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词汇 will


Word family adjectivewillablewillednounwillerwillpowerverbwill
will1 /wɪl/ ●●● S1 W1 modal verb (negative short form won’t)  
1 WILLfuture 将来 used to make future tenses 将,会,要〔用于构成将来时〕
 A meeting will be held next Tuesday at 3 p.m.
 What time will she arrive?
 I hope they won’t be late.
 Maybe by then you will have changed your mind.
2 WILLINGwilling to do STH 愿意做某事 used to show that someone is willing or ready to do something 愿,要〔用于表示愿意或准备好做某事〕
 Dr Weir will see you now.
 The baby won’t eat anything.
3 ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO somethingrequesting 请求 spoken used to ask someone to do something 好吗〔用于请求某人做某事〕
 Will you phone me later?
 Shut the door, will you?
4 USUALLYwhat generally happens 总是发生的事 used to say what always happens in a particular situation or what is generally true 总是,惯于〔表示某事经常发生或总是如此〕
 Oil will float on water.
 Accidents will happen.
5 POSSIBLEpossibility 可能性 used like ‘can’ to show what is possible 能〔表示可能性〕
 This car will hold five people comfortably.
6 THINK SO/NOT BE SUREbelief 相信 used to say that you think something is true 可能,大概〔表示认为某事可能是真的〕
 That will be Tim coming home now.
 As you will have noticed, there are some gaps in the data.
7 TELL/ORDER somebody TO DO somethinggiving orders 发出命令 spoken used to give an order or to state a rule 必须〔用于下命令或说明规定〕
 Will you be quiet!
 You will do as I say.
 Every employee will carry an identity card at all times.
8 OFFERoffering/inviting 提供/邀请 spoken used to offer something to someone or to invite them to do something 要不要〔用于提供某物给某人或邀请某人做某事〕
 Will you have some more tea?
 Won’t you have a seat?
9 OFTENannoying habit 恼人的习惯 spoken used to describe someone’s habits, especially when you think they are annoying 老是〔用于描述某人的习惯,尤指讨厌的习惯〕
 Trish will keep asking silly questions.
When you are reporting what someone said, thought etc, will usually changes to would. 转述某人的话、想法等时,will通常要改为would
My brother said he would help me.
If the event is still in the future, will is sometimes used, especially after a present perfect tense. 如事件尚未发生有时就用will,尤其是在现在完成时之后
The Minister has said that he will publish the report soon.
GRAMMAR: Choosing the right tense
nYou use will when talking about the future:
nI’m sure the party will be a big success.
Usually will changes to would when reporting what someone said or thought: 转述某人的话、想法等时,will通常要改为would
nShe said she was sure that the party would be a big success.
If the event is still in the future, will is sometimes used, especially after the present perfect tense: 如事件尚未发生,有时就用will,尤其是在现在完成时之后
nLots of people have said they will come to the party.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Law, Death
will2 ●●● S2 W2 noun  
1 determination 决心 [countableC, uncountableU]DETERMINED determination to do something that you have decided to do, even if this is difficult 意志,毅力,决心
 Children sometimes have strong wills.
the will to do something
 Even though she was in terrible pain, Mary never lost the will to live.
strong-willed, weak-willed
2 legal document 法律文件 [countableC]SCLMX a legal document that says who you want your money and property to be given to after you die 遗嘱
 Have you made a will yet?
in somebody’s will
 My grandfather left me some money in his will.
 the senator’s last will and testament
3 what SB wants 某人的意愿 [singular]WANT what someone wants to happen in a particular situation 〔某人的〕意愿,意旨
 He accused her of trying to impose her will on others.
against your will
 Collier claims the police forced him to sign a confession against his will.
will of
 the will of the people
 obedience to God’s will
free will
4 with the best will in the world British EnglishBrE spokenIMPOSSIBLE used to say that something is not possible, even if you very much want to do it 尽管真心愿意〔用于表示某事不可能〕
 With the best will in the world, I don’t see what more I can do.
Examples from the Corpus
5. where there’s a will there’s a way spokenPOSSIBLE used to say that if you really want to do something, you will find a way to succeed 有志者事竟成
6 at will WANTwhenever you want and in whatever way you want 随心所欲,任意
 He can’t just fire people at will, can he?
Examples from the Corpus
7. with a will written in an eager and determined way 起劲地;热情地;诚心诚意地
Examples from the Corpus
goodwill, ill will
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 1: determination to do something that you have decided to do, even if this is difficult 意志,毅力,决心
a strong will 坚强的意志
She had a very strong will and a clear sense of purpose.
nan indomitable will (=a strong will which means you do not give in)
The indomitable will of the people remains the core strength of democracy.
na weak will
It's a myth that people are fat because of a weak will.
an iron will (also a will of iron) (=an extremely strong will) 钢铁般的意志
Her unassuming manner concealed an iron will.
political will (=determination on the part of governments and politicians) 〔政府和从政者的〕政治意愿
There was a lack of political will to do anything about global warming.
strength of will 坚强的意志
She had achieved success by sheer strength of will.
an effort of will (=a determined effort to do something you do not want to do) 意志力
With a great effort of will, she resisted the temptation to look at the letter.
a battle/clash/test of wills (=when two determined people oppose each other) 意志的较量/考验
Even the smallest decision could become an exhausting battle of wills.
have the will to do something (=be determined enough to do it) 有决心做某事
Do you have the will to win?
lack the will to do something 缺乏做某事的意志力
He lacked the will to resist.
lose the will to do something 失去做某事的意志力
The country's troops had lost the will to fight.
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: a legal document that says who you want your money and property to be given to after you die 遗嘱
make a will (=write one)
It is always advisable to make a will.
leave a will (=have made a will when you die)
Who will inherit my property if I don't leave a will?
change your will (=change some of the instructions in your will)
Marius had decided to change his will in her favour.
cut somebody out of your will (=change your will so that someone is no longer given anything when you die)
His father cut her out of his will.
prove a will law (=to show that a will has been made in the correct way)
If the estate is small, you may not need to prove the will.
somebody's last will and testament formal (=someone's will) 参议员的临终遗嘱
nthe executor of a will (=the person who makes sure that the instructions in someone's will are followed)
Her eldest son is the executor of her will.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Law
will3 verb  
1 [transitiveT]CAUSE to try to make something happen by thinking about it very hard 设法用意志力驱使〔某事发生〕
will somebody to do something
 She was willing herself not to cry.
2. [transitiveT + to]SCLGIVE to officially give something that you own to someone else after you die 立遗嘱把〔财产〕遗赠〔某人〕
3 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] old useWANT to want something to happen 希望,想要〔某事发生〕
 The King wills it.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
willwill1 /wɪl/ noun [countableC]LAW
a legal document that says who you want your money and property to be given to when you die
They found a lawyer to draft their wills.
This is the last will and testament of John Smith.
living will see also tenant at will
willwill2 verb [transitiveT]LAW
to leave something to someone in your will
Taylor willed £604,521 to his family.
Origin will1
Old English wille, from wyllan to wish for, want, intend to
Old English willa will, desire
1. Old English willian, from willa; → WILL2
2. Old English wyllan; → WILL1




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