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词汇 bow


Word family adjectivebowedbowbentnounbowingbowyerbowfinbowheadbowknotbowmanbowsawbowshotbowstringbow tiebow windowbowerverbbow
bow1 /baʊ/ ●●○ verb   bough
1 [intransitiveI]BEND to bend the top part of your body forward in order to show respect for someone important, or as a way of thanking an audience 鞠躬
 She bowed and left the stage.
 Corbett entered the room, bowing respectfully.
 The servant bowed low and handed his master the sealed note.
bow before/to
 He bowed before the king.
5 see picture at 见图 bend1
2 bow your head to bend your neck so that you are looking at the ground, especially because you want to show respect for God, or because you are embarrassed or upset 低头
 She bowed her head and prayed.
 Phil stood, his head bowed in shame.
Examples from the Corpus
3 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]BEND to bend your body over something, especially in order to see it more closely 〔尤指为靠近些看〕俯(身),欠(身)
bow over
 Teague sat at his desk, bowed over a book.
4 BEND[intransitiveI, transitiveT] to bend, or to make something bend (使)弯曲
 The trees bowed in the wind.
 His back was bowed under the weight of the heavy bag.
5. bow and scrape OBEYto show too much respect to someone in authority – used to show disapproval 点头哈腰,卑躬屈膝〔含贬义〕
Examples from the Corpus
6bow down phrasal verbphr v 
a) BENDto bend your body forward, especially when you are already kneeling, in order to show respect (跪)拜
before/to etc
 Maria bowed down before the statue.
 Come, let us bow down in worship.
b) bow down to somebody literaryOBEY to let someone give you orders or tell you what to do – used to show disapproval 向某人屈服;屈从于某人〔含贬义〕
Examples from the Corpus
7bow out phrasal verbphr v 
a) STOP DOING somethingto stop taking part in an activity, job etc, especially one that you have been doing for a long time (从)退出,退场;辞职
 Reeves thinks it is time for him to bow out of politics.
b) DOto not do something that you have promised or agreed to do 食言
 You’re not trying to bow out of this, are you?
Examples from the Corpus
8bow to somebody/something phrasal verbphr v AGREEto finally agree to do something, even though you do not want to do it 让步,屈服于
 Congress may bow to public pressure and lift the arms embargo.
 Myers finally bowed to the inevitable (=accepted something he could not change) and withdrew from the campaign.
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Related topics: Water
bow2 /baʊ/ ●●○ noun   bough
1 BEND[countableC] the act of bending the top part of your body forward to show respect for someone when you meet them, or as a way of thanking an audience 鞠躬
take/give a bow (=bow to the audience at the end of a performance) 〔表演结束后〕鞠躬致谢,谢幕
 The music ended and the girl took a bow.
 He gave a final bow just as the curtains came down.
 This is done with a formal bow to the king or queen.
2. (also bows [plural]) [countableC]TTW the front part of a ship 船头,艏 stern, yacht
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Related topics: Weapons, Clothes & fashion, Music
bow3 /bəʊ/ noun [countableC]   beau
1 bow.jpg PMWa weapon used for shooting arrows, made of a long thin piece of wood held in a curve by a tight string
 a bow and arrow
2 DCa knot of cloth or string, with a curved part on either side and two loose ends, worn in the hair as decoration or for tying shoelaces 蝴蝶结
 Ella wore a bow in her hair.
in a bow
 long chestnut hair tied back in a bow
3. APMa long thin piece of wood with a tight string fastened along it, used to play musical instruments such as the violin or cello 〔弦乐器的〕弓;琴弓
have more than one string to your bow at string1(8)
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Related topics: Music
bow4 /bəʊ/ verb   beau
1.[intransitiveI, transitiveT]APM to play a piece of music on a musical instrument with a bow3 用弓拉奏〔乐曲〕
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