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词汇 virgin


Word family adjectivevirginalvirginlyadverbvirginallynounvirginhoodvirgin birthvirgin
vir·gin1 /ˈvɜːdʒɪn $ ˈvɜːr-/ noun [countableC]  
1. SYsomeone who has never had sex 处女;童男
2. the Virgin Mary  (also the (Blessed) Virgin) Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ 圣母马利亚,童贞女马利亚〔耶稣之母〕
Examples from the Corpus
3 someone who has never done a particular activity before 从未做过某事的人
 a snowboarding virgin
Examples from the Corpus
virgin2 adjectiveadj [only before noun]  
1. virgin land/forest/soil/snow etc DNNATURALland etc that is still in its natural state and has not been used or changed by people 处女地/原始森林/未开垦地/初雪等
Examples from the Corpus
2 SYwithout sexual experience 童贞的
 a virgin bride
3. virgin territory something new that you are experiencing for the first time 新领域,处女地〔指初次尝试的新事物〕
Examples from the Corpus
4. (extra) virgin olive oil the highest quality of olive oil, made from the first pressing of the olives (特级)初榨橄榄油
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Virginn trademark  
nthe name of several British companies started by Richard branson, including Virgin Atlantic, an airline, Virgin Rail, a railway company, and Virgin Money, which provides financial services. Some of the companies Branson started, such as Virgin Records, are no longer owned by him.
Origin virgin1
(1100-1200) Old French virgine, from Latin virgo young woman, virgin




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