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词汇 watch


Word family noun watch watcher watchabilitywatchfulnesswatchboxwatchcasewatchdogwatchglasswatchguardwatching briefwatch listwatchmakerwatchmakingwatchmanwatchpointwatchspringwatchstrapwatchtowerwatchwordadjective watchful watchable watchingverb watch adverbwatchfully
watch1 /wɒtʃ $ wɑːtʃ, wɒːtʃ/ ●●● S1 W1 verb  
1 look [intransitiveI, transitiveT]LOOK AT to look at someone or something for a period of time, paying attention to what is happening 观看;注视;观察
 Do you mind if I watch?
 We sat and watched the sunset.
watch carefully/closely/intently etc
 He watched helplessly as Paula fell into the icy water.
 Watch carefully. You may learn something.
watch (somebody/something) with interest/amusement/delight etc
 Harriet watched him with interest.
watch somebody/something do/doing something
 I watched him go, then went home.
 Ruth could not bear to watch her parents arguing.
watch to do something
 I watched to see how he’d react.
watch television/a film etc
 The debate was watched by 97 million viewers.
 Most parents don’t know what their kids are watching on TV.
watch what/how/when etc
 It’s useful to watch how other pilots handle the glider.
5 see picture at 见图 look1
2 be careful 小心 [transitiveT]CAREFUL to act carefully in order to avoid an accident or unwanted situation 留心,注意〔某事〕
watch (that)
 Watch he doesn’t run into the road.
 She’s a student and has to watch her budget closely.
 Watch your head on the shelf.
watch what/how/where etc
 Silly old fool! Why doesn’t he watch where he’s going?
 Watch what you’re doing! It’s spilling everywhere!
 Watch yourself (=be careful) in Madrid; there are some rough areas.
watch what you say/your tongue/your language/your mouth etc (=be careful not to hurt or offend people by what you say) 说话小心,注意自己的言辞
 Employees should watch what they say in personal emails.
watch your weight/watch what you eat (=be careful not to get fat) 注意体重/吃东西小心
 He may be a former athlete, but he still has to watch his weight.
3 pay attention 留意 [transitiveT] to pay attention to a situation that interests or worries you to see how it develops 关注
watch closely/carefully
 American companies are watching Japanese developments closely.
 The government will watch the progress of these schemes with interest.
4 care for 照顾 [transitiveT]LOOK AFTER somebody to stay with someone or something so that nothing bad happens to them 照看;照管
 She watches the kids for us occasionally.
5 secretly 暗中 [transitiveT]WATCH to secretly watch a person or place 监视
 I feel like I’m being watched.
6 watch your step informalCAREFUL to be careful, especially about making someone angry 做事要谨慎小心〔尤指不要惹怒他人〕
 He soon saw he’d have to watch his step with some of these guys.
Examples from the Corpus
7. watch your back informal to be careful because other people may try to harm you 小心背后〔因可能有人暗算〕
Examples from the Corpus
8 watch the clock informalNOT DO something to keep looking at the time because you are worried or bored 〔因担心或不耐烦而〕老在看钟
 anxious mums watching the clock
Examples from the Corpus
9. watch the time ON TIMEto make sure you know what time it is to avoid being late 留意时间〔以免耽误〕
10 watch it spoken used to warn someone to be careful 当心,小心
 Watch it, there’s a car.
Examples from the Corpus
11. watch this space informalTCN used to tell people to pay attention in the future because things are going to develop further – used especially in newspapers 关注事态的发展,请继续关注〔尤用于新闻报道〕
Examples from the Corpus
12 one to watch someone or something that people should pay attention to because they are interesting or exciting 值得一看的人[事物],值得关注的人[事物]
 In the tournament so far, Italy’s Stefania Croce looks like the one to watch.
Examples from the Corpus
13 watch the world go by LOOK ATto relax outside by just looking at the people around you 〔悠闲地〕观察周围发生的事,看周围的世界
 lingering in a pavement café, watching the world go by
Examples from the Corpus
14 you watch informal used to tell someone that you know what will happen 你看着吧〔用于告诉某人你知道将要发生什么〕
 He’ll win this time, you watch.
15watch (out) for something phrasal verbphr v READYto pay close attention in a particular situation because you are expecting something to happen or you want to avoid something bad 密切注意,留意
 She stepped outside to watch for the cab.
 What problems should I watch out for when buying an old house?
Examples from the Corpus
16watch out phrasal verbphr v informal WARNused to tell someone to be careful 小心〔用于提醒某人〕
 You’ll become an alcoholic if you don’t watch out.
17watch over somebody phrasal verbphr v LOOK AFTER somebodyto protect someone so that they are not harmed 保护,照看〔某人〕
 There must have been an angel watching over me that day.
Examples from the Corpus
watch somebody like a hawk at hawk1
watch television
We watched television all evening.
watch a programme/film/show
They were watching a film on TV.
I watched him closely while he was giving his evidence.
She watched very carefully and did exactly as he did.
He watched helplessly as his son was swept away by the waves.
intently (=with a lot of attention)
Her father was watching her intently as she worked.
with interest/amusement etc
A small crowd of people were watching them with interest.
in horror/amazement etc
He watched in horror as the flames engulfed his house.
watch to look at someone or something for a period of time and pay attention to what is happening 观看;注视;观察
They were all watching the game.
I watched him get out of his car.
nWe are watching carefully to see how the situation develops.
keep an eye on somebody/something to watch someone or something carefully so that you are prepared if anything bad happens 密切留意某人/某物
The doctors are keeping a careful eye on her.
Can you keep an eye on my bag for me?
nKeep an eye on house prices before you decide to sell.
observe to watch someone or something carefully in order to learn more about them 〔为增加了解而〕观察
A 24-hour camera is being used to observe the birds’ behaviour.
During your teacher training you will be encouraged to observe lessons.
monitor to watch a situation carefully to see how it changes over a period of time 监视;监测〔一段时期内的变化〕
Class teachers are responsible for monitoring the progress of each student.
nEconomists are monitoring the situation carefully.
spy on somebody to watch someone secretly in order to find out what they are doing 监视某人
He hired a private detective to spy on her.
nIn the 1960s, government agencies were spying on everybody.
nsomeone who watches something
spectator someone who watches an event, especially a sports event
There were 4,500 spectators at the game.
a crowd of spectators
viewer someone who watches television
Millions of television viewers listened to the president’s speech.
programmes for younger viewers
audience the people who watch a play or performance, or the people who watch a particular television programme
The audience roared with laughter and clapped.
It attracted a television audience of seven million.
onlooker someone who watches something happening without being involved in it, especially in the street
A man was standing on the roof, watched by a crowd of onlookers below.
observer someone who watches and pays attention to particular situations and events, because they are interested in them, or it is their job
She was a shrewd observer of human nature.
a political observer who writes for The Independent newspaper
The United Nations has sent military observers to the Sudan.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Daily life, Measurement
ldoce_349_awatch2 ●●● S2 W3 noun  
1 watch.jpg [countableC]DTM a small clock that you wear on your wrist or keep in your pocket 表,手表;怀表
 My watch has stopped.
look at/glance at/consult your watch
 She glanced nervously at her watch.
 How do you keep track of time if you don’t wear a watch?
5  See picture of buckle 带扣, watchstrap 表带, hand 指针, face 表面4  See picture of 见图 watch
2 [singular, uncountableU]WARN when you watch someone or something carefully, or pay careful attention to them, so that you are ready to act if necessary 注视;监视
 The police arrived to keep watch on the mouth of the tunnel.
watch on/over
 He maintained a 24-hour watch over his son.
 Security forces kept a close watch on our activities.
3 keep a watch out for somebody/something  (also be on the watch for somebody/something)LOOK FOR to be looking and waiting for something that might happen or someone you might see, especially so that you can avoid danger, trouble etc 小心提防某人/某事物,对某人/某事物保持戒备
 Be on the watch for anything suspicious.
4 [countableC]PROTECT a group of people whose job is to guard or protect someone or something 警卫;看守人
 We were arrested and held until the arrival of the night watch (=people responsible for keeping the streets safe at night, especially in past times).
neighbourhood watch
5 [countableC, uncountableU]PREVENT a period of time when it is someone’s duty to stay somewhere and look for signs of danger 值班时间
 The first watch is from now until midnight.
on watch
 Who’s on watch tonight?
look at/glance at your watch
I looked at my watch. It was 4.30.
check/consult your watch
He checked his watch and saw that it was only 2.15.
a watch says ...
My watch says twenty past one.
put your watch forward (=make it show a later time)
The passengers were reminded to put their watches forward three hours.
put your watch back (=make it show an earlier time)
On Saturday night, don’t forget to put your watch back an hour.
set your watch (=make it show the correct time)
I set my watch by the clock on the mantelpiece.
wear a watch
He wore a gold watch.
a watch stops
Her watch had stopped after getting wet in the sea.
somebody’s watch is fast/runs fast (=it shows a later time)
No, it’s only 12.15 – your watch must be fast.
somebody’s watch is slow/runs slow (=it shows an earlier time)
'He’s late.' 'Maybe his watch is running slow.'
Examples from the Corpus
Origin watch1
Old English wæccan





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