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词汇 wound


Word family adjectivewoundablewoundlesswoundynounwounderwoundingwoundwoundwortadverbwoundilywoundingly
Related topics: Illness & disability
wound1 /wuːnd/ ●●○ noun [countableC]  
1 MIINJUREan injury to your body that is made by a weapon such as a knife or a bullet 〔身体遭受刀、子弹等伤害留下的〕伤口,创伤
 A nurse cleaned and bandaged the wound.
 It took several months for his wounds to heal.
suffer/receive a wound
 Several of the victims suffered severe stab wounds.
head/leg etc wound
 He was treated in hospital for head wounds.
stab/knife/gunshot wound
 He died of gunshot wounds.
 The doctor said it was only a flesh wound (=one that does not cut the skin very deeply).
 a gaping wound (=one that is wide and open) on his thigh
see thesaurus at injury
2 UPSETa feeling of emotional or mental pain that you get when someone says or does something unpleasant to you 〔感情或精神上的〕伤痛,伤害
 It will take much longer for the mental wounds to heal.
3. open old wounds REMIND/MAKE somebody REMEMBERto remind someone of unpleasant things that happened in the past 揭旧创伤
Examples from the Corpus
lick your wounds at lick1(6), → rub salt into the wound at rub1(6)
He was taken to Broomfield Hospital with serious head wounds.
Surgeons had to put three stitches in a deep wound in his shoulder.
His wounds, luckily, were minor.
a head/leg etc wound
The victim died of chest wounds.
a stab/knife wound
Her body was found with 37 stab wounds at her home in William Street.
a gunshot/bullet wound
Deaths from gunshot wounds have soared in this part of London.
a war wound
He walked with a limp, the result of an old war wound.
a flesh wound (=one that does not injure bones or parts inside the body)
It’s only a flesh wound and will heal in ten days or so.
an open wound (=one where the skin has not yet healed)
Sports players should not continue to play with open wounds.
a gaping wound (=one that is wide and open)
Blood spurted from his gaping wounds.
the entry/exit wound (=where a bullet enters or leaves someone’s body)
The exit wound was only slightly larger than the entry wound.
suffer/receive a wound
The victim had suffered multiple wounds to his back and stomach.
inflict a wound
These fish can inflict serious wounds.
dress a wound (=clean it and cover it with cloth)
The nurse dressed my wound.
clean/bathe a wound
She finished cleaning the wound and began bandaging the arm.
a wound heals
The wound is healing nicely.
Examples from the Corpus
wound2 ●●○ W3 verb [transitiveT]  
1 SCINJUREto injure someone with a knife, gun etc 〔用刀或枪等〕伤害〔某人〕
 Gunmen killed two people and wounded six others in an attack today.
be badly/seriously/critically etc wounded
 Five people were killed and many others were seriously wounded in the attack.
be mortally/fatally wounded (=be wounded so badly that you die) 受致命伤
see thesaurus at hurt
2 UPSETto make someone feel unhappy or upset 使不高兴[烦恼] SYN hurt
 I was deeply wounded by his comments.
 He made some very wounding remarks.
be badly/seriously wounded
Her husband was seriously wounded in the attack.
be critically wounded (=be so badly wounded that you might die)
He was critically wounded in the attack.
be mortally/fatally wounded
On that same day, he was mortally wounded by an assassin.
be slightly wounded
Two people were shot and slightly wounded.
Examples from the Corpus
wound3 /waʊnd/  
x-refthe past tense and past participle of wind2 wind2的过去式和过去分词
Origin wound2
Old English wund




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