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词汇 train


Word family noun trainee trainer training retraining trainabilitytraineeshiptrainbandtraining collegetrainspottertrainspottingadjective traineduntrained trainabletrainedtrainlessverb train retrain
Related topics: Trains & railways, Clothes
train1 /treɪn/ ●●● S1 W2 noun [countableC]  
1 fast.jpg railway 铁路TTT a set of several carriages that are connected to each other and pulled along a railway line by an engine 火车,列车
train to
 the train to Munich
by train
 We went all the way to Inverness by train.
boat train
2 SERIES 系列a train of something SERIESa series of events or actions that are related 一系列,一连串〔相关事件或行动〕
 The decision set off a train of events which led to his resignation.
Examples from the Corpus
3 train of thought THINK something/HAVE A THOUGHTa related series of thoughts that are developing in your mind 思路
 The phone interrupted my train of thought.
 I’ve lost my train of thought.
Examples from the Corpus
4 bring something in its train formalRESULT if an action or event brings something in its train, that thing happens as a result of it 引发某事
 a decision that brought disaster in its train
Examples from the Corpus
5 set something in train British EnglishBrE formalSTART something/MAKE something START to make a process start happening 使某事开始启动
 Plans to modernize have been set in train.
Examples from the Corpus
6 people/animals/动物LINE a long line of moving people, animals, or vehicles 〔行进中的〕行列,队列
 a camel train
7 dress 裙子DCC a part of a long dress that spreads out over the ground behind the person wearing it 裙裾,拖裾
 a wedding dress with a long train
8. servants 仆从LINE a group of servants or officers following an important person, especially in the past 〔尤指旧时重要人物的〕随行人员,随从
nGRAMMAR: Patterns with train
You usually say get on a train:
I got on the train at Bristol.
You usually say get off a train:
She got off the train in Geneva.
You say that someone is on a train:
There were a lot of tourists on the train.
You go somewhere by train:
He travels to work by train.
Don’t say: go by the train | travel by the train
You often talk about the train:
It’s easier if you take the train.
take/get a train 乘火车
I took the first train home.
catch a train 赶火车
He was in a hurry to catch a train.
go by/travel by train 坐火车
We decided to go by train.
get on/board a train 上火车
At Stoke, another passenger boarded the train.
get off a train 下火车
nHe got off the train at Flushing.
wait for a train 等火车
nShe sat on the railway platform for half an hour, waiting for a train.
miss a train (=be too late to get on a train) 没赶上火车
nI just missed the last train.
trains run (=take people from one place to another at fixed times) 火车按班次行驶
nTrains run from two main London stations, Victoria and Charing Cross, every hour.
a train arrives 火车到达
nThe train arrived on time.
a train leaves/departs 火车出发
nTrains depart from Rugby at half-hourly intervals until 4.00 pm.
a train pulls into/out of a station 火车进站/出站
nThe train pulled into Euston station and I got off.
na train derails/is derailed (=comes off the rails)
Most of the passengers escaped injury when their train was derailed.
a freight/goods train 货运列车
a freight train carrying hazardous chemicals
a passenger train 客运列车
a passenger train bound for Geneva
a commuter train (=a train that people going to work use) 通勤列车
na crash involving two crowded commuter trains
an express train/a fast train (=one that does not stop at many places) 快车
nHe boarded the express train to London.
a slow train (also a stopping train British EnglishBrE) (=one that stops at a lot of places) 慢车
nWe got on the stopping train by mistake and it took hours to get home.
na steam train
Railway enthusiasts have the opportunity to take a nostalgic trip on a steam train.
na tube/underground train (=one that runs under London)
The condition of many tube trains is a disgrace.
train + NOUN
na train journey British EnglishBrE, a train trip American EnglishAmE
They were not looking forward to the long train journey.
a train fare 火车票价
How much is the train fare to Derby?
a train driver 火车司机
nThe train driver apologized for the late departure.
a train crash (also a train wreck American EnglishAmE) 火车相撞事故
nTen people were killed in the train crash.
5COMMON ERRORS 常见错误Don’t say ‘go by the train’ or ‘travel by the train’. Say go by train or travel by train .
不要说 ‘go by the train’ ‘travel by the train’ 而要说 go by train travel by train
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Training, Sport, Gardening
train2 ●●● S1 W2 verb  
1 teach SB 训练某人 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]SETTEACH to teach someone the skills of a particular job or activity, or to be taught these skills (接受)训练;(被)培训 training
train somebody in something
 All staff will be trained in customer service skills.
train to do something
 She’s training to be a doctor.
train somebody to do something
 Employees are trained to deal with emergency situations.
train as
 Nadia trained as a singer.
 a highly trained workforce
 Trained staff will be available to deal with your queries.
see thesaurus at learn, teach
2 teach an animal 训练动物 [transitiveT]TEACH to teach an animal to do something or to behave correctly 训练
 a well-trained puppy
train something to do something
 These dogs are trained to detect drugs.
3 prepare for sport 为体育赛事而训练 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]DSEXERCISE to prepare for a sports event or tell someone how to prepare for it, especially by exercising 〔为准备体育赛事而〕训练,操练 training
train for
 Brenda spends two hours a day training for the marathon.
see thesaurus at practise
4 aim STH 瞄准某物 [transitiveT]SHOOT to aim something such as a gun or camera at someone or something 把〔枪、相机等〕瞄准,对准
train something on/at somebody/something
 She trained her binoculars on the bird.
5 develop STH 培养某事物 [transitiveT] to develop and improve a natural ability or quality 教育,培养〔能力或素质〕
 You can train your mind to relax.
 To the trained eye the difference between these flowers is obvious (=the difference is clear to someone who has developed skills to notice something).
6. plant 植物 [transitiveT]DLG to make a plant grow in a particular direction by bending, cutting, or tying it 使〔植物〕按照特定方向生长
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
traintrain1 /treɪn/ noun [countableC]
a number of connected carriages pulled by an engine on a railway line
goods train see also gravy train
traintrain2 verb [intransitiveI, transitiveT]
to teach someone or to be taught the skills and knowledge needed for a particular job
Both my sons want to train as chartered accountants.
train somebody in something
One of the major costs of implementing the technology was the need to train workers in new skills.
train somebody to do something
He trains his people to identify customer needs clearly.
trained adjectiveadj
The recession makes it even more essential to have properlytrained staff.
Origin train1
(1400-1500) Old French something that is pulled along behind, from trainer; → TRAIN2
(1300-1400) Old French trainer to pull, drag, from Vulgar Latin traginare, probably from Latin trahere to pull




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