brænd/ ●●○ noun [countableC]  
1 TYPEa type of product made by a particular company, that has a particular name or design 品牌,牌子 make
brand of
 What brand of detergent do you use?
brand leader/leading brand (=the brand that sells the most) 领先品牌
 products which lack a strong brand image
brand loyalty (=the tendency to always buy a particular brand) 品牌忠诚度
own brand British EnglishBrE, store brand American EnglishAmE (=a product made and sold by a particular store) 自有品牌,商店品牌
2 brand of humour/politics/religion etc FUNNYa particular type of humour, politics, religion etc 某种类型的幽默/政治/宗教等
 a strange macabre brand of humour
Examples from the Corpus
3. MARKa mark made or burned on a farm animal’s skin that shows who it belongs to 〔标明牲畜所属的〕烙印
a leading brand
a leading brand such as Toshiba
a top brand
Kids want to have Nike and Reebok and other top brands.
a popular brand
It’s the most popular brand of tequila in Mexico.
an own brand British EnglishBrE, a store brand American EnglishAmE (=sold by a particular store under its own name)
A supermarket’s own brand should cost less than the nationally advertised brands.
brand + NOUN
the brand leader (=the brand that sells the most)
Schwartz is the brand leader for herbs and spices in the UK.
a brand name
The use of tobacco brand names in sponsoring sports has been banned.
a brand image (=the way a product or organization seems to the public)
A company carefully protects its brand image.
brand loyalty (=the tendency to always buy a particular brand)
Advertising is used to sell a product and create brand loyalty.
Examples from the Corpus
brand2 ●○○ verb [transitiveT]  
1 CALL/DESCRIBE ASto describe someone or something as a very bad type of person or thing, often unfairly 加上〔往往是不公的〕恶名
brand somebody (as) something
 You can’t brand all football supporters as hooligans.
 Stealing that money has branded Jim for life – no one will trust him again.
2 MARKto burn a mark onto something, especially a farm animal, in order to show who it belongs to 给〔牲畜〕打烙印〔以标明其主人〕
brand something with something
 Each cow was branded with the ranch’s logo.
3. technical to give a name to a product or group of products so that they can be easily recognized by their name or design 给〔产品〕设计品牌
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
brandbrand1 /brænd/ noun [countableC]
MARKETINGa name given to a product by a company so that the product can easily be recognized by its name or its design
Virgin’s aim is to ensure that all its products and services match and exploit the brand.
the Lancôme brand of cosmetics
This is a company with strong brands and a good position in many markets.
We built the Veuve Clicquot brand slowly over seven years.
Argos bought five factories and developed its own brand called Fortuna.
A brand is a type of product made by a particular company. You use brand to talk about products that you use every day, such as food and drink or cleaning products
They sell many different kinds of coffee, including some of the less well-known brands.
A make is the name of a particular product or the company that makes it, used especially about things such as electrical equipment and cars, but not about food or drink
‘What make of car do you own?” “A Mercedes.’
A model is one particular type of car or machine from the various types that a company produces
We produce a range of different computers, but this is our most popular model.
A label is a name representing the company that is selling a product
These products are manufactured overseas to a standard approved by the store and sold under their own label.
aspirational brand consumer brand dealer's brand house brand private brand signature brand stand-alone brand
brandbrand2 verb [transitiveT]
MARKETING to give a name to a product or group of products so that they can be easily recognized by their name or design branding
We have made great efforts to brand our books by putting the company’s name on the front and back covers.
Origin brand1
Old English torch, sword




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