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词汇 till


Word family adjectivetillabletillynountillagetillertillingtilliteprepositiontill
till1 /tɪl, tl/ ●●● S1 prepositionprep , conjunction spoken   til
UNTILuntil 直到
 I didn’t have a boyfriend till I was 17.
 The shop’s open till nine o'clock on Fridays.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Trade
till2 /tɪl/ noun [countableC]   til
1. British EnglishBrEBBT a machine used in shops, restaurants etc for calculating the amount you have to pay, and for storing the money 〔商店、餐馆等的〕现金出纳机 SYN American English cash register
2 in the till American EnglishAmE money in the till is money that a company or organization has 〔公司或组织的钱〕储备的
 You keep as much money as you need in the till to run your operations.
Examples from the Corpus
3 have your hands/fingers in the till to steal money from the place where you work 偷本单位的钱;监守自盗
be caught with your hands/fingers in the till (=to be caught stealing from your employer) 偷本单位的钱时当场被抓住
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Crops
till3 verb [transitiveT]  
TACto prepare land for growing crops 耕〔地〕,犁 〔地〕 SYN cultivate
till the soil/land/fields etc 耕地
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
tilltill /tɪl, tl/ noun [countableC]COMMERCE
a machine used in shops, restaurants etc for calculating the amount you have to pay, and for storing the moneySYN CASH REGISTER
Two armed men ordered the assistant to open the till.
There were queues at the till.
Origin till2
(1400-1500) Anglo-French tylle
Old English tilian




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