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词汇 wing


Word family adjectivewingedwinglesswinglikewingyadverbwingedlynounwingerwingletwingbeatwing chairwing collarwing commanderwing mirrorwing nutwingoverwingspanwing
Related topics: Birds, Insects, Air, Buildings, Groupings, Sport, Motor vehicles
wing1 /wɪŋ/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countableC]  
1 butterfly.jpg bird/insect/昆虫
a) HBBHBIone of the parts of a bird’s or insect’s body that it uses for flying 〔鸟或昆虫的〕翅膀,翼
 a butterfly with beautiful markings on its wings
 The pheasant flapped its wings vigorously.
b) the meat on the wing bone of a chicken, duck etc, eaten as food 〔供食用的〕翅膀〔如鸡翅、鸭翅等〕
 spicy chicken wings
4  See picture of 见图 INSECT5 see picture at 见图 insect
2. plane 飞机TTA one of the large flat parts that stick out from the side of a plane and help to keep it in the air 〔飞机的〕机翼5 see picture at 见图 plane1
3 building 建筑物TBB one of the parts of a large building, especially one that sticks out from the main part 〔大型建筑物的〕侧翼;侧厅;耳房,厢房
north/east etc wing
 the east wing of the palace
 She works in the hospital’s maternity wing.
4 politics 政治PPGPART a group of people within a political party or other organization who have a particular opinion or aim 〔政党等组织中的〕派别,派(系),
 the moderate wing of the Republican Party
left-wing, right-wing
5 sport 体育运动
a) DSa winger 〔足球等运动中的〕边锋,侧翼队员
b) DSthe far left or right part of a sports field 〔运动场的〕边侧
6. car 汽车 British EnglishBrETTC the part of a car that is above a wheel 〔汽车的〕挡泥板,翼子板 SYN American English fender4  See picture on 见图 Page A2 Car 汽车5 see picture at 见图 car
7. take somebody under your wing PROTECTto help and protect someone who is younger or less experienced than you are 把某人保护在自己的羽翼之下,将某人置于自己的庇护之下
Examples from the Corpus
8 (waiting/lurking) in the wings READYready to do something or be used when the time is right 准备就绪〔只待时机成熟〕;随时可以使用
 Several junior managers are waiting in the wings for promotion.
Examples from the Corpus
9. THEATRE 剧场the wings [plural]APT the parts at each side of a stage where actors are hidden from people who are watching the play 〔舞台的〕侧面,侧翼
Examples from the Corpus
10. on a wing and a prayer if you do something on a wing and a prayer, you do not have much chance of succeeding 只有一丝成功的希望
11. be on the wing literaryHBBTRAVEL if a bird is on the wing, it is flying 〔鸟〕在飞行中,飞翔
Examples from the Corpus
12. take wing literaryHBBTRAVEL to fly away 飞走
Examples from the Corpus
13. get your wings TTAto pass the examinations you need to become a pilot 〔当飞行员前〕通过必要的飞行考试 clip somebody’s wings at clip2(6), → spread your wings at spread1(10)
flap its wings (=move them)
The ducks woke up and flapped their wings.
beat its wings (=move them in a regular way while flying)
The female beats her wings as fast as 500 times a second.
flutter its wings (=move them quickly)
I heard some birds fluttering their wings outside the window.
spread/open its wings
The dragon spread its wings and gave an experimental flap.
stretch its wings (=open them completely)
The cage was so small the birds could not even stretch their wings.
fold its wings
Gannets fold their wings and plummet like an arrow into the sea to catch their prey.
wings flap
Dusky wings flapped overhead.
wings beat
Their great wings beat slowly.
The eagle descended on outstretched wings.
Examples from the Corpus
wing2 verb  
1 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] literaryTRAVEL to fly somewhere 飞行,飞
 a flock of geese winging down the coast
wing its/their way to/across etc something
 planes winging their way to exotic destinations
2 wing its/their way to go or be sent somewhere very quickly 很快去/被送到(某处)
wing its/their way to
 A bottle of champagne will soon be winging its way to 10 lucky winners.
Examples from the Corpus
3 wing it spokenPLAN to do something without planning or preparing it 临时凑成;即席而为
 We’ll just have to wing it.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus




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