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词汇 version


Word family adjectiveversionalnounversionversioner
ver·sion /ˈvɜːʃən $ ˈvɜːrʒən/ ●●● S2 W2 AWL noun [countableC]  
1 COPYa copy of something that has been changed so that it is slightly different 版本;变体
version of
 a new version of the software
new/modern/final etc version
 the original version of the text
English/German/electronic/film etc version (=presented in a different language or form) 英语/德语/电子/电影等版本
 a Japanese version of an English play
 I think I preferred the television version.
 the human version of mad cow disease
2 DESCRIBEsomeone’s version of an event is their description of it, when this is different from the description given by another person 〔某人对于某件事不同于其他人的〕描述,说法
version of
 according to the official version of events
 Could Donna’s version of what happened that night be correct?
3 the ... version of something a way of explaining or doing something that is typical of a particular group or period of time 〔某一群体或某一时期〕[解释做]某事的方式
the ... version of something of
 the Marxist version of economics
 Is the coffee break the adult version of recess?
Examples from the Corpus
cover version at cover2(10)
a new version
There has been an outcry over a new version of the world’s most popular ballet.
a different version
The two groups listened to different versions of the story.
the latest version
The company will soon release the latest version of its network operating system.
the original/first version
The original version was in Latin but later editions were in English.
the final version
The final version of the report omitted these criticisms.
an earlier version
The president vetoed an earlier version of the bill.
a later version
a later version of the software
the film version (=a film of a book or play)
He appeared in the film version of 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince'.
a revised version
In a revised version of the script, this scene was cut .
a modified version (=one that has some small changes)
The article is a modified version of a paper that first appeared in an academic journal.
an updated version
an updated version of the 'Best Pub' guide
a simplified version
This simplified version of Shakespeare’s play is intended for younger children.
an improved version
The manufacturers come up with new, improved versions each year.
an abridged version (=one that is shortened from the original but not changed in any other way)
Reader’s Digest published abridged versions of many popular novels.
the unabridged version (=not shortened – used when this version is long)
the unabridged version of 'Moby Dick'
the uncut version (=used about a film that includes parts that were not in the film when it was shown in cinemas)
the uncut version of 'Bladerunner'
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
versionver·sion /ˈvɜːʃənˈvɜːrʒən/ noun [countableC]
a form of a computer program, product etc that is slightly different from earlier forms
A new version of the computer spreadsheet will be launched this year.
German sources reckon the most powerful version of the motor will reach 135bhp.
version verb [transitiveT]
All these files are versioned of course to keep track of what was done.
alpha version beta version demonstration version
Origin version
(1500-1600) French Medieval Latin versio turning, from Latin versus; → VERSE




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