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词汇 witness


Word family nounwitnesserwitness boxwitness
Related topics: Law
wit·ness1 /ˈwɪtnəs/ ●●○ S3 W3 noun  
1 crime/accident 罪案/意外事故SEE [countableC] someone who sees a crime or an accident and can describe what happened 〔罪案或事故的〕目击者
 Police have appealed for witnesses to come forward.
witness to
 One witness to the accident said the driver appeared to be drunk.
 an eye witness (=someone who sees an event) to the robbery
2 in a court of law 在法庭上 [countableC]SCT someone who appears in a court of law to say what they know about a crime or other event 〔法庭上的〕证人 testify
key/star/principal witness
 the key witness in the case against the brothers
 The defence is expected to call them as witnesses.
witness for the prosecution/defence (also prosecution/defence witness) (=someone the prosecution or defence lawyers choose as a witness in order to help prove their case) 控方/辩方证人
expert witness
3 signing a document 签署文件 [countableC]SCL someone who is present when an official document is signed, and who signs it too, to say that they saw it being signed 〔签署正式文件的〕见证人,连署人
witness to
 a witness to a will
4 be witness to something formalSEE to be present when something happens, and watch it happening 是某事的目击者
 We were witness to the worst excesses of the military.
Examples from the Corpus
5. christian belief 基督教信仰 [countableC, uncountableU] American EnglishAmERRC a public statement of strong Christian belief, or someone who makes such a statement 见证〔表示笃信基督教的公开声明〕;见证人〔作这种见证的人〕
bear witness at bear1(15)
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: someone who appears in a court of law to say what they know about a crime or other event
a key witness (=a very important witness)
Rupert is expected to be a key witness at the trial.
a star witness (=an important witness who says things that help one side a lot)
The judge ruled that the state’s star witness had lied on the stand.
a principal witness (=a main witness)
The principal witness was too ill to testify.
an expert witness (=someone who has special knowledge, for example of medicine, and who talks about it in court)
The jury had to choose between the conflicting testimonies of expert witnesses.
a character witness (=a witness who says that the person being tried is a good person)
He said he would gladly be a character witness for her.
a prosecution witness
During the trial, over thirty prosecution witnesses were called.
a defence witness
A defence witness said that Carter was not holding a gun when the shot was fired.
a witness for the prosecution/defence
Witnesses for the prosecution have not sounded convincing.
call a witness (=require a witness to speak in court)
She was the final witness to be called.
question a witness
They were not permitted to question government witnesses.
cross-examine a witness (=ask them questions about what they have said)
His attorney cross-examined the witness.
appear as a witness
He appeared as an expert witness at several government enquiries.
a witness testifies (=makes a statement)
We had two witnesses who testified that they had seen him hitting his wife.
a witness gives evidence
Child witnesses gave evidence using closed circuit television cameras.
witness + NOUN
the witness box/stand (=where the witness sits when speaking in court)
He spent three hours in the witness stand.
the statement/testimony of a witness (=what a witness says)
The testimony of one witness led to his conviction.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Law
witness2 ●●○ verb  
1 crime/accident 罪案/意外事故 [transitiveT]SCPSEE to see something happen, especially a crime or accident 目击,亲眼看见〔尤指罪案或事故〕
 Several residents claim to have witnessed the attack.
see thesaurus at notice, see
2 experience STH 经历某事 [transitiveT]EXPERIENCE to experience important events or changes 亲身经历〔重要的事件或变化〕
 Priests have witnessed an increase in religious intolerance.
3 time/place 时间/地点 [transitiveT] if a time or place witnesses an event, the event happens during that time or in that place 是发生〔某事件〕的时间[地点]
 Recent years have witnessed the collapse of the steel industry.
4 official document 正式文件 [transitiveT]SCL if you witness the signing of an official document, you are there when it is signed, and sign it yourself to prove this 在〔正式文件〕上签名,连署
 Will you witness my signature?
5 witness something  (also ..., as witnessed by something) used to introduce an example that proves something you have just mentioned 作证〔用于给刚提及的事举例〕
 Bad economic times can result in political dictatorships. Witness Germany in the 1930s.
6. religion 宗教 [intransitiveI]RRC to speak publicly about your Christian beliefs 作见证〔公开表示笃信基督教〕 testify
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
witnesswit·ness1 /ˈwɪtnəs/ noun [countableC]LAW
1someone in a court of law who tells the court what they saw or what they know about a crime
The government’s case rested on one key (=important) witness.
I was asked to testify as a defense witness (=acting to defend the person accused of committing a crime).
the main prosecution witness (=acting to show that the accused person is guilty)
expert witness
2someone who is present when an official paper is signed and who also signs it to prove this
witness to
You will need two witnesses to the signing of the document.
witnesswitness2 verb [transitiveT]LAW
to be present when someone signs an official document, and to sign it yourself to show this
Will you witness my signature?
Origin witness1
Old English witnes knowledge, account, witness, from wit; → WIT




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