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词汇 worst


worst1 /wɜːst $ wɜːrst/ ●●● S2 W1 adjectiveadj [the superlative of bad]  
1 [only before noun]WORSE worse than anything or anyone else 最坏的;最差的;最糟的 best
 This is the worst recession for fifty years.
 My worst fear was that we would run out of food.
 What is the worst possible thing that can happen?
2. be your own worst enemy HARM/BE BAD FORto cause a lot of problems for yourself because of your own behaviour 自讨苦吃;自己害自己
Examples from the Corpus
3. come off worst LOSE A GAME, COMPETITION, OR WARto lose a fight or argument 〔在争斗或争论中〕被击败
Examples from the Corpus
nGRAMMAR: Comparatives
The superlative form of bad is worst:
It was the worst film I have ever seen.
Don’t say:
It was the most worst film I have ever seen. | It was the worstest film I have ever seen.
Examples from the Corpus
worst2 ●●● S2 W3 noun  
1 the worst WORSEthe person or thing that is worse than all others 最坏的人[] the best
worst (that)
 This year’s harvest is the worst that people can remember.
 Last year was by far the worst (=much worse than any other) for road accidents.
 I think the worst is over now.
 The worst of it is (=the worst part of the situation is), I can’t tell anyone what’s happening.
at its/his etc worst
 You saw the garden at its worst, I’m afraid (=when it is worse than at any other time).
2 the worst of something most of something, or the most unpleasant or difficult part of it 某事物的大部分 ;某事物中最糟的一部分
 The worst of the storm seemed to be over.
3 expect/fear the worst to expect or fear that something will not be successful or something bad will happen 预期/担心最坏的事情发生,作最坏打算
 When it got so late and they still weren’t home, I began to fear the worst.
4. get/have the worst of it spoken to lose a fight or argument 〔在争斗或争论中〕遭到失败
5 at (the) worst if things are as bad as they can be 在最坏的情况下
 Choosing the right software can be time-consuming at best and confusing or frustrating at worst.
6 do your/his/her/their worst WORRIEDused to say that someone can try to harm you but they will not be able to ///他们有什么手段尽管使出来〔但不会对自己造成伤害〕
 They can do their worst now, because I’m leaving in three weeks.
7 if the worst comes to the worst especially British EnglishBrE, if worst comes to worst especially American EnglishAmEFORCE somebody TO DO something if the situation develops in the worst possible way 如果最坏的情况发生
 If the worst comes to the worst, we’ll sell the car.
worst3 adverbadv [the superlative of badly]  
1 WORSEmost badly 最坏地;最糟地;最差地 best
 Aid is being sent to areas that have been worst affected by the earthquake.
 the worst-dressed man in the office
2 worst of all used to say what is the worst part of a situation 最糟的是
 She had no office of her own and, worst of all, she didn’t even have her own computer.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin worst1
Old English wierresta, wyrsta




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