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词汇 wheel


Word family adjectivewheeledwheelynounwheelerwheeliewheelingwheelbarrowwheelbasewheelchairwheel clampwheeler-dealerwheelhorsewheelhousewheelie binwheelmanwheelworkwheelwrightwheel
Related topics: Transport, Mechanical
wheel1 /wiːl/ ●●● S2 W3 noun [countableC]   weal, we'll
1 on a vehicle 车辆上的TT one of the round things under a car, bus, bicycle etc that turns when it moves 车轮
front/rear/back wheels
 The car slid sideways, its rear wheels spinning.
four-wheel drive4  See picture of 见图 MOTORBIKE5 see picture at 见图 motorbike
2 for controlling a vehicle 用于控制车船等TTDRIVE [usually singular] the round piece of equipment that you turn to make a car, ship etc move in a particular direction 〔汽车、轮船等的〕方向盘,转向盘
at/behind the wheel (=driving a car) 在驾驶汽车
 The driver must have fallen asleep at the wheel.
 Shall I take the wheel (=drive instead of someone else)?
steering wheel
3 in a machine 机器上的TEM a flat round part in a machine that turns round when the machine operates 机轮
 a gear wheel
4 the wheels of something the way in which a complicated organization, system etc works 〔复杂的机构、体系等的〕运作方式
 We hope that the next government will do more to keep the wheels of industry turning (=help it to work smoothly and easily).
oil/grease the wheels (of something) (=help something to work more smoothly and easily) 使(某事)顺利发展
 The money people spend at Christmas oils the wheels of the economy.
Examples from the Corpus
5 the wheel of fortune/life/time etc the way in which things change in life, or in which the same things seem to happen again after a period of time 命运之轮/生命之轮/时间的车轮等
 We are powerless to stop the wheel of history.
Examples from the Corpus
6 (set of) wheels spokenTTC a car 汽车
 Do you like my new wheels?
7. wheels within wheels spokenCOMPLICATED used to say that a situation is complicated and difficult to understand because it involves processes and decisions that you know nothing about 错综复杂的情况,复杂的形势
Examples from the Corpus
8 set the wheels in motion/set the wheels turning to make a particular process start 让〔某过程〕运作起来
 It only took one phone call to set the wheels in motion.
n9 the wheels come off something used to say that something suddenly stops being successful
 Why did the wheels come off his campaign?
10 a/the big wheel  informal an important person 重要人物
 He became a big wheel in the East India Company.
Examples from the Corpus
put your shoulder to the wheel at shoulder1(8), → put a spoke in somebody’s wheel at spoke2(2), → reinvent the wheel at reinvent(3)
the front wheel
Turn your front wheels in the direction of the skid.
the back/rear wheel
The rear wheels of the bus got stuck in a creek.
a wheel turns/goes around
The wheels went slowly around.
a wheel spins (=turns around quickly, when the vehicle is not going along)
The rear wheels spun in the sand.
the spokes of a wheel (=the thin metal bars that connect the outer ring of a wheel to the centre, especially on a bicycle wheel)
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Transport, Air
wheel2 ●○○ verb  
1 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]
a) TTPUSHto push something that has wheels somewhere 推动〔带轮子的东西〕
 Kate wheeled her bike into the garage.
b) MOVE something OR somebodyto move someone or something that is in or on something that has wheels 用轮椅[手推车等]推动〔某人或某物〕
 Two nurses were wheeling him into the operating theatre.
see thesaurus at push
2. [intransitiveI]TTABBA if birds or planes wheel, they fly around in circles 〔鸟或飞机〕盘旋
3 [intransitiveI]TURN to turn around suddenly 突然转身
wheel around
 She wheeled around and started yelling at us.
4. wheel and deal BBPPto do a lot of complicated and sometimes dishonest deals, especially in politics or business 〔尤指在政治或商业上〕投机取巧,玩弄手段
Examples from the Corpus
5wheel somebody/something ↔ in/out phrasal verbphr v informal SHOW/LET somebody SEE somethingto publicly produce someone or something and use them to help you achieve something 〔为帮助自己达成某事而〕请出〔某人〕,推出〔某物〕
 Then the prosecution wheeled in a surprise witness.
 The government wheeled out the same old arguments to support its election campaign.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin wheel1
Old English hweogol, hweol




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