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词汇 wash


Word family noun wash washer washing washabilitywasherywashinesswashballwashbasinwashboardwashclothwashdaywashermanwashhousewashing linewashing machinewashing powderwashing-upwashlandwashpotwashragwashroomwashstandwashtubwashwipeadjective washable unwashed washywashed-outwashed-upverb wash
wash1 /wɒʃ $ wɒːʃ, wɑːʃ/ ●●● S1 W3 verb  
1 wash STH 洗某物 [transitiveT]WASH to clean something using water and a type of soap 洗,洗涤
 This shirt needs washing.
 It’s your turn to wash the dishes.
see thesaurus at clean
2 wash yourself 洗澡 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]WASH to clean your body with soap and water 洗澡;洗〔身体部位〕
 Amy washed and went to bed.
 She had a hot bath and washed her hair.
 I’m just going to wash my hands.
wash yourself 洗澡
 When a cat has finished eating, it often washes itself.
In everyday English, people usually say that someone has a wash (BrE) or washes up (AmE) rather than washes. 在日常英语中,人们一般说 have a wash【英】或 wash up【美】,而不说 wash
3 flow 流动 [intransitiveI, transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]POUR if a river, sea etc washes somewhere, or if something carried by the river or sea is washed somewhere, it flows or moves there 冲击,冲刷;冲向
 The waves washed against the shore.
 The sea washed over her.
 The young man was washed overboard (=pushed from a boat into the sea by the force of the water) in the storm.
 The body was washed ashore (=brought to the shore by waves).
4 something doesn’t/won’t wash (with somebody) spokenBELIEVE used to say that you do not believe or accept someone’s explanation, reason, attitude etc 不相信;不接受〔某人的解释、理由、态度等〕
 I’m sorry but all his charm just doesn’t wash with me.
5 wash your hands of something RESPONSIBLEto refuse to be responsible for something anymore 不愿再管[不再过问]某事
 I’ve washed my hands of the whole affair.
Examples from the Corpus
6. wash your mouth out! spoken old-fashionedSTOP DOING something used to tell someone who has just sworn or said something rude that they should not have spoken that way 嘴巴干净点!〔用于告诫说了脏话的人〕
7 wash well WASHto be easy to clean using soap and water 好洗,容易洗干净
 Silk doesn’t wash well.
Examples from the Corpus
wash/air your dirty linen/laundry (in public) at dirty1(7)
wash to clean something with soap and water
Our car needs washing.
Make sure that you wash your hands.
do the washing British EnglishBrE, do the laundry American EnglishAmE to wash clothes that need to be washed
Did you do the laundry this morning?
I do the washing on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
do the washing up British EnglishBrE (also wash up British EnglishBrE), do the dishes American EnglishAmE to wash all the cups, plates, knives etc that you have used during a meal
If you do the cooking tonight, I’ll do the washing up.
Who’s going to do the dishes?
cleanse formal to make something completely clean, especially using a special substance
Carefully cleanse the cut to get rid of any grit or dirt.
rinse to wash something with water in order to remove soap or dirt
I’ll just rinse the lettuce under the tap.
scrub to make something very clean, using a stiff brush and water, or soap and water
Lou was on her knees, scrubbing the kitchen floor.
mop to wash a floor with a wet mop (=special stick with thick threads on the end)
A cleaner mopped the floor between the beds.
8wash something ↔ away phrasal verbphr v 
a) if water washes something away, it carries it away with great force 冲掉,冲走
 Floods in Bangladesh have washed hundreds of homes away.
b) to get rid of unhappy feelings, thoughts, or memories 消除〔不愉快的情绪、想法或记忆〕
 My anxiety was washed away.
Examples from the Corpus
9wash something ↔ down phrasal verbphr v 
a) DHCWASHto clean something large using a lot of water 用大量水冲洗〔大件物体〕
 Can you wash down the driveway?
b) DFDto drink something with or after food or with medicine to help you swallow it 〔借助饮料等〕将〔食物或药物〕吞下
 steak and chips washed down with red wine
Examples from the Corpus
10wash off phrasal verbphr v 
a) DHCWASH wash something ↔ off to clean dirt, dust etc from the surface of something with water 洗掉[冲去]某物
b) REMOVEif a substance washes off, you can remove it from the surface of something by washing 〔某物〕能被洗掉
 Will this paint wash off?
11wash out phrasal verbphr v 
a) DHCWASH wash something ↔ out to wash the inside of something quickly 迅速洗净〔某物的内部〕
 I’ll just wash out this vase for flowers.
b) REMOVEif a substance washes out, you can remove it from a material by washing it 〔某物〕能被洗掉
 a dye that won’t wash out
c) be washed outSTOP something THAT IS HAPPENING if an event is washed out, it cannot continue because of rain 〔活动〕因雨取消
 The summer fair was washed out by the English weather.
washed-out, washout
Examples from the Corpus
12wash over somebody phrasal verbphr v 
a) FEEL HAPPY/FRIGHTENED/BORED ETCif a feeling washes over you, you suddenly feel it very strongly 〔感觉〕突然袭来
 A feeling of relief washed over her.
b) if you let something wash over you, you do not pay close attention to it 〔某事〕对〔某人〕没有多大影响
 She was content to let the conversation wash over her.
Examples from the Corpus
13wash up phrasal verbphr v 
a) British EnglishBrEDHCWASH to wash plates, dishes, knives etc 洗餐具 washing-up
b) American EnglishAmEWASH to wash your hands 洗手
 Go wash up before dinner.
c) wash something ↔ upTAKE/BRING if waves wash something up, they carry it to the shore 〔波浪〕把某物冲到岸边
wash something ↔ up on
 His body was washed up on the beach the next morning.
Examples from the Corpus
5 see picture at 见图 clean2
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Cleaning, Hair & beauty
wash2 ●●○ noun  
1 act of cleaning [countableC usually singular]DHCWASH an act of cleaning something using soap and water 洗,清洗;冲洗
 Those jeans need a good wash (=a thorough wash).
 I’ll just have a quick wash before we go out.
2 clothes 衣服DHCWASH [singular, uncountableU] clothes that are to be washed, are being washed, or have just been washed 待洗[正在洗,刚洗好]的衣服
 You’d better put that shirt in the wash.
 Do you need me to put another wash on?
3 skin 皮肤 [countableC]DCB a liquid used to clean your skin 洗面奶;沐浴液
 an anti-bacterial facial wash
4 BOATthe wash the movement of water caused by a passing boat 〔船驶过后的〕尾流
 the wash of a large motorboat
5. colour 颜料 [countableC]DCB a very thin transparent layer of paint or colour 〔涂料或颜料的〕薄涂层
6. AREA OF LAND 陆地的部分the wash an area of land that is sometimes covered by the sea 浅水滩
7 it will all come out in the wash spoken
a) used to tell someone not to worry about a problem because it will be solved in the future 总会有办法的,问题总会解决的〔用于叫某人不要担心〕
b) used to say that the truth about something will be known in the end 总会水落石出,总会真相大白
Examples from the Corpus
n1.a written abbreviation of Washington
the WashWash, then  
n1.a wide bay (=an area of sea that curves inwards towards the land) on the east coast of England between Norfolk and Lincolnshire
Origin wash1
Old English wascan




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