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词汇 unwilling


Word family noun willingnessunwillingness adjective willingunwilling adverb willinglyunwillingly
un·will·ing /ʌnˈwɪlɪŋ/ ●●○ adjectiveadj  
1 [not before noun]WILLING# not wanting to do something and refusing to do it 不愿意的,不乐意的
unwilling to do something
 He was unwilling or unable to pay the fine.
2 WILLING[only before noun] not wanting to do something but doing it 勉强()的,不情愿的
 an unwilling helper
unwillingly adverbadv
unwillingness noun [uncountableU]
unwilling/not willing not wanting to do something and refusing to do it
She's unwilling to admit that she was wrong.
Stuart was an unwilling participant in the shooting.
Put away any toys the child is not willing to share, to avoid any problems.
reluctant not willing to do something, although you may be persuaded after a while. Also used when someone does something after at first being unwilling to do it
He was reluctant to talk about his childhood.
She gave a reluctant smile.
the government's reluctant agreement to hold talks
a reluctant hero
grudging given unwillingly – used about admiration, respect, support, or an apology
He gave her a grudging apology.
He could not help feeling a grudging admiration for the old lady.
be loath to do something to not want to do something, especially something that you might have to do – a rather formal use
He has more staff than he needs, but he is loath to get rid of good people.
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