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词汇 blue


Word family nounblueingbluenessblue babybluebackBluebeardbluebellblueberrybluebirdblue bookbluebottlebluebuckbluecapblue cheeseblue-chipbluecoatblue-eyed boybluefinbluefishbluegillbluegownbluegrassbluejacketbluenoseblueprintblue ribbonbluestockingbluestonebluethroatBluetoothblueweedbluewingadjectiveblueishbluesbluesyblueyblue-bloodedblue-collarblue-skyblueadverbbluely
Related topics: Colours
blue1 /bluː/ ●●● S1 W2 adjectiveadj   blew
1 COLOURCChaving the colour of the sky or the sea on a fine day 蓝色的,蔚蓝色的,天蓝色的 navy, navy blue
 the blue waters of the lake
dark/light/pale/bright blue
 a dark blue raincoat
2 SAD[not before noun] informalSAD/UNHAPPY sad and without hope 忧郁的,沮丧的,悲观的 SYN depressed
 I’ve been feeling kind of blue.
3. SEXY informal blue jokes, stories etc are about sex, in a way that might offend some people 〔笑话、故事等〕黄色的,色情的 blue movie
4 argue/talk etc till you’re blue in the face informalLOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNT to argue, talk etc about something a lot, but without achieving what you want 费尽唇舌,嘴巴说干了都没用
 You can tell them till you’re blue in the face, but they’ll still do what they want.
5. blue with cold especially British EnglishBrECOLD someone who is blue with cold looks extremely cold 冻得发紫
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6. go blue British EnglishBrECOLD if someone goes blue, their skin becomes blue because they are cold or cannot breathe properly 〔因寒冷或呼吸不畅而〕脸色发青
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7. talk a blue streak TALK TO somebody American EnglishAmE informal to talk very quickly without stopping 喋喋不休,说个没完
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blueness noun [uncountableU]
black and blue, → once in a blue moon at once1(15), → scream blue murder at scream1(1)
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Related topics: Colours
blue2 ●●● S3 W3 noun  
1 [countableC, uncountableU]CC the colour of the sky or the sea on a fine day 蓝色
 She nearly always dresses in blue.
 the rich greens and blues of the tapestry
2 blues  (also the blues) [uncountableU]APM a slow sad style of music that came from the southern US 布鲁斯音乐,蓝调音乐〔起源于美国南方的一种缓慢、忧郁的音乐风格〕
 a blues singer
rhythm and blues
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3 the blues [plural] informalSAD/UNHAPPY feelings of sadness 忧郁,沮丧
 A lot of women get the blues after the baby is born.
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4. out of the blue informalEXPECT if something happens out of the blue, it is very unexpected 出乎意料地,突如其来地 a bolt from/out of the blue at bolt1(3)
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n5. Blue
6. the blue literaryDNAL the sea or the sky 海洋;天空 boys in blue at boy1(9)
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[countableC] British EnglishBrESEC someone who has represented Oxford or Cambridge University at a sport, or the title given to such a person 蓝色选手〔指牛津或剑桥大学校队运动员〕;蓝色(选手的)荣誉
Origin blue1
(1200-1300) Old French blou




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