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词汇 branch


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Related topics: Plants, Business basics, Organizations, Family
branch1 /brɑːntʃ $ bræntʃ/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countableC]  
1 tree.jpg of a treeHBP a part of a tree that grows out from the trunk (=main stem) and that has leaves, fruit, or smaller branches growing from it 树枝 limb
 After the storm, the ground was littered with twigs and branches.
 The topmost branches were full of birds.
4  See picture of 见图 TREE5 see picture at 见图 tree
2 of a business/shop/company etc 企业/商店/公司等IN A LOCAL AREABB a local business, shop etc that is part of a larger business etc 分支,分部;分店;分行
 The bank has branches all over the country.
 a branch office in Boston
 She now works in our Denver branch.
 Where’s their nearest branch?
 They’re planning to open a branch in St. Louis next year.
 Have you met our branch manager, Mr. Carlson?
3 of government 政府OF AN ORGANIZATIONSSO a part of a government or other organization that deals with one particular part of its work 〔政府或机构的〕部门 department
 All branches of government are having to cut costs.
the executive/judicial/legislative branch (=the three main parts of the US government) 行政/司法/立法部门
4 of a subject 某个学科OF A SUBJECTAREA OF KNOWLEDGE, DUTIES, STUDY ETC one part of a large subject of study or knowledge 分科,分支 field
a branch of mathematics/physics/biology etc 数学/物理/生物学等的分支
5 of a family 某个家族OF A FAMILYSSF a group of members of a family who all have the same ancestors 家族分支 side
 the wealthy South American branch of the family
6 of a river/road etc 河流/道路等SMALLER PARTPART a smaller less important part of a river, road, or railway that leads away from the larger more important part of it 分支;支线;支流
 The rail company may have to close the branch line to Uckfield.
Examples from the Corpus
branch2 verb [intransitiveI]  
1to divide into two or more smaller, narrower, or less important parts 分支;分岔 fork
 When you reach the village green, the street branches into two.
2branch off phrasal verbphr v 
a) SEPARATEif a road, passage, railway etc branches off from another road etc, it separates from it and goes in a different direction 〔道路、铁路等〕分岔,分支 SYN fork off
 a passage branching off from the main tunnel
b) British EnglishBrETURN to leave a main road 离开主路[干线],走入岔道 SYN fork off
 We branched off from the main road and turned down a country lane.
c) TALK TO somebodyto start talking about something different from what you were talking about before 岔开〔话题〕
 Then the conversation branched off into a discussion about movies.
3branch out phrasal verbphr v VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDSto start doing something different from the work or activities that you normally do 扩大〔工作、活动〕范围,开辟新的领域
 Don’t be afraid to branch out and try something new.
branch out into (doing) something
 Profits were falling until the bookstore branched out into selling CDs.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
branchbranch /brɑːntʃbræntʃ/ noun [countableC]
1an individual bank, shop, office etc that is part of a large organization
The business has 170 branches throughout the UK.
To talk to one of our specialist financial advisers, just contact your local branch.
2a part of a government or a large organization that deals with one particular type of work
The executive and judicial branches of government would be totally separate.
3British EnglishBrE a small local organization that is part of a TRADE UNIONSYN AmE local
He is a former chairman of the Belfast branch of the National Union of Journalists.
She joined the strike support committee and started going to branch meetings.
Origin branch1
(1200-1300) Old French branche, from Late Latin branca animal's foot




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