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词汇 thing


Word family nounthingamythinghoodthinginessthingnessthingadjectivethingy
thing /θɪŋ/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  
1 idea/action/feeling/fact 想法/行动/感觉/事实 [countableC]THING an idea, action, feeling, or fact that someone thinks, does, says, or talks about, or that happens 事情;行动;想法;话语
 People say things they don’t mean when they are angry.
 It was a horrible thing to happen.
 I plan to do all the things I’ve been meaning to do for ages.
 The first thing to do is to give them food and shelter.
 That’s a terrible thing to say.
do the right/decent/honourable etc thing
 I kept wondering if I was doing the right thing.
this/that/what sort of thing
 A priest has to arrange funerals, marriages, that sort of thing.
 Getting more American ideas into British business would be a good thing.
 ‘I did no such thing, ’ he protested.
 I know a thing or two (=a lot) about dogs.
 In a democracy, it is no bad thing to be able to compromise (=it is good, even though it may not seem good).
2 object 物体 [countableC]THING an object that you are talking about without saying its name, or whose name you do not know 东西,物
 What’s that red thing?
 I’ll just switch this thing off.
 There was a round metal thing on the path.
... and things (=and other similar things) 类似的东西
 The shed is where we keep our tools and things.
3 CLOTHES/POSSESSIONS 衣服/所有物things [plural] especially British EnglishBrECLOTHES clothes and possessions 东西〔指衣服等所有物〕 SYN American English stuff
somebody’s things
 Jim began to unpack his things.
 I want to sell some of my things, but they aren’t worth much.
4 EQUIPMENT 设备things [plural] especially British EnglishBrEEQUIPMENT the tools, equipment, clothes etc that you need for a particular job, sport etc 〔某一工作、体育活动等所需的〕东西,用品,设备,物件 SYN American English stuff
somebody’s writing/school/Christmas etc things
 I left my swimming things at home.
 the shed where he kept his gardening things
5 SITUATION 情况things [plural]SITUATION life in general and the way it is affecting people 情况,形势
 By the end of 1942, things were starting to change.
 Things could be worse.
 As things turned out, we didn’t have much time.
 How are things with you, Sarah?
make things easy/difficult/hard
 She would get angry quickly, which made things difficult for me.
 We can’t change the way things are.
Examples from the Corpus
6 nothing 没有任何事情NONE/NOTHING [singular, uncountableU] used as part of a negative statement to mean ‘anything’ 任何东西;任何事〔用于否定句〕
not a thing
 I couldn’t find a thing that I wanted to buy.
 He took his glasses off and couldn’t see a thing.
 Don’t worry about a thing.
 There’s no such thing as ghosts (=they do not exist).
7 person/animal/动物 [countableC]TALK TO somebody used to talk to or about a person or animal, when you are describing what they are like or showing sympathy for them 家伙,东西〔用于形容人、动物或对其表示同情〕
 The baby is a nice little thing when he’s not screaming.
 She was terribly upset, poor thing.
8 make a comment 评价 [countableC usually singular] used to say something about a particular part of a situation, person etc 〔某一情况、某个人等的〕特点
thing about
 The thing about teaching is that it takes more time to prepare than most people realize.
the funny/strange/best etc thing
 The funny thing is, I really enjoyed it, even though I hadn’t expected to.
 It’s a good thing you saw her before she saw you.
9 the thing is EXPLAIN spoken used when you are going to explain something, give the reason for something, or give an opinion 问题是;原因是
 ‘It sounds like a good idea. Why don’t you invest?’ ‘Well, the thing is, I can’t afford to.’
the thing is that
 The thing is that you can’t always judge your own work.
Examples from the Corpus
10 the last thing somebody wants/expects/needs etc XXsomething that someone does not want, expect etc at all 某人根本不想要/指望/需要等的事
 The last thing I want is to upset him.
 The last thing I should have done was let her move into my house.
Examples from the Corpus
11 last thing END British EnglishBrE at the end of a day, afternoon, evening etc 〔一天、下午、晚上等做的〕最后一件事情
 She likes a hot bath last thing at night.
Examples from the Corpus
12 first thing BEGINNINGat the beginning of a day, morning, afternoon etc 〔一天、上午、下午等的〕第一件事,最开始
 Jean liked to go for a swim first thing in the morning.
Examples from the Corpus
13 among other things AND/ALSOused when you are giving one fact, reason, effect etc but want to suggest that there are many others 〔除了已陈述的事实、原因外〕还有许多其他的
 The substance is used in the manufacture of cosmetics and drugs, among other things.
Examples from the Corpus
14 for one thing EXAMPLEused to give one reason for something 其中一个原因是
 Well, for one thing, it’s too big.
 He’s not that wonderful. He’s bad-tempered for one thing.
Examples from the Corpus
15 be a thing of the past EXISTto no longer exist or happen 成为过去,成为历史
 Before AIDS, many health care experts believed that large-scale infectious diseases were a thing of the past.
Examples from the Corpus
16 it’s a good thing (that) LUCKY spoken used to say that it is lucky or good that something has happened 幸亏,幸好
 It’s a good thing we brought some food with us.
Examples from the Corpus
17 something is just one of those things AVOIDused to say that something unpleasant or unlucky cannot be prevented 这是没办法的事,这是不可避免的事
 It wasn’t really the driver’s fault; it was just one of those things.
18 the thing about/with somebody/something PROBLEMused to say what the problem with someone or something is 某人/某事物的问题是
 The thing about talk shows is that you never know how they will turn out.
Examples from the Corpus
19 all (other) things being equal used to say that something is true in general, but that other things may cause the situation to change 其他都一样,只是
 All things being equal, smaller animals need smaller brains.
Examples from the Corpus
20 just the thing/the very thing NEEDexactly the thing that you want or that is necessary 正是想要的东西;正是需要的东西
 A holiday is probably just the thing for you.
21 of all things SURPRISEDused to show that you are surprised or shocked by something that someone has done or said 偏偏,真没想到
 She gave up a promising career as a stockbroker to become a weaver, of all things.
Examples from the Corpus
22 do your own thing informalFREE TO DO WHAT YOU WANT to do something in the way that you like instead of copying other people or following strict rules 按照自己的方式做事,走自己的路
 I just want to live my own life and do my own thing.
Examples from the Corpus
23 it’s a girl/football/music etc thing informal used to say that something involves or affects a particular group of people only 是女孩子/关于足球/关于音乐等的事
 Computer games aren’t just a guy thing.
24 all things considered THINK ABOUTwhen you consider all the parts or events of a situation 所有情况考虑进来,综合考虑起来
 All things considered, we had surprisingly few injuries.
Examples from the Corpus
25 be all things to all men/people LIKE somebody OR somethingto try to please or be useful to all of many different groups, often without succeeding 力图讨好所有人〔往往都未能达到目的〕
 In order to get votes, he tries to be all things to all men.
Examples from the Corpus
26 be onto a good thing informalPROFIT if you are onto a good thing, you are in a situation that is very helpful, comfortable, or profitable for you 处境不错;过得舒服
think/know you are onto a good thing
 Directors who take dividends instead of salary may think they are onto a good thing but could have problems on retirement.
Examples from the Corpus
27 make a big thing of/about/out of something EXAGGERATEto make something seem more important than it really is 对某事小题大做,对某事大惊小怪
 You can apologise without making a big thing out of it.
Examples from the Corpus
28 the done thing British EnglishBrE old-fashioned informalRULE/REGULATION the way of behaving or doing something that is socially acceptable 符合社会习俗的事情
 It is not the done thing for teachers to hit children.
Examples from the Corpus
29 it’s one thing to ..., (it’s) another thing to ..., (it’s) another thing to ..., it’s one thing to ... DIFFERENTused to say that doing one thing is very different from doing another thing, especially where the second thing is more difficult, important, or serious 是一回事,则是另一回事
 It’s one thing being able to run fast, but quite another to win a marathon.
30 what with one thing and another BUSY/HAVE A LOT TO DO British EnglishBrE spoken used to explain that you have had a lot of work, problems, or jobs that you had to do 忙了这个又要忙那个,忙这忙那地
 I’ve been so busy these last few days, what with one thing and another.
31 have a thing about somebody/something informalDON'T LIKE to like or dislike someone or something very much, often without a good reason 〔常指莫名其妙地〕对某人/某事物非常喜欢[反感]
 She’s always had a thing about Peter.
Examples from the Corpus
32 one thing leads to another used to explain how a series of events caused something to happen without giving any details 事情一件接着一件发生〔用于解释一连串事件如何引起某事,但是不说明细节〕
 One thing led to another and, before I knew it, I had invited her family to stay.
Examples from the Corpus
33 the (latest) thing informalFASHIONABLE something that is popular or fashionable at the moment 时下流行的东西
 When Amelia bought a new car it had to be the latest thing.
Examples from the Corpus
34 (do/try) the ... thing American EnglishAmE spokenTHING used to talk about an activity and everything that is involved with it (做)方面的事
 Jody tried the college thing but finally dropped out.
Examples from the Corpus
35 there's only one thing for it British EnglishBrE spoken used to say that there is only one action that you can take 只有一个办法
 There’s only one thing for it. We’ll have to call the police.
36. one (damn/damned) thing after another SERIOUS SITUATIONused to say that a lot of unpleasant or unlucky things keep happening to you 倒霉事一桩接一桩
Examples from the Corpus
37. taking one thing with another British EnglishBrEIN GENERAL considering all the facts 综合考虑
38. do things to somebody to have a strong effect on someone 使某人十分激动;震撼某人
Examples from the Corpus
amount/come to the same thing at same1(4), → the best thing since sliced bread at sliced bread(2), → first things first at first1(7), → living things at living1(1), → be hearing things at hear(10), → be seeing things at see1(27)
things go well/badly etc
If things went well, we would double our money in five years.
How did things go?
things change
Things have changed dramatically over the last few years.
things improve
Things appear to be improving.
things get worse
As the recession proceeds, things will get worse.
make things worse/easier/difficult
Measures to slow down traffic on the main street have actually made things worse.
as things stand (=at present)
As things stand at the moment, I have no intention of becoming a candidate myself.
as things turned out (=used to say what happened or was discovered in the end)
Obviously, there had to be some mistake. As things turned out, there was.
the way things are (=the present situation)
I’m not at all dissatisfied with the way things are at the moment.
thing used when you do not need to say the name, or when you do not know the name 东西〔用于不必说出名称或不知其名时〕
What’s that thing on the kitchen table?
Have you got all your things?
something a thing – used when you are not sure what the thing is 某物〔用于不确定为何物时〕
There’s something on your shirt.
object especially written a solid thing 物体
a sharp metal object
item formal a particular kind of thing, or one of a group of things 〔某一种类或一组之中的一件〕物品
household items
a luxury item
an item of equipment
The items included pieces of old pottery.
nYou are not allowed to take sharp items onto the plane.
article formal a particular kind of thing, or one of a group of things. Article is very formal, and is used especially in the phrase an article of clothing 物件〔该词很正式,尤用于短语an article of clothing
They found several articles of clothing in the bushes.
suspicious articles
nEach article has a card with it giving more information.
artifact (also artefact) formal an object that someone has made, especially one that is very old and has historical value 人工制品,〔尤指旧的、有历史意义的〕手工艺品
The museum has a collection of early Roman artifacts.
thingy (also thingamajig/thingamabob) spoken informal a thing – used especially when you cannot remember the name of the thing, but often the other person knows what you are talking about 那东西〔尤在说话人记不住名称但对方知其为何物时使用〕
Can you pass me the thingy?
Examples from the Corpus
Origin thing
Old English meeting, council, thing





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