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词汇 tie


Word family adjectivetiedtielessnountiertiebacktiebreakertie-dyetie-intiepintietacverbtie
tie1 /taɪ/ ●●● S2 W3 verb (tied, tying, ties)  
1 string/rope 线/绳索
a) [transitiveT]FASTEN/DO UP to fasten things together or hold them in a particular position using a piece of string, rope etc 〔用线、绳索等〕系,扎,拴,捆 OPP untie
tie something to/behind/onto etc something
 Tie this label to your suitcase.
tie somebody to something
 They tied him to a tree and beat him up.
tie something together (with something)
 I kept all his letters tied together with a ribbon.
我用丝带把他所有的信捆扎在一 起。
tie somebody’s hands/arms/legs/feet
 One of them tied her hands behind her back.
 I tie my hair back when I’m jogging.
b) [transitiveT]FASTEN/DO UP to fasten something around, over etc something else and tie the ends together 系起来 OPP untie
tie something around/over/under etc something
 He had only a towel tied around his waist.
 She tied a scarf over her head.
c) [transitiveT]TIE to make a knot in a piece of string, rope etc, for example to fasten shoes or other clothes 把〔线、绳索等〕打结,系上
 Can you tie your shoelaces by yourself?
tie a knot/bow
 She pulled the ribbon tightly and tied a bow.
d) [intransitiveI]TIE if a piece of clothing ties in a particular place, you fasten it there using a belt, bow etc 系,系牢
 This dress ties at the back.
5 see picture at 见图 fasten
2 game/competition 比赛/竞赛 [intransitiveI] (also be tied)EQUAL if two players, teams etc tie or are tied in a game or competition, they finish it with an equal number of points 〔在比赛或竞赛中双方〕得分相同,打成平局
tie with
 At the end of the season, we were tied with the Tigers.
tie for first/second etc place
 Woosnam and Lyle tied for fourth place on 264.
3 be tied to something to be related to something and dependent on it 和某物联系在一起;依附于某物
 The flat is tied to the job.
 Interest rates are tied to the rate of inflation.
Examples from the Corpus
4 be tied to/by something to be restricted by a particular situation, job etc, so that you cannot do exactly what you want 被某事物束缚[约束,限制]
 Many women felt tied to the house.
be tied to doing something
 I didn’t want to be tied to commuting to London.
 With children, you’re tied by school holidays.
Examples from the Corpus
5. tie the knot informalMARRY to get married 结婚
Examples from the Corpus
6. tie yourself (up) in knots informalCONFUSED to become very upset because you are confused, nervous, or worried 困惑,烦恼
Examples from the Corpus
7. tie one on American EnglishAmE informalDRUNK to get drunk 喝醉
Examples from the Corpus
8tie somebody down phrasal verbphr v PREVENTto restrict someone’s freedom to do what they want to do 束缚,牵制〔某人〕
 She didn’t want to be tied down by a full-time job.
 Are you ready to be tied down to a wife and children?
Examples from the Corpus
9tie in with something phrasal verbphr v 
a) TIME/AT THE SAME TIMEto be similar to another idea, statement etc, so that they seem to be true 一致,与相符 SYN match
 Her description tied in with that of the other witness.
b) (also be tied in with something) to be related in some way to something else 有联系,有关联
 How does all this tie in with their long-term aims?
c) TIME/AT THE SAME TIMEto happen at the same time as something else 同时发生
 The book was published to tie in with the TV series.
Examples from the Corpus
10tie up phrasal verbphr v 
a) person tie somebody ↔ upTIE to tie someone’s arms, legs etc so that they cannot move 把某人捆绑起来 SYN bind
 The intruders tied Kurt up and left him.
b) object 物体 tie something ↔ upTIE to fasten something together, using string, rope etc 把某物捆绑起来
 He tied up all the old newspapers.
c) busy 忙碌的 be tied upBUSY/NOT AVAILABLE to be very busy, so that you cannot do anything else 忙得脱不开身
 I can’t see you tomorrow – I’ll be tied up all day.
d) traffic/phone/court etc 交通/电话/法庭等 tie something ↔ upTTC especially American EnglishAmE to block a system or use it so much that other people cannot use it or it does not work effectively 使堵塞;使〔系统〕瘫痪 tie-up
 Don’t tie up the phone lines making personal calls.
 Protesters tied up the traffic for three hours today.
e) money be tied upMONEY if your money is tied up in something, it is all being used for that thing and is not available for anything else 被套住,不能动用
be tied up in
 My money’s all tied up in the house.
f) arrangements 安排 tie something ↔ upFINISH DOING something to finish arranging all the details of something such as an agreement or a plan 订妥〔协议或计划〕;安排好某事 SYN finalize
 We’d better tie up the details with a solicitor.
g) be tied up with somethingCONNECTED WITH to be very closely related to something 与某事物有密切联系 SYN be linked to
 The shortage of teachers is tied up with the issue of pay.
h) tie up loose endsFINISH DOING something to do the things that are necessary in order to finish a piece of work 做收尾的工作
 I need to tie up a few loose ends before I go on vacation.
i) animal 动物 tie something ↔ up to tie an animal to something with a rope, chain etc 拴起来 SYN tether
tie something ↔ up to
 She left the dog tied up to a tree.
j) boatTTW to tie a boat to something with a rope, chain etc 系泊 SYN moor
 We tied up alongside a barge.
tie something ↔ up
 There was a boat tied up at the jetty.
Examples from the Corpus
somebody’s hands are tied at hand1(43)
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Sport
tie2 ●●● S3 W3 noun [countableC]  
1 neck_tie.jpg men’s clothes 男装 a long narrow piece of cloth tied in a knot around the neck, worn by men 领带
 I wear a shirt and tie at work.
black-tie, bow tie
2 connection/relationship 联系/关系PGRELATIONSHIP [usually plural] a strong relationship between people, groups, or countries 〔人、团体或国家之间的〕关系,联系
close/strong ties
 the importance of strong family ties
tie between/with
 close ties between the two countries
economic/diplomatic/personal etc ties
 Japan’s strong economic ties with Taiwan
the ties of marriage/friendship/love etc 婚姻/友谊/爱等的纽带
old school tie
3 result 结果 [usually singular]DS the result of a game, competition, or election when two or more people or teams get the same number of points, votes etc 〔比赛、竞赛或选举中〕分数相同,票数相同,平局,平手 SYN British English draw
 The match ended in a tie.
4. for closing STH 用来捆扎某物FASTEN/DO UP a piece of string, wire etc used to fasten or close something such as a bag 绳子,带子
5 game 体育比赛 British EnglishBrEDS one game, especially of football, that is part of a larger competition 〔尤指足球比赛的〕淘汰赛
tie against
 England’s World Cup tie against Argentina
first round/second round etc tie 第一/第二轮等淘汰赛
home/away tie 主场/客场淘汰赛
6 prevent you from doing STH 阻止做某事PREVENT something that means you must stay in one place, job etc or prevents you from being free to do what you want 束缚,羁绊;牵累,累赘
 If you enjoy travelling, young children can be a tie.
7. railway 铁路 American EnglishAmETTR a heavy piece of wood or metal supporting a railway track 轨枕,枕木 SYN British English sleeper
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: a strong relationship between people, groups, or countries
close/strong ties
He had developed close ties with many Republican governors.
family/blood ties
Family ties have been weakened by older people living apart from their children.
personal ties
Strong personal ties connect her to the area.
emotional ties
He was a loner who failed to develop emotional ties with other people.
economic ties
Japan and South Korea have close economic ties.
diplomatic ties
the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries
social ties
Besides marriage, other social ties drew people together.
ties of marriage/friendship/blood etc
The ties of friendship that unite the two countries.
maintain/develop ties
The U.S. is committed to maintaining close ties with Europe.
establish ties
Israel established full diplomatic ties with the Vatican in 1994.
cut/sever ties
He said that he planned to sever his ties with the club.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
tietie /taɪ/ verb (past tensepst and past participlepp tied, present participle tying)
tie up
tie up with somebody/something
Origin tie1
Old English tigan




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