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词汇 work to rule

work to rule

Word family nounworkabilityworkaholicworkaholismworkerworkeristworkingworkaroundworkbagworkbenchworkboatworkbookworkboxworkdaywork ethicwork experienceworkfareworkfellowworkflowworkfolkworkforceworkgirlworkgroupworkhorseworkhouseworking classworking girlworking partyworkloadworkmanworkmanshipworkmasterworkmatework of artworkpeopleworkpieceworkplaceworkroomworksheetworkshopworkspaceworkstationworktableworktopworkwatcherworkwearworkwomanworkadjectiveworkableworkedworkfulworklessworksomeworkadayworkmanlikeworkmanlyworkshyadverbworkably
Related topics: Labour relations, unions
ˌwork-to-ˈrule noun [singular]  
BELa situation in which people in a particular job refuse to do any additional work as a protest 〔拒绝做额外工作以示抗议的〕怠工,按章工作 strike
work to rule at work1(32)
Examples from the Corpus
work to rulen
nBritish EnglishBrEBEL to protest about a situation at work by doing your job slowly, with the excuse that you must obey all the rules exactly
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
work-to-ruleˌwork-to-ˈrule British EnglishBrE, work-to-contract American EnglishAmE noun [singular]HUMAN RESOURCES
an occasion when people protest about a situation at work by doing their job less quickly or effectively, but without breaking their employer’s rules or the terms of their contract
The work-to-rule exposed the chronic staffing problems in the emergency services.
see also work to rule under work1




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