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词汇 blaze


Word family nounblazesblazeblazeradjectiveblazingblazed
Related topics: Horses
blaze1 /bleɪz/ ●○○ noun  
1 fire
a) [countableC usually singular] a big dangerous fire – used especially in news reports 火灾,烈火,大火〔尤用于新闻报道〕 ablaze
 It took almost 100 firemen to bring the blaze under control.
fight/tackle/control a blaze
 Helicopters were used to help fight the blaze.
house/factory/barn etc blaze
 a huge chemical factory blaze
b) [singular]FIRE a fire burning with strong bright flames 熊熊的火焰
 I lit the fire and soon had a cheerful blaze going.
see thesaurus at fire
2 light/colour/颜色 [singular]CCLIGHT very bright light or colour 〔光线、色彩的〕光辉,闪耀 ablaze
blaze of
 the blaze of light from the security lamps
 The garden is a blaze of colour at this time of year.
3 blaze of publicity/glory PRAISEa lot of public attention or success and praise 媒体的关注/盛誉
 As soon as the trial was over, the blaze of publicity surrounding him vanished.
 She played the Canada tournament, then retired, going out in a blaze of glory (=ending her career with a lot of success and praise).
Examples from the Corpus
4 EMOTIONAL[singular] a sudden show of very strong emotion 〔强烈感情的〕迸发
 A blaze of anger flashed across his face.
5 what the blazes/who the blazes etc old-fashioned spokenEMPHASIZE used to emphasize a question when you are annoyed 到底是什么/是谁等〔厌烦时用于加强问题的语气〕
 What the blazes is going on here?
6 like blazes old-fashioned spokenLOT/VERY MUCH as fast, as much, or as strongly as possible 尽可能地
 We had to run like blazes.
Examples from the Corpus
7. MARK[countableC usually singular]DSHMARK a white mark, especially one down the front of a horse’s face 〔尤指马面部的一条〕白斑
fight a blaze
Nearly 80 firefighters fought the blaze for three hours on Sunday.
tackle a blaze British EnglishBrE (=fight it)
Fire crews were called out to tackle a blaze at a house near York.
control a blaze
It took more than an hour to control the blaze at the hotel.
bring a blaze under control
For more than four hours they battled to bring the blaze under control.
put out/extinguish a blaze
Staff managed to put out the blaze before firemen arrived.
a blaze breaks out (also a blaze starts)
The blaze broke out on the third floor of the building.
a blaze spreads
The blaze quickly spread to a neighbouring house.
NOUN + blaze
a house/factory/car etc blaze (=a burning house/factory/car etc)
Three people were badly hurt in a house blaze.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Weapons
blaze2 ●○○ verb [intransitiveI]  
1 fireBURN to burn very brightly and strongly 熊熊燃烧 blazing
 The room was warm, with a fire blazing in the hearth.
see thesaurus at burn
2 lightSHINE to shine with a very bright light 闪耀,发强光
 A huge truck was advancing towards us, its headlights blazing.
 The sun blazed down as we walked along the valley.
see thesaurus at shine
3 eyes 眼睛 [usually in progressive] literary if someone’s eyes are blazing, their eyes are shining brightly because they are feeling a very strong emotion, usually anger 〔愤怒等强烈的感情在眼睛里〕燃烧
blaze with
 Linda leapt to her feet, her dark eyes blazing with anger.
4 gun 枪炮 (also blaze away)PMWSHOOT if guns blaze, they fire bullets quickly and continuously 连续射击
 An enemy plane roared overhead, its guns blazing.
5 blaze a trail DEVELOPto develop or do something new and important, or to do something important that no one has done before 开辟道路,开创先河
 an innovative young company that has blazed a trail for others to follow
Examples from the Corpus
6 be blazed across/all over something TCNWRITEif something is blazed across a newspaper etc, it is written in a way that everyone will notice 醒目地刊登在某物上
 News of their divorce was blazed across all the tabloids.
Examples from the Corpus
Origin blaze1
1. Old English blæse torch
2. (1600-1700) German blas white mark
1. (1200-1300) → BLAZE11
2. (1700-1800) blaze mark showing a path to be followed, made by cutting a piece from a tree ((17-20 centuries)); → BLAZE17




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