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词汇 bottom


Word family adjectivebottomedbottomlessbottommostbottom-upnounbottomnessbottomrybottom drawerbottom linebottom
Related topics: Clothes
bot·tom1 /ˈbɒtəm $ ˈbɑː-/ ●●● S1 W3 noun  
1 lowest part 最底部the bottom LOWEST PARTBOTTOMthe lowest part of something 底部,基部;下端,末尾 OPP the top
the bottom of
 Can you hold the bottom of the ladder for me?
at the bottom (of something)
 Grandma was standing at the bottom of the stairs.
 at the bottom of the page
 Go downstairs and wait for me at the bottom.
the bottom of the page/screen 在这一页的底部
 There should be a menu bar at the bottom of your screen.
Examples from the Corpus
2 lowest side 最低面LOWEST SIDEBOTTOM [countableC usually singular] the flat surface on the lowest side of an object 〔物体的〕平底
the bottom of something
 What’s that on the bottom of your shoe?
3 lowest inner part 里面的最底部CUP/BOX ETCBOTTOM [countableC usually singular] the lowest inner surface of something such as a container 〔容器等的〕内底
at/in the bottom of something
 I found the keys – they were at the bottom of my handbag.
 The drugs had been hidden in a suitcase with a false bottom.
4 lowest social position/rank 最低的社会地位/级别the bottom LOWEST POSITIONLOW POSITION OR RANKthe lowest position in an organization or company 最低职位;最底层 OPP the top
the bottom of
 The Giants are at the bottom of the league.
the bottom of the ladder/pile/heap (=the lowest position in society, an organization etc) 社会[机构等]的最底层
 Immigrants were at the bottom of the pile.
 Higgins had started at the bottom (=in a low position in a company) and worked his way up to become managing director.
second/third etc from bottom
 United currently lie second from bottom of the Premier League.
Examples from the Corpus
5 ocean/river 海洋/河流the bottom SEA/RIVERHEOthe ground under a sea, river etc, or the flat land in a valley 海底;河底;水底;谷底
the bottom of
 The bottom of the pool is very slippery.
at/on the bottom (of something)
 A body was found at the bottom of the canal.
the sea/river bottom
 fish living on the sea bottom
Examples from the Corpus
6 body 身体BODY [countableC]HBH the part of your body that you sit on 臀部,屁股 SYN backside
 I just sat on my bottom and slid down.
7 clothes 衣服CLOTHES [countableC usually plural]DCC the part of a set of clothes that you wear on the lower part of your body 〔套装的〕下装
 pyjama bottoms
 a blue bikini bottom
8 furthest part 最远部分the bottom of a road/garden etc especially British EnglishBrEFAR the part of a road, area of land etc that is furthest from where you are /花园等的尽头
 There’s a shop at the bottom of the street.
9 get to the bottom of something CAUSEto find out the cause of a problem or situation 找出某事的起因
 I never got to the bottom of this!
Examples from the Corpus
10 be/lie at the bottom of something CAUSEto be the basic cause of a problem or situation 是某事的根本原因
 Lack of money is at the bottom of many family problems.
Examples from the Corpus
11 be at/hit/reach rock bottom WORSE
a) to be in a very bad situation that could not be any worse 糟糕透顶
 I was at rock bottom, and knew I had to try and stop drinking.
b) to be at a very low level 在非常低的水平
 We bought the house when prices were at rock bottom.
Examples from the Corpus
12 from the bottom of your heart REAL/NOT FALSE OR ARTIFICIALin a very sincere way 从心底里,由衷地
 Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Examples from the Corpus
13. the bottom drops/falls out of the market PEBUYwhen people stop buying a particular product, so that the people who sell it can no longer make any money 产品滞销
14. bottoms up! spokenDRINK used to tell someone to enjoy or finish their alcoholic drink 干杯!
15. big-bottomed/round-bottomed etc BOTTOMhaving a bottom or base that is big, round etc 屁股大的/圆的等;底部大的/圆的等
16 at bottom formalTRUE the way a person or situation really is, although they may seem different 实际上;内心里
 She’s a good kind person at bottom.
top, you can bet your bottom dollar at bet1(6), → knock the bottom out of at knock1(25), → from top to bottom at top1(22), → the bottom of the list at list1(2), → scrape the bottom of the barrel at scrape1(5)
the bottom the lowest part of something 底部,末端
The house is at the bottom of that hill.
She scrolled down to the bottom of the screen.
the underneath/the underside the bottom surface on the outside of something 〔物体外面的〕底下,底部
You will find the serial number on the underneath of the vacuum cleaner.
base the lowest part or the wide bottom part on which something stands 底座,基座
The lamp has a square base.
He had broken a bone at the base of his spine.
the foot literary the bottom of a tree, a hill, or some stairs 山脚;〔树或楼梯的〕底部
There was a small village at the foot of the mountain.
bed the ground at the bottom of a river, a lake, or the sea 河床;湖底;海底
the sea bed
They found some interesting stones on the river bed.
the foundations the layer of cement and stones that forms the bottom of a building 地基
The builders have begun laying the foundations for the house.
Examples from the Corpus
bottom2 ●●● S1 W3 adjectiveadj  
1 BOTTOM[only before noun] in the lowest place or position 底下的,底部的 OPP top
 It’s on the bottom shelf.
 The towels are in the bottom drawer.
 You’ve got some butter on your bottom lip.
 the bottom right-hand corner of the page
2 LOW POSITION OR RANK[not before noun] the least important, successful etc 最不重要的,最末的,最差的 OPP top
 I was bottom of the class (=the least successful student) in Spanish.
 Britain came bottom on efforts to tackle pollution and global warming.
3 [only before noun] especially British EnglishBrEFAR in the place furthest away from where you are 离得最远的
 the bottom field
4. bottom gear the lowest gear of a vehicle 低速挡
Examples from the Corpus
the bottom drawer/shelf
My passport’s in the bottom drawer of my desk.
the bottom step
Jenna sat on the bottom step.
the bottom corner
Look at the bottom left-hand corner of your screen.
the bottom row
That’s me in the middle of the bottom row of the photograph.
the bottom half
There’s were only two windows in the bottom half of the building.
the bottom rung (=of a ladder)
I put my foot on the bottom rung and started to climb.
somebody’s bottom lip
Her bottom lip trembled and she started to cry.
Examples from the Corpus
bottom3 verb  
1bottom out phrasal verbphr v PEif a situation, price etc bottoms out, it stops getting worse or lower, usually before improving again 〔局势、价格等〕见底 level off/out
 There are signs that the recession has bottomed out.
Examples from the Corpus
n1.a humorous character who is changed into a donkey in Shakespeare’s play A midsummer night’s dream
From Longman Business Dictionary
bottombot·tom1 /ˈbɒtəmˈbɑː-/ noun [countableC usually singular]
1the lowest point, position, or level
Hopefully, we are finally seeing the bottom of this recession.
Short-term interest rates are now probably near their bottom.
2hit/reach (rock) bottom to get to the lowest possible point, position, or level in price or performance
He believes gold prices have hit bottom or are close to it.
Thailand’s economic slowdown may have reached bottom and signs are some sectors are recovering.
3the bottom drops/falls out of the market used to say that prices reach extremely low levels, with many businesses and people in financial difficulty
The recession came and the bottom dropped out of the market for luxury houses.
The bottom fell out of the wool market and many farmers went bust.
bottombottom2 verb
bottom out
Origin bottom1
Old English botm

→THESAURUS1bottom2 adjectiveadjn COLLOCATIONS1bottom3 verbBottomn




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