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词汇 win


Word family noun win winner winnings winnabilitywinningnesswinning postadjective winning winlesswinnableverb win adverbwinningly
win1 /wɪn/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp won /wʌn/, present participle winning)  
1 competition/race 竞争/比赛 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]WIN to be the best or most successful in a competition, game, election etc 〔在竞赛、游戏、选举等中〕获胜,赢 OPP lose
win a race/a game/an election etc
 Who do you think will win the next election?
 He won the Tour de France last year.
win a war/battle
 the young pilots who won the Battle of Britain
 Who’s winning (=who is most successful at this point in the game)?
win at
 I never win at cards.
win by 10 points/70 metres etc
 We won by just one point.
2 prize 奖(品) [transitiveT]GETWIN to get something as a prize for winning in a competition or game 赢得,获得〔奖品等〕
 How does it feel to have won the gold medal?
 She won £160 on the lottery.
win something for somebody
 the man who helped win the Cup for Arsenal
3 get/achieve 取得/获得 [transitiveT]GET to get something that you want because of your efforts or abilities 〔经努力或凭能力〕获得,取得〔某物〕 SYN gain
win somebody’s approval/support/trust etc
 The proposal has won the approval of the city council.
 Kramer has certainly won the respect of his peers.
win somebody’s heart (=make them love you or feel sympathy for you) 赢得某人的心
 The company has won a contract to build a new power plant outside Houston.
win something from somebody
 Davis hopes to win financial backing from a London investment firm.
4 make SB win STH 使某人赢得某物 [transitiveT] if something, usually something that you do, wins you something, you win it or get it because of that thing 〔某事〕让某人赢得
win somebody something
 That performance won Hanks an Oscar.
 That kind of behaviour won’t win you any friends.
5 you win spokenAGREE used to agree to what someone wants after you have tried to persuade them to do something else 算你赢〔用于因说服不了对方而同意对方的要求时〕
 OK, you win – we’ll go to the movies.
Examples from the Corpus
6 you can’t win spokenPROBLEM used to say that there is no satisfactory way of dealing with a particular situation 没法子〔用于表示没有令人满意的方法处理某情况〕
 You can’t win, can you? You either work late and upset your family, or go home early and risk your job.
7. you can’t win them all  (also you win some, you lose some) spokenSYMPATHIZE used to show sympathy when someone has had a disappointing experience 你不可能事事都成功,有得必有失〔用于安慰别人〕
8 win or lose informal no matter whether you win or lose 不管输赢,无论成败
 Win or lose, I love competitive sports.
Examples from the Corpus
9 win the day WINto finally be successful in a discussion or argument 〔在讨论或争论中〕最终获得胜利 SYN triumph
 Common sense won the day, and the plans were dropped.
Examples from the Corpus
win the toss at toss2(1), winner, winning
win a race
He should have won that race but he came third.
win a game/match
It’s supposed to be easier to win your home games.
win a competition
The competition was won by a team from Surrey.
win an election
Which party is likely to win the election?
win a battle/war
Who won the battle of Waterloo?
win a victory
The protesters have won one victory already.
Chavez won the election easily.
comfortably (=by a large amount, so that you do not have to worry about winning)
The Celtics won comfortably, with a 22-point lead.
convincingly (=by a large amount)
United won convincingly by three goals to nil.
outright (=clearly and completely)
If one candidate gets more than 50 percent of the vote, he will win the seat outright.
narrowly (=by only a small amount)
In 1916 he narrowly won re-election.
hands down (=very easily or by a large amount)
Everyone expected Sam to win hands down.
win by 10 points/ten metres etc
We won by 23 points.
a winning streak (=when you win many competitions one after another)
They came here with a four-game winning streak.
win to be the best or most successful in a competition, game, election etc ,获胜
Italy won the World Cup in 2006.
He has a realistic chance of winning the Championship.
come first/be first to win a race or competition 获得第一名
Our team came first.
Jo was first in the race and I was second.
finish in first place (also come in first) to win a race, competition, or election 获得第一,排名第一
The Democratic candidate finished in first place.
I couldn’t believe it when the horse I chose came in first.
triumph written to win a great victory, especially after a long and difficult battle, game etc 获胜,成功〔尤指经过漫长、艰难的战斗、比赛等取得大胜〕
Britain triumphed over its enemies.
In the end, the Yankees triumphed.
come out on top informal to win a game, competition, argument etc 获胜,
United came out on top after a thrilling game.
They did a survey and the Swedish car-maker came out on top.
nIf you try to argue with him, he always comes out on top.
be leading/be in the lead to be winning a game, race, election etc at the moment 领先
The High School team are leading with sixty points.
With only two minutes left to play, we were still in the lead.
be ahead to be doing better than someone else in a game, competition, or election 领先,占优
He’s still fifty seconds ahead of his nearest rival.
A week before the election, they were still ahead in the polls.
nsomeone who wins something
winner the person or thing that wins a race, competition etc
A prize of £500 will be awarded to the winner.
the winning team/player/horse etc the one that wins
The winning team will go through to the grand final in Milan.
champion (also the title holder American EnglishAmE) someone who has won a competition, especially in sport
He became the heavyweight boxing champion.
record-holder someone who has achieved the fastest speed, the longest distance etc in a sport
the world high-jump record-holder
10win somebody/something ↔ back phrasal verbphr v GETto succeed in getting back something or someone that you had before 重新获得〔某物或某人〕,把赢回来 SYN regain
 How can I win back her trust?
Examples from the Corpus
11win out phrasal verbphr v SUCCEED IN DOING somethingto finally succeed or defeat other people or things 终于成功
 Often presentation wins out over content (=is treated as more important than content).
Examples from the Corpus
12win somebody ↔ over (also win somebody ↔ round British English) phrasal verbphr v PERSUADEto get someone’s support or friendship by persuading them or being nice to them 〔通过劝说或示好以〕获得〔某人的支持或友谊〕,把〔某人〕争取过来
 We’ll be working hard over the next ten days to win over the undecided voters.
Examples from the Corpus
13win through phrasal verbphr v especially British EnglishBrE SUCCEED IN DOING somethingto finally succeed in spite of problems 〔经历困难后〕终于成功 SYN triumph
 As in most of his films, it’s the good guys who win through in the end.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Sport
win2 ●●● W3 noun [countableC]  
1DSWINa success or victory, especially in sport 〔尤指在体育比赛中的〕胜利,赢 OPP defeat
 We’ve had two wins so far this season.
win over
 In the under-16 event England had their first win over Germany.
see thesaurus at victory
no-win, win-win
a big win (=an important win, or one that you win by a large amount)
This is one of the biggest wins I’ve had.
an easy win
The Australian appeared to be heading for an easy win.
a comfortable win (=one that you win by a large amount, so that you do not have to worry about winning)
Chelsea had a comfortable win against Crystal Palace.
a convincing win especially British EnglishBrE (=a win by a large amount)
Scotland cruised to a convincing win over Ireland.
a five-point/two-goal etc win
The team had a nine-point win over Arizona.
have/score a win
We haven’t had a win for three games.
notch up a win (=achieve a win)
Escude has now notched up three consecutive wins over him.
pull off a win (=win when it is difficult to win)
The side has pulled off two excellent wins in the past couple of weeks.
clinch a win (=finally win after a difficult contest)
He suffered some anxious moments before clinching a 9–6 win over Dennis Taylor last night.
cruise to a win (=win easily)
Arsenal cruised to a win over Chelsea.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin win1
Old English winnan to work, fight




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