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词汇 working


Word family noun work workaholic worker working workings workabilityworkaholismworkeristworkaroundworkbagworkbenchworkboatworkbookworkboxworkdaywork ethicwork experienceworkfareworkfellowworkflowworkfolkworkforceworkgirlworkgroupworkhorseworkhouseworking classworking girlworking partyworkloadworkmanworkmanshipworkmasterworkmatework of artworkpeopleworkpieceworkplaceworkroomworksheetworkshopworkspaceworkstationworktableworktopworkwatcherworkwearworkwomanadjective workableunworkable overworked working workedworkfulworklessworksomeworkadayworkmanlikeworkmanlyworkshyverb work rework adverbworkably
work·ing1 /ˈwɜːkɪŋ $ ˈwɜːr-/ ●●○ W2 adjectiveadj [only before noun]  
a) WORK FOR somebodyhaving a job that you are paid for 有工作的;有职业的 employed
 a working mother
 Many working women rely on relatives for childcare.
 A smaller working population will have to support a growing number of retired people.
b) old-fashionedCLASS IN SOCIETY having a physical or practical job 从事体力劳动的
working man/people/folk
 the ordinary working man
2 working hours/day/week WORK THAT somebody DOESthe time that people spend doing their job 工作时间//
 In a normal working day, I see around 6 or 7 clients.
during/outside working hours
 Telephone at any time during normal working hours.
 Many mothers prefer flexible working hours.
 We do a 37-hour working week.
Examples from the Corpus
3 working day a day of the week when most people work. In Britain and the US this is usually Monday to Friday 工作日〔英美国家一般为星期一至星期五〕 SYN workday
 It will be returned within three working days (=three days, not including weekends or public holidays).
Examples from the Corpus
4 working conditions/environment etc BECthe situation in which you work, especially the physical things such as pay or safety 工作条件/环境等
 improvements in working conditions
Examples from the Corpus
5 working practices/methods the way in which you do your job 工作惯例/方法
 training in up-to-date working practices
Examples from the Corpus
6 working life the part of your adult life when you have a paid job 工作生涯
 He spent all his working life in a factory.
Examples from the Corpus
7 (in) working order WORKING/NOT BROKENworking properly and not broken 正常地运转
be in good/perfect/full etc working order
 The car was old, but the engine was still in good working order.
 the amount of exercise needed to keep your body in working order
Examples from the Corpus
8 working relationship WORK/DO WORKthe way that people work together 工作关系
working relationship with/between
 They want to establish a better working relationship between medical and nursing staff.
good/close/effective etc working relationship
 We have a close working relationship with other voluntary groups.
Examples from the Corpus
9 a working knowledge of something KNOW somethingenough knowledge of a system, subject, language etc to be able to use it or to do a particular job 足以应付〔特定〕工作的方面的知识
 A good working knowledge of the building regulations is necessary for the job.
Examples from the Corpus
10. working clothes  (also work clothes)DCC clothes which you wear for work or are designed for people to work in 工作服
Examples from the Corpus
11. working model MOVE something OR somebodya model that has parts that move 工作模型
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12. working parts MOVE something OR somebodythe parts of a machine that move 〔机器的〕活动部件
Examples from the Corpus
13. working definition/theory/title USE somethinga definition, idea etc that may not be exactly right but is good enough to use when you start working on something 初步的定义/理论/题目
Examples from the Corpus
14. working majority British EnglishBrE enough support in parliament for a government to continue making laws and ruling a country 〔议会中支持政府的〕有效多数
Examples from the Corpus
15. working breakfast/lunch/dinner BBa breakfast, lunch etc which is also a business meeting 工作早餐/午餐/晚餐
Examples from the Corpus
16. working memory technical the part of a person’s or computer’s memory which stores information about the thing being worked on now 〔人的〕工作记忆;〔计算机的〕暂存器
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Industry
working2 noun  
1 the workings [plural]WORKING/NOT BROKEN the way something such as a system, piece of equipment, or organization works 〔系统、设备、组织等的〕工作方式,运行方式
the workings of
 his knowledge of the inner workings of the department
 I shall never understand the workings of his mind (=how he thinks).
Examples from the Corpus
2. flexible/short-time etc working a particular way of working, especially relating to the hours which someone works 弹性/短工时等工作制
Examples from the Corpus
3. [countableC usually plural]TI a mine or part of a mine where soil has been dug out in order to remove metals or stone 矿坑;(矿内)工作区 quarry
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
workingwork·ing /ˈwɜːkɪŋˈwɜːr-/ adjectiveadj [only before a noun]
1working people have jobs that they are paid for
What will the effect of the tax changes be on working couples?
In the U.K., less than 3% of the working population are now employed in agriculture.
see also remote working, SHORT-TIME WORKING
2a working man or woman does physical work, rather than work in management or administration
an ordinary working man
3HUMAN RESOURCESworking conditions or practices are ones that you have in your job
Workers want better pay and working conditions.
Productivity is up 18% since a new labor pact last year swept away decades-old working practices.
4HUMAN RESOURCESyour working day, week etc is the period of time when you are doing your job
Working hours are flexible here and the dress is casual.
We want a shorter working day.
5working breakfast/lunch/dinner a breakfast, lunch etc that is also a business meeting
6be in (good) working order to be working properly and not broken
He agreed to buy back the $130,000 machine, which he says is in good working order.

working2 noun




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